blob: 6603b42c88cbd0133f8a980534ad2b627a645f35 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Contains local system settings for Portage system
# Please review 'man make.conf' for more information.
# Build-time functionality
# ========================
# The USE variable is used to enable optional build-time functionality. For
# example, quite a few packages have optional X, gtk or GNOME functionality
# that can only be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Gentoo Linux has a
# very extensive set of USE variables described in our USE variable HOWTO at
# The available list of use flags with descriptions is in your portage tree.
# Use 'less' to view them: --> less /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc <--
# 'ufed' is an ncurses/dialog interface available in portage to make handling
# useflags for you. 'emerge app-portage/ufed'
# Example:
#USE="X gtk gnome -alsa"
# Host and optimization settings
# ==============================
# For optimal performance, enable a CFLAGS setting appropriate for your CPU.
# Please note that if you experience strange issues with a package, it may be
# due to gcc's optimizations interacting in a strange way. Please test the
# package (and in some cases the libraries it uses) at default optimizations
# before reporting errors to developers.
# If your gcc supports it, you can add -frecord-gcc-switches to all of the
# following *FLAGS in order to enable *FLAGS ignorance checking for ebuilds:
# Note that this check is only enabled if every one of these variables contains
# -frecord-gcc-switches, since otherwise the check could result in false
# positive results.
# Please refer to the GCC manual for a list of possible values.
#CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
# If you set a CFLAGS above, then this line will set your default C++ flags to
# the same settings.
# If you set a CFLAGS above, then this line will set your default FORTRAN 77
# flags to the same settings.
# If you set a FFLAGS above, then this line will set your default FORTRAN
# flags to the same settings for modern build systems
# Advanced Masking
# ================
# Gentoo is using a new masking system to allow for easier stability testing
# on packages. KEYWORDS are used in ebuilds to mask and unmask packages based
# on the platform they are set for. A special form has been added that
# indicates packages and revisions that are expected to work, but have not yet
# been approved for the stable set. '~arch' is a superset of 'arch' which
# includes the unstable, in testing, packages. Users of the 'x86' architecture
# would add '~x86' to ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to enable unstable/testing packages.
# '~ppc', '~sparc' are the unstable KEYWORDS for their respective platforms.
# Please note that this is not for development, alpha, beta, nor cvs release
# packages. "Broken" packages will not be added to testing and should not be
# requested to be added. Alternative routes are available to developers
# for experimental packages, and it is at their discretion to use them.
# ACCEPT_LICENSE is used to mask packages based on licensing restrictions.
# It may contain both license and group names, where group names are
# prefixed with the '@' symbol. License groups are defined in the
# license_groups file (see portage(5) man page). In addition to license
# and group names, the * and -* wildcard tokens are also supported.
# Accept any license except those in the EULA license group (default).
# Only accept licenses in the FREE license group (i.e. Free Software).
# Portage Directories
# ===================
# Each of these settings controls an aspect of portage's storage and file
# system usage. If you change any of these, be sure it is available when
# you try to use portage. *** DO NOT INCLUDE A TRAILING "/" ***
# PORTAGE_TMPDIR is the location portage will use for compilations and
# temporary storage of data. This can get VERY large depending upon
# the application being installed.
# PORTDIR is the location of the portage tree. This is the repository
# for all profile information as well as all ebuilds. If you change
# this, you must update your /etc/portage/make.profile symlink accordingly.
# ***Warning***
# Data stored inside PORTDIR is in peril of being overwritten or deleted by
# the emerge --sync command. The default value of PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS
# will protect the default locations of DISTDIR and PKGDIR, but users are
# warned that any other locations inside PORTDIR are not necessarily safe
# for data storage.
# DISTDIR is where all of the source code tarballs will be placed for
# emerges. After packages are built, it is safe to remove any and
# all files from this directory since they will be automatically
# fetched on demand for a given build. If you would like to
# selectively prune obsolete files from this directory, see
# eclean from the gentoolkit package. Note that locations under
# /usr/portage are not necessarily safe for data storage. See the
# PORTDIR documentation for more information.
# PKGDIR is the location of binary packages that you can have created
# with '--buildpkg' or '-b' while emerging a package. This can get
# up to several hundred megs, or even a few gigs. Note that
# locations under /usr/portage are not necessarily safe for data
# storage. See the PORTDIR documentation for more information.
# PORT_LOGDIR is the location where portage will store all the logs it
# creates from each individual merge. They are stored as
# ${CATEGORY}:${PF}:YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.log in the directory specified.
# If the directory does not exist, it will be created automatically and
# group permissions will be applied to it. If the directory already
# exists, portage will not modify it's permissions.
# PORTDIR_OVERLAY is a directory where local ebuilds may be stored without
# concern that they will be deleted by rsync updates. Default is not
# defined.
# Fetching files
# ==============
# If you need to set a proxy for wget or lukemftp, add the appropriate "export
# ftp_proxy=<proxy>" and "export http_proxy=<proxy>" lines to /etc/profile if
# all users on your system should use them.
# Portage uses wget by default. Here are some settings for some alternate
# downloaders -- note that you need to merge these programs first before they
# will be available. The command should be written to place the fetched file
# at \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}.
# Default fetch command (3 tries, passive ftp for firewall compatibility)
#FETCHCOMMAND="wget -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp -O \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""
#RESUMECOMMAND="wget -c -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp -O \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""
# Using wget, ratelimiting downloads
#FETCHCOMMAND="wget -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp --limit-rate=200k -O \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""
#RESUMECOMMAND="wget -c -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp --limit-rate=200k -O \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""
# Lukemftp (BSD ftp):
#FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -o \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""
#RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -R -o \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""
# Portage uses GENTOO_MIRRORS to specify mirrors to use for source retrieval.
# The list is a space separated list which is read left to right. If you use
# another mirror we highly recommend leaving the default mirror at the end of
# the list so that portage will fall back to it if the files cannot be found
# on your specified mirror. We _HIGHLY_ recommend that you change this setting
# to a nearby mirror by merging and using the 'mirrorselect' tool.
# Portage uses PORTAGE_BINHOST to specify mirrors for prebuilt-binary packages.
# The list is a single entry specifying the full address of the directory
# serving the tbz2's for your system. Running emerge with either '--getbinpkg'
# or '--getbinpkgonly' will cause portage to retrieve the metadata from all
# packages in the directory specified, and use that data to determine what will
# be downloaded and merged. '-g' or '-gK' are the recommend parameters. Please
# consult the man pages and 'emerge --help' for more information. For FTP, the
# default connection is passive -- If you require an active connection, affix
# an asterisk (*) to the end of the host:port string before the path.
# This ftp connection is passive ftp.
# This ftp connection is active ftp.
# Synchronizing Portage
# =====================
# Each of these settings affects how Gentoo synchronizes your Portage tree.
# Synchronization is handled by rsync and these settings allow some control
# over how it is done.
# SYNC is the server used by rsync to retrieve a localized rsync mirror
# rotation. This allows you to select servers that are geographically
# close to you, yet still distribute the load over a number of servers.
# Please do not single out specific rsync mirrors. Doing so places undue
# stress on particular mirrors. Instead you may use one of the following
# continent specific rotations:
# Default: "rsync://"
# North America: "rsync://"
# South America: "rsync://"
# Europe: "rsync://"
# Asia: "rsync://"
# Australia: "rsync://"
# If you have multiple Gentoo boxes, it is probably a good idea to have only
# one of them sync from the rotations above. The other boxes can then rsync
# from the local rsync server, reducing the load on the mirrors.
# Instructions for setting up a local rsync server are available here:
# PORTAGE_RSYNC_RETRIES sets the number of times portage will attempt to retrieve
# a current portage tree before it exits with an error. This allows
# for a more successful retrieval without user intervention most times.
# If set to a negative number, then retry until all possible addresses are
# exhausted.
# PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS can be used to feed additional options to the rsync
# command used by `emerge --sync`. This will not change the default options
# which are set by PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS (don't change those unless you know
# exactly what you're doing).
# Advanced Features
# =================
# EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS allows emerge to act as if certain options are
# specified on every run. Useful options include --ask, --verbose,
# --usepkg and many others. Options that are not useful, such as --help,
# are not filtered.
# INSTALL_MASK allows certain files to not be installed into your file system.
# This is useful when you wish to filter out a certain set of files from
# ever being installed, such as INSTALL.gz or TODO.gz
# MAKEOPTS provides extra options that may be passed to 'make' when a
# program is compiled. Presently the only use is for specifying
# the number of parallel makes (-j) to perform. The suggested number
# for parallel makes is CPUs+1.
# PORTAGE_NICENESS provides a default increment to emerge's niceness level.
# Note: This is an increment. Running emerge in a niced environment will
# reduce it further. Default is unset.
# PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND provides a command for portage to call in order to
# adjust the io priority of portage and it's subprocesses. Default is
# unset.
#PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}"
# AUTOCLEAN enables portage to automatically clean out older or overlapping
# packages from the system after every successful merge. This is the
# same as running 'emerge -c' after every merge. Set with: "yes" or "no".
# This does not affect the unpacked source. See 'noclean' below.
# Warning: AUTOCLEAN="no" can cause serious problems due to overlapping
# packages. Do not use it unless absolutely necessary!
# FEATURES defines actions portage takes by default. This is an incremental
# variable. See the make.conf(5) man page for a complete list of supported
# values and their respective meanings.
#FEATURES="ccache distcc installsources \
# splitdebug test userpriv usersandbox"
# CCACHE_SIZE and CCACHE_DIR are used to control the behavior of ccache, and
# and are only used if "ccache" is in FEATURES.
# CCACHE_SIZE sets the space limitations for ccache. The default size is
# "2G", or 2 gigabytes. Units are specified with 'G', 'M', or 'K'.
# CCACHE_DIR sets the ccache path. If not specified, portage will default
# to "${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/ccache".
# Note that to display ccache statistics outside of portage, you must
# remember to give the correct path to the cache.
# $ CCACHE_DIR=/var/tmp/ccache ccache -s
# DISTCC_DIR sets the temporary space used by distcc.
# logging related variables:
# PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES: selects messages to be logged, possible values are:
# info, warn, error, log, qa, *
#PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="log warn error"
# PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM: selects the module(s) to process the log messages. Modules
# included in portage are (empty means logging is disabled):
# echo (display messages again when emerge exits)
# save (saves one log per package in $PORT_LOGDIR/elog,
# /var/log/portage/elog if $PORT_LOGDIR is unset)
# custom (passes all messages to $PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND)
# syslog (sends all messages to syslog)
# mail (send all messages to the mailserver defined
# save_summary (like "save" but merges all messages
# in $PORT_LOGDIR/elog/summary.log,
# /var/log/portage/elog/summary.log if
# $PORT_LOGDIR is unset)
# mail_summary (like "mail" but sends all messages in
# a single mail when emerge exits)
# To use elog you should enable at least one module
# The module name may be followed by a colon and a comma
# separated list of loglevels to override PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES
# for this module (e.g.
# PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="mail:warn,error syslog:* save")
#PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="save_summary:log,warn,error,qa echo"
# PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND: only used with the "custom" logging module. Specifies a command
# to process log messages. Two variables are expanded:
# ${PACKAGE} - expands to the cpv entry of the processed
# package (see $PVR in ebuild(5))
# ${LOGFILE} - absolute path to the logfile
# Both variables have to be quoted with single quotes
#PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND="/path/to/logprocessor -p '\${PACKAGE}' -f '\${LOGFILE}'"
# PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI: this variable holds all important settings for the mail
# module. In most cases listing the recipient address and
# the receiving mailserver should be sufficient, but you can
# also use advanced settings like authentication or TLS. The
# full syntax is:
# address [[user:passwd@]mailserver[:port]]
# where
# address: recipient address
# user: username for smtp auth (defaults to none)
# passwd: password for smtp auth (defaults to none)
# mailserver: smtp server that should be used to deliver the mail (defaults to localhost)
# alternatively this can also be a the path to a sendmail binary if you don't want to use smtp
# port: port to use on the given smtp server (defaults to 25, values > 100000 indicate that starttls should be used on (port-100000))
# Examples:
#PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI="root@localhost localhost" (this is also the default setting)
#PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI="user@some.domain mail.some.domain" (sends mails to user@some.domain using the mailserver mail.some.domain)
#PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI="user@some.domain user:secret@mail.some.domain:100465" (this is left uncommented as a reader exercise ;)
# PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILFROM: you can set the from-address of logmails with this variable,
# if unset mails are sent by "portage" (this default may fail
# in some environments).
# PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT: template string to be used as subject for logmails. The following
# variables are expanded:
# ${ACTION} - merged, unmerged, or unknown
# ${PACKAGE} - see description of PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND
# ${HOST} - FQDN of the host portage is running on
#PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT="[portage] ebuild log for \${PACKAGE} on \${HOST}"