blob: e5aa9c741dc6dffded8fabaabac3ae77d07ac56a [file] [log] [blame]
Git module Status class submodule
import re
from repoman._portage import portage
from portage import os
from repoman._subprocess import repoman_popen, repoman_getstatusoutput
class Status(object):
'''Performs status checks on the git repository'''
def __init__(self, qatracker, eadded):
'''Class init
@param qatracker: QATracker class instance
@param eadded: list
self.qatracker = qatracker
self.eadded = eadded
def check(self, checkdir, checkdir_relative, xpkg):
'''Perform the git status check
@param checkdir: string of the directory being checked
@param checkdir_relative: string of the relative directory being checked
@param xpkg: string of the package being checked
@returns: boolean
with repoman_popen(
"git ls-files --others %s" %
(portage._shell_quote(checkdir_relative),)) as myf:
for l in myf:
if l[:-1][-7:] == ".ebuild":
os.path.join(xpkg, os.path.basename(l[:-1])))
return True
def detect_conflicts(options):
'''Are there any merge conflicts present in the VCS tracking system
@param options: command line options
@returns: Boolean
return False
def supports_gpg_sign():
'''Does this vcs system support gpg commit signatures
@returns: Boolean
status, cmd_output = \
repoman_getstatusoutput("git --version")
cmd_output = cmd_output.split()
if cmd_output:
version = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', cmd_output[-1])
if version is not None:
version = [int(x) for x in version.groups()]
if version[0] > 1 or \
(version[0] == 1 and version[1] > 7) or \
(version[0] == 1 and version[1] == 7 and version[2] >= 9):
return True
return False
def isVcsDir(dirname):
'''Does the directory belong to the vcs system
@param dirname: string, directory name
@returns: Boolean
return dirname in [".git"]