blob: fa6d1ea1686a7f45c93a35fd6ba893b367b370b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010-2018 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
import portage
from portage import os
from portage.dep import Atom, _repo_name_re
from portage.eapi import eapi_has_repo_deps
from portage.elog import messages as elog_messages
from portage.exception import InvalidAtom
from portage.package.ebuild._ipc.IpcCommand import IpcCommand
from portage.util import normalize_path
from portage.versions import best
class QueryCommand(IpcCommand):
__slots__ = ('phase', 'settings',)
_db = None
def get_db(cls):
if cls._db is not None:
return cls._db
return portage.db
def __init__(self, settings, phase):
self.settings = settings
self.phase = phase
def __call__(self, argv):
@return: tuple of (stdout, stderr, returncode)
# Python 3:
# cmd, root, *args = argv
cmd = argv[0]
root = argv[1]
args = argv[2:]
warnings = []
warnings_str = ''
db = self.get_db()
eapi = self.settings.get('EAPI')
root = normalize_path(root or os.sep).rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
if root not in db:
return ('', '%s: Invalid ROOT: %s\n' % (cmd, root), 3)
portdb = db[root]["porttree"].dbapi
vardb = db[root]["vartree"].dbapi
if cmd in ('best_version', 'has_version'):
allow_repo = eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi)
atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo)
except InvalidAtom:
return ('', '%s: Invalid atom: %s\n' % (cmd, args[0]), 2)
atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi)
except InvalidAtom as e:
warnings.append("QA Notice: %s: %s" % (cmd, e))
use = self.settings.get('PORTAGE_BUILT_USE')
if use is None:
use = self.settings['PORTAGE_USE']
use = frozenset(use.split())
atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use)
if warnings:
warnings_str = self._elog('eqawarn', warnings)
if cmd == 'has_version':
if vardb.match(atom):
returncode = 0
returncode = 1
return ('', warnings_str, returncode)
elif cmd == 'best_version':
m = best(vardb.match(atom))
return ('%s\n' % m, warnings_str, 0)
elif cmd in ('master_repositories', 'repository_path', 'available_eclasses', 'eclass_path', 'license_path'):
repo = _repo_name_re.match(args[0])
if repo is None:
return ('', '%s: Invalid repository: %s\n' % (cmd, args[0]), 2)
repo = portdb.repositories[args[0]]
except KeyError:
return ('', warnings_str, 1)
if cmd == 'master_repositories':
return ('%s\n' % ' '.join( for x in repo.masters), warnings_str, 0)
elif cmd == 'repository_path':
return ('%s\n' % repo.location, warnings_str, 0)
elif cmd == 'available_eclasses':
return ('%s\n' % ' '.join(sorted(repo.eclass_db.eclasses)), warnings_str, 0)
elif cmd == 'eclass_path':
eclass = repo.eclass_db.eclasses[args[1]]
except KeyError:
return ('', warnings_str, 1)
return ('%s\n' % eclass.location, warnings_str, 0)
elif cmd == 'license_path':
paths = reversed([os.path.join(x.location, 'licenses', args[1]) for x in list(repo.masters) + [repo]])
for path in paths:
if os.path.exists(path):
return ('%s\n' % path, warnings_str, 0)
return ('', warnings_str, 1)
return ('', 'Invalid command: %s\n' % cmd, 3)
def _elog(self, elog_funcname, lines):
This returns a string, to be returned via ipc and displayed at the
appropriate place in the build output. We wouldn't want to open the
log here since it is already opened by AbstractEbuildProcess and we
don't want to corrupt it, especially if it is being written with
out = io.StringIO()
phase = self.phase
elog_func = getattr(elog_messages, elog_funcname)
global_havecolor = portage.output.havecolor
portage.output.havecolor = \
self.settings.get('NOCOLOR', 'false').lower() in ('no', 'false')
for line in lines:
elog_func(line, phase=phase, key=self.settings.mycpv, out=out)
portage.output.havecolor = global_havecolor
msg = out.getvalue()
return msg