blob: 731e8eae2028fd19881290b90d5f26265ef6ae2c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import io
import logging
import sys
# import our centrally initialized portage instance
from repoman._portage import portage
portage._internal_caller = True
from portage import os
import portage.checksum
import portage.const
import portage.repository.config
from portage.output import create_color_func, nocolor
from portage.output import ConsoleStyleFile, StyleWriter
from portage.util import formatter
from portage.util.futures.extendedfutures import (
from repoman.actions import Actions
from repoman.argparser import parse_args
from repoman.qa_data import QAData
from repoman.qa_data import format_qa_output, format_qa_output_column
from repoman.repos import RepoSettings
from repoman.scanner import Scanner
from repoman import utilities
from repoman.modules.vcs.settings import VCSSettings
from repoman import VERSION
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
basestring = str
bad = create_color_func("BAD")
# A sane umask is needed for files that portage creates.
def repoman_main(argv):
config_root = os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT")
repoman_settings = portage.config(config_root=config_root, local_config=False)
repoman_settings.valid_versions = VALID_VERSIONS
if repoman_settings.get("NOCOLOR", "").lower() in ("yes", "true") or \
repoman_settings.get('TERM') == 'dumb' or \
not sys.stdout.isatty():
options, arguments = parse_args(
sys.argv, repoman_settings.get("REPOMAN_DEFAULT_OPTS", ""))
if options.version:
print("Repoman", VERSION, "(portage-%s)" % portage.VERSION)
logger = logging.getLogger()
if options.verbosity > 0:
logger.setLevel(LOGLEVEL - 10 * options.verbosity)
# Set this to False when an extraordinary issue (generally
# something other than a QA issue) makes it impossible to
# commit (like if Manifest generation fails).
can_force = ExtendedFuture(True)
portdir, portdir_overlay, mydir = utilities.FindPortdir(repoman_settings)
if portdir is None:
myreporoot = os.path.basename(portdir_overlay)
myreporoot += mydir[len(portdir_overlay):]
# avoid a circular parameter repo_settings
vcs_settings = VCSSettings(options, repoman_settings)
qadata = QAData()
logging.debug("repoman_main: RepoSettings init")
repo_settings = RepoSettings(
config_root, portdir, portdir_overlay,
repoman_settings, vcs_settings, options, qadata)
repoman_settings = repo_settings.repoman_settings
repoman_settings.valid_versions = VALID_VERSIONS
# Now set repo_settings
vcs_settings.repo_settings = repo_settings
# set QATracker qacats, qawarnings
vcs_settings.qatracker.qacats = repo_settings.qadata.qacats
vcs_settings.qatracker.qawarnings = repo_settings.qadata.qawarnings
logging.debug("repoman_main: vcs_settings done")
logging.debug("repoman_main: qadata: %s", repo_settings.qadata)
if 'digest' in repoman_settings.features and options.digest != 'n':
options.digest = 'y'
logging.debug("vcs: %s" % (vcs_settings.vcs,))
logging.debug("repo config: %s" % (repo_settings.repo_config,))
logging.debug("options: %s" % (options,))
# It's confusing if these warnings are displayed without the user
# being told which profile they come from, so disable them.
env = os.environ.copy()
env['FEATURES'] = env.get('FEATURES', '') + ' -unknown-features-warn'
# Perform the main checks
scanner = Scanner(repo_settings, myreporoot, config_root, options,
vcs_settings, mydir, env)
if options.if_modified == "y" and len(scanner.effective_scanlist) < 1:
logging.warning("--if-modified is enabled, but no modified packages were found!")
result = {
# fail will be true if we have failed in at least one non-warning category
'fail': 0,
# warn will be true if we tripped any warnings
'warn': 0,
# full will be true if we should print a "repoman full" informational message
'full': options.mode != 'full',
for x in qadata.qacats:
if x not in vcs_settings.qatracker.fails:
result['warn'] = 1
if x not in qadata.qawarnings:
result['fail'] = 1
if result['fail'] or \
(result['warn'] and not (options.quiet or options.mode == "scan")):
result['full'] = 0
commitmessage = None
if options.commitmsg:
commitmessage = options.commitmsg
elif options.commitmsgfile:
# we don't need the actual text of the commit message here
# the filename will do for the next code block
commitmessage = options.commitmsgfile
# Save QA output so that it can be conveniently displayed
# in $EDITOR while the user creates a commit message.
# Otherwise, the user would not be able to see this output
# once the editor has taken over the screen.
qa_output = io.StringIO()
style_file = ConsoleStyleFile(sys.stdout)
if options.mode == 'commit' and \
(not commitmessage or not commitmessage.strip()):
style_file.write_listener = qa_output
console_writer = StyleWriter(file=style_file, maxcol=9999)
console_writer.style_listener = style_file.new_styles
f = formatter.AbstractFormatter(console_writer)
format_outputs = {
'column': format_qa_output_column,
'default': format_qa_output
format_output = format_outputs.get(
options.output_style, format_outputs['default'])
format_output(f, vcs_settings.qatracker.fails, result['full'],
result['fail'], options, qadata.qawarnings)
del console_writer, f, style_file
# early out for manifest generation
if options.mode == "manifest":
return 1 if result['fail'] else 0
qa_output = qa_output.getvalue()
qa_output = qa_output.splitlines(True)
# output the results
actions = Actions(repo_settings, options, scanner, vcs_settings)
if actions.inform(can_force.get(), result):
# perform any other actions