blob: 78466278a1b6e259bdca3921d9d5c721988bf2e5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 1998-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from __future__ import division
__docformat__ = "epytext"
import errno
import io
import formatter
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import portage
from portage import os
from portage import _encodings
from portage import _unicode_encode
from portage import _unicode_decode
from portage.const import COLOR_MAP_FILE
from portage.exception import CommandNotFound, FileNotFound, \
ParseError, PermissionDenied, PortageException
from portage.localization import _
havecolor = 1
dotitles = 1
_styles = {}
"""Maps style class to tuple of attribute names."""
codes = {}
"""Maps attribute name to ansi code."""
esc_seq = "\x1b["
codes["normal"] = esc_seq + "0m"
codes["reset"] = esc_seq + "39;49;00m"
codes["bold"] = esc_seq + "01m"
codes["faint"] = esc_seq + "02m"
codes["standout"] = esc_seq + "03m"
codes["underline"] = esc_seq + "04m"
codes["blink"] = esc_seq + "05m"
codes["overline"] = esc_seq + "06m"
codes["reverse"] = esc_seq + "07m"
codes["invisible"] = esc_seq + "08m"
codes["no-attr"] = esc_seq + "22m"
codes["no-standout"] = esc_seq + "23m"
codes["no-underline"] = esc_seq + "24m"
codes["no-blink"] = esc_seq + "25m"
codes["no-overline"] = esc_seq + "26m"
codes["no-reverse"] = esc_seq + "27m"
codes["bg_black"] = esc_seq + "40m"
codes["bg_darkred"] = esc_seq + "41m"
codes["bg_darkgreen"] = esc_seq + "42m"
codes["bg_brown"] = esc_seq + "43m"
codes["bg_darkblue"] = esc_seq + "44m"
codes["bg_purple"] = esc_seq + "45m"
codes["bg_teal"] = esc_seq + "46m"
codes["bg_lightgray"] = esc_seq + "47m"
codes["bg_default"] = esc_seq + "49m"
codes["bg_darkyellow"] = codes["bg_brown"]
def color(fg, bg="default", attr=["normal"]):
mystr = codes[fg]
for x in [bg]+attr:
mystr += codes[x]
return mystr
ansi_codes = []
for x in range(30, 38):
ansi_codes.append("%im" % x)
ansi_codes.append("%i;01m" % x)
rgb_ansi_colors = ['0x000000', '0x555555', '0xAA0000', '0xFF5555', '0x00AA00',
'0x55FF55', '0xAA5500', '0xFFFF55', '0x0000AA', '0x5555FF', '0xAA00AA',
'0xFF55FF', '0x00AAAA', '0x55FFFF', '0xAAAAAA', '0xFFFFFF']
for x in range(len(rgb_ansi_colors)):
codes[rgb_ansi_colors[x]] = esc_seq + ansi_codes[x]
del x
codes["black"] = codes["0x000000"]
codes["darkgray"] = codes["0x555555"]
codes["red"] = codes["0xFF5555"]
codes["darkred"] = codes["0xAA0000"]
codes["green"] = codes["0x55FF55"]
codes["darkgreen"] = codes["0x00AA00"]
codes["yellow"] = codes["0xFFFF55"]
codes["brown"] = codes["0xAA5500"]
codes["blue"] = codes["0x5555FF"]
codes["darkblue"] = codes["0x0000AA"]
codes["fuchsia"] = codes["0xFF55FF"]
codes["purple"] = codes["0xAA00AA"]
codes["turquoise"] = codes["0x55FFFF"]
codes["teal"] = codes["0x00AAAA"]
codes["white"] = codes["0xFFFFFF"]
codes["lightgray"] = codes["0xAAAAAA"]
codes["darkteal"] = codes["turquoise"]
# Some terminals have darkyellow instead of brown.
codes["0xAAAA00"] = codes["brown"]
codes["darkyellow"] = codes["0xAAAA00"]
# Colors from /etc/init.d/
_styles["NORMAL"] = ( "normal", )
_styles["GOOD"] = ( "green", )
_styles["WARN"] = ( "yellow", )
_styles["BAD"] = ( "red", )
_styles["HILITE"] = ( "teal", )
_styles["BRACKET"] = ( "blue", )
# Portage functions
_styles["INFORM"] = ( "darkgreen", )
_styles["UNMERGE_WARN"] = ( "red", )
_styles["SECURITY_WARN"] = ( "red", )
_styles["MERGE_LIST_PROGRESS"] = ( "yellow", )
_styles["PKG_BLOCKER"] = ( "red", )
_styles["PKG_BLOCKER_SATISFIED"] = ( "darkblue", )
_styles["PKG_MERGE"] = ( "darkgreen", )
_styles["PKG_MERGE_SYSTEM"] = ( "darkgreen", )
_styles["PKG_MERGE_WORLD"] = ( "green", )
_styles["PKG_BINARY_MERGE"] = ( "purple", )
_styles["PKG_BINARY_MERGE_SYSTEM"] = ( "purple", )
_styles["PKG_BINARY_MERGE_WORLD"] = ( "fuchsia", )
_styles["PKG_UNINSTALL"] = ( "red", )
_styles["PKG_NOMERGE"] = ( "darkblue", )
_styles["PKG_NOMERGE_SYSTEM"] = ( "darkblue", )
_styles["PKG_NOMERGE_WORLD"] = ( "blue", )
_styles["PROMPT_CHOICE_DEFAULT"] = ( "green", )
_styles["PROMPT_CHOICE_OTHER"] = ( "red", )
def _parse_color_map(config_root='/', onerror=None):
Parse /etc/portage/ and return a dict of error codes.
@param onerror: an optional callback to handle any ParseError that would
otherwise be raised
@type onerror: callable
@rtype: dict
@return: a dictionary mapping color classes to color codes
global codes, _styles
myfile = os.path.join(config_root, COLOR_MAP_FILE)
ansi_code_pattern = re.compile("^[0-9;]*m$")
quotes = '\'"'
def strip_quotes(token):
if token[0] in quotes and token[0] == token[-1]:
token = token[1:-1]
return token
encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
mode='r', encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
commenter_pos = line.find("#")
line = line[:commenter_pos].strip()
if len(line) == 0:
split_line = line.split("=")
if len(split_line) != 2:
e = ParseError(_("'%s', line %s: expected exactly one occurrence of '=' operator") % \
(myfile, lineno))
raise e
if onerror:
raise e
k = strip_quotes(split_line[0].strip())
v = strip_quotes(split_line[1].strip())
if not k in _styles and not k in codes:
e = ParseError(_("'%s', line %s: Unknown variable: '%s'") % \
(myfile, lineno, k))
if onerror:
raise e
if ansi_code_pattern.match(v):
if k in _styles:
_styles[k] = ( esc_seq + v, )
elif k in codes:
codes[k] = esc_seq + v
code_list = []
for x in v.split():
if x in codes:
if k in _styles:
elif k in codes:
e = ParseError(_("'%s', line %s: Undefined: '%s'") % \
(myfile, lineno, x))
if onerror:
raise e
if k in _styles:
_styles[k] = tuple(code_list)
elif k in codes:
codes[k] = "".join(code_list)
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise FileNotFound(myfile)
elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
raise PermissionDenied(myfile)
def nc_len(mystr):
tmp = re.sub(esc_seq + "^m]+m", "", mystr);
return len(tmp)
_legal_terms_re = re.compile(r'^(xterm|xterm-color|Eterm|aterm|rxvt|screen|kterm|rxvt-unicode|gnome|interix)')
_disable_xtermTitle = None
_max_xtermTitle_len = 253
def xtermTitle(mystr, raw=False):
global _disable_xtermTitle
if _disable_xtermTitle is None:
_disable_xtermTitle = not (sys.__stderr__.isatty() and \
'TERM' in os.environ and \
_legal_terms_re.match(os.environ['TERM']) is not None)
if dotitles and not _disable_xtermTitle:
# If the title string is too big then the terminal can
# misbehave. Therefore, truncate it if it's too big.
if len(mystr) > _max_xtermTitle_len:
mystr = mystr[:_max_xtermTitle_len]
if not raw:
mystr = '\x1b]0;%s\x07' % mystr
# avoid potential UnicodeEncodeError
mystr = _unicode_encode(mystr,
encoding=_encodings['stdio'], errors='backslashreplace')
f = sys.stderr
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
f = f.buffer
default_xterm_title = None
def xtermTitleReset():
global default_xterm_title
if default_xterm_title is None:
prompt_command = os.environ.get('PROMPT_COMMAND')
if prompt_command == "":
default_xterm_title = ""
elif prompt_command is not None:
if dotitles and \
'TERM' in os.environ and \
_legal_terms_re.match(os.environ['TERM']) is not None and \
from portage.process import find_binary, spawn
shell = os.environ.get("SHELL")
if not shell or not os.access(shell, os.EX_OK):
shell = find_binary("sh")
if shell:
spawn([shell, "-c", prompt_command], env=os.environ,
0: portage._get_stdin().fileno(),
1: sys.__stderr__.fileno(),
2: sys.__stderr__.fileno()
pwd = os.environ.get('PWD','')
home = os.environ.get('HOME', '')
if home != '' and pwd.startswith(home):
pwd = '~' + pwd[len(home):]
default_xterm_title = '\x1b]0;%s@%s:%s\x07' % (
os.environ.get('LOGNAME', ''),
os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', '').split('.', 1)[0], pwd)
xtermTitle(default_xterm_title, raw=True)
def notitles():
"turn off title setting"
dotitles = 0
def nocolor():
"turn off colorization"
global havecolor
havecolor = 0
def resetColor():
return codes["reset"]
def style_to_ansi_code(style):
@param style: A style name
@type style: String
@rtype: String
@return: A string containing one or more ansi escape codes that are
used to render the given style.
ret = ""
for attr_name in _styles[style]:
# allow stuff that has found it's way through ansi_code_pattern
ret += codes.get(attr_name, attr_name)
return ret
def colormap():
mycolors = []
for c in ("GOOD", "WARN", "BAD", "HILITE", "BRACKET", "NORMAL"):
mycolors.append("%s=$'%s'" % (c, style_to_ansi_code(c)))
return "\n".join(mycolors)
def colorize(color_key, text):
global havecolor
if havecolor:
if color_key in codes:
return codes[color_key] + text + codes["reset"]
elif color_key in _styles:
return style_to_ansi_code(color_key) + text + codes["reset"]
return text
return text
compat_functions_colors = [
"bold", "white", "teal", "turquoise", "darkteal",
"fuchsia", "purple", "blue", "darkblue", "green", "darkgreen", "yellow",
"brown", "darkyellow", "red", "darkred",
class create_color_func(object):
__slots__ = ("_color_key",)
def __init__(self, color_key):
self._color_key = color_key
def __call__(self, text):
return colorize(self._color_key, text)
for c in compat_functions_colors:
globals()[c] = create_color_func(c)
class ConsoleStyleFile(object):
A file-like object that behaves something like
the colorize() function. Style identifiers
passed in via the new_styles() method will be used to
apply console codes to output.
def __init__(self, f):
self._file = f
self._styles = None
self.write_listener = None
def new_styles(self, styles):
self._styles = styles
def write(self, s):
# In python-2.6, DumbWriter.send_line_break() can write
# non-unicode '\n' which fails with TypeError if self._file
# is a text stream such as io.StringIO. Therefore, make sure
# input is converted to unicode when necessary.
s = _unicode_decode(s)
global havecolor
if havecolor and self._styles:
styled_s = []
for style in self._styles:
self._write(self._file, "".join(styled_s))
self._write(self._file, s)
if self.write_listener:
self._write(self.write_listener, s)
def _write(self, f, s):
# avoid potential UnicodeEncodeError
if f in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr):
s = _unicode_encode(s,
encoding=_encodings['stdio'], errors='backslashreplace')
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
f = f.buffer
def writelines(self, lines):
for s in lines:
def flush(self):
def close(self):
class StyleWriter(formatter.DumbWriter):
This is just a DumbWriter with a hook in the new_styles() method
that passes a styles tuple as a single argument to a callable
style_listener attribute.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
formatter.DumbWriter.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.style_listener = None
def new_styles(self, styles):
formatter.DumbWriter.new_styles(self, styles)
if self.style_listener:
def get_term_size(fd=None):
Get the number of lines and columns of the tty that is connected to
fd. Returns a tuple of (lines, columns) or (0, 0) if an error
occurs. The curses module is used if available, otherwise the output of
`stty size` is parsed. The lines and columns values are guaranteed to be
greater than or equal to zero, since a negative COLUMNS variable is
known to prevent some commands from working (see bug #394091).
if fd is None:
fd = sys.stdout
if not hasattr(fd, 'isatty') or not fd.isatty():
return (0, 0)
import curses
curses.setupterm(term=os.environ.get("TERM", "unknown"),
return curses.tigetnum('lines'), curses.tigetnum('cols')
except curses.error:
except ImportError:
proc = subprocess.Popen(["stty", "size"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=fd)
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# stty command not found
return (0, 0)
out = _unicode_decode(proc.communicate()[0])
if proc.wait() == os.EX_OK:
out = out.split()
if len(out) == 2:
val = (int(out[0]), int(out[1]))
except ValueError:
if val[0] >= 0 and val[1] >= 0:
return val
return (0, 0)
def set_term_size(lines, columns, fd):
Set the number of lines and columns for the tty that is connected to fd.
For portability, this simply calls `stty rows $lines columns $columns`.
from portage.process import spawn
cmd = ["stty", "rows", str(lines), "columns", str(columns)]
spawn(cmd, env=os.environ, fd_pipes={0:fd})
except CommandNotFound:
writemsg(_("portage: stty: command not found\n"), noiselevel=-1)
class EOutput(object):
Performs fancy terminal formatting for status and informational messages.
The provided methods produce identical terminal output to the eponymous
functions in the shell script C{/sbin/} and also accept
identical parameters.
This is not currently a drop-in replacement however, as the output-related
functions in C{/sbin/} are oriented for use mainly by system
init scripts and ebuilds and their output can be customized via certain
C{RC_*} environment variables (see C{/etc/conf.d/rc}). B{EOutput} is not
customizable in this manner since it's intended for more general uses.
Likewise, no logging is provided.
@ivar quiet: Specifies if output should be silenced.
@type quiet: BooleanType
@ivar term_columns: Width of terminal in characters. Defaults to the value
specified by the shell's C{COLUMNS} variable, else to the queried tty
size, else to C{80}.
@type term_columns: IntType
def __init__(self, quiet=False):
self.__last_e_cmd = ""
self.__last_e_len = 0
self.quiet = quiet
lines, columns = get_term_size()
if columns <= 0:
columns = 80
self.term_columns = columns
def _write(self, f, s):
# avoid potential UnicodeEncodeError
writemsg(s, noiselevel=-1, fd=f)
def __eend(self, caller, errno, msg):
if errno == 0:
status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("GOOD", "ok") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]")
status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("BAD", "!!") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]")
if msg:
if caller == "eend":
elif caller == "ewend":
if self.__last_e_cmd != "ebegin":
self.__last_e_len = 0
if not self.quiet:
out = sys.stdout
"%*s%s\n" % ((self.term_columns - self.__last_e_len - 7),
"", status_brackets))
def ebegin(self, msg):
Shows a message indicating the start of a process.
@param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) description of the
starting process.
@type msg: StringType
msg += " ..."
if not self.quiet:
self.__last_e_len = len(msg) + 3
self.__last_e_cmd = "ebegin"
def eend(self, errno, *msg):
Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message
via L{eerror} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}.
@param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon
@type errno: IntType
@param msg: I{(optional)} An error message, typically a standard UNIX
error string corresponding to C{errno}.
@type msg: StringType
if not self.quiet:
self.__eend("eend", errno, msg)
self.__last_e_cmd = "eend"
def eerror(self, msg):
Shows an error message.
@param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) error message.
@type msg: StringType
out = sys.stderr
if not self.quiet:
if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin":
self._write(out, "\n")
self._write(out, colorize("BAD", " * ") + msg + "\n")
self.__last_e_cmd = "eerror"
def einfo(self, msg):
Shows an informative message terminated with a newline.
@param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message.
@type msg: StringType
out = sys.stdout
if not self.quiet:
if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin":
self._write(out, "\n")
self._write(out, colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg + "\n")
self.__last_e_cmd = "einfo"
def einfon(self, msg):
Shows an informative message terminated without a newline.
@param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message.
@type msg: StringType
out = sys.stdout
if not self.quiet:
if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin":
self._write(out, "\n")
self._write(out, colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg)
self.__last_e_cmd = "einfon"
def ewarn(self, msg):
Shows a warning message.
@param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) warning message.
@type msg: StringType
out = sys.stderr
if not self.quiet:
if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin":
self._write(out, "\n")
self._write(out, colorize("WARN", " * ") + msg + "\n")
self.__last_e_cmd = "ewarn"
def ewend(self, errno, *msg):
Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message
via L{ewarn} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}.
@param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon
@type errno: IntType
@param msg: I{(optional)} A warning message, typically a standard UNIX
error string corresponding to C{errno}.
@type msg: StringType
if not self.quiet:
self.__eend("ewend", errno, msg)
self.__last_e_cmd = "ewend"
class ProgressBar(object):
"""The interface is copied from the ProgressBar class from the EasyDialogs
module (which is Mac only)."""
def __init__(self, title=None, maxval=0, label=None, max_desc_length=25):
self._title = title or ""
self._maxval = maxval
self._label = label or ""
self._curval = 0
self._desc = ""
self._desc_max_length = max_desc_length
def curval(self):
The current value (of type integer or long integer) of the progress
bar. The normal access methods coerce curval between 0 and maxval. This
attribute should not be altered directly.
return self._curval
def maxval(self):
The maximum value (of type integer or long integer) of the progress
bar; the progress bar (thermometer style) is full when curval equals
maxval. If maxval is 0, the bar will be indeterminate (barber-pole).
This attribute should not be altered directly.
return self._maxval
def title(self, newstr):
"""Sets the text in the title bar of the progress dialog to newstr."""
self._title = newstr
def label(self, newstr):
"""Sets the text in the progress box of the progress dialog to newstr."""
self._label = newstr
def _set_desc(self):
self._desc = "%s%s" % (
"%s: " % self._title if self._title else "",
"%s" % self._label if self._label else ""
if len(self._desc) > self._desc_max_length: # truncate if too long
self._desc = "%s..." % self._desc[:self._desc_max_length - 3]
if len(self._desc):
self._desc = self._desc.ljust(self._desc_max_length)
def set(self, value, maxval=None):
Sets the progress bar's curval to value, and also maxval to max if the
latter is provided. value is first coerced between 0 and maxval. The
thermometer bar is updated to reflect the changes, including a change
from indeterminate to determinate or vice versa.
if maxval is not None:
self._maxval = maxval
if value < 0:
value = 0
elif value > self._maxval:
value = self._maxval
self._curval = value
def inc(self, n=1):
"""Increments the progress bar's curval by n, or by 1 if n is not
provided. (Note that n may be negative, in which case the effect is a
decrement.) The progress bar is updated to reflect the change. If the
bar is indeterminate, this causes one ``spin'' of the barber pole. The
resulting curval is coerced between 0 and maxval if incrementing causes
it to fall outside this range.
class TermProgressBar(ProgressBar):
"""A tty progress bar similar to wget's."""
def __init__(self, fd=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
ProgressBar.__init__(self, **kwargs)
lines, self.term_columns = get_term_size(fd)
self.file = fd
self._min_columns = 11
self._max_columns = 80
# for indeterminate mode, ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
self._position = 0.0
def set(self, value, maxval=None):
ProgressBar.set(self, value, maxval=maxval)
def _display_image(self, image):
def _create_image(self):
cols = self.term_columns
if cols > self._max_columns:
cols = self._max_columns
min_columns = self._min_columns
curval = self._curval
maxval = self._maxval
position = self._position
percentage_str_width = 5
square_brackets_width = 2
if cols < percentage_str_width:
return ""
bar_space = cols - percentage_str_width - square_brackets_width - 1
if self._desc:
bar_space -= self._desc_max_length
if maxval == 0:
max_bar_width = bar_space-3
_percent = "".ljust(percentage_str_width)
if cols < min_columns:
return ""
if position <= 0.5:
offset = 2 * position
offset = 2 * (1 - position)
delta = 0.5 / max_bar_width
position += delta
if position >= 1.0:
position = 0.0
# make sure it touches the ends
if 1.0 - position < delta:
position = 1.0
if position < 0.5 and 0.5 - position < delta:
position = 0.5
self._position = position
bar_width = int(offset * max_bar_width)
image = "%s%s%s" % (self._desc, _percent,
"[" + (bar_width * " ") + \
"<=>" + ((max_bar_width - bar_width) * " ") + "]")
return image
percentage = 100 * curval // maxval
max_bar_width = bar_space - 1
_percent = ("%d%% " % percentage).rjust(percentage_str_width)
image = "%s%s" % (self._desc, _percent)
if cols < min_columns:
return image
offset = curval / maxval
bar_width = int(offset * max_bar_width)
image = image + "[" + (bar_width * "=") + \
">" + ((max_bar_width - bar_width) * " ") + "]"
return image
_color_map_loaded = False
def _init(config_root='/'):
Load from the given config_root. This is called automatically
on first access of the codes or _styles attributes (unless it has already
been called for some other reason).
global _color_map_loaded, codes, _styles
if _color_map_loaded:
_color_map_loaded = True
codes = object.__getattribute__(codes, '_attr')
_styles = object.__getattribute__(_styles, '_attr')
for k, v in codes.items():
codes[k] = _unicode_decode(v)
for k, v in _styles.items():
_styles[k] = _unicode_decode(v)
onerror=lambda e: writemsg("%s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1))
except FileNotFound:
except PermissionDenied as e:
writemsg(_("Permission denied: '%s'\n") % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
del e
except PortageException as e:
writemsg("%s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
del e
class _LazyInitColorMap(portage.proxy.objectproxy.ObjectProxy):
__slots__ = ('_attr',)
def __init__(self, attr):
object.__setattr__(self, '_attr', attr)
def _get_target(self):
return object.__getattribute__(self, '_attr')
codes = _LazyInitColorMap(codes)
_styles = _LazyInitColorMap(_styles)