blob: c29b9d42a3dc05d25d2e1e81a584d80d38354342 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2010-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import copy
class BacktrackParameter(object):
__slots__ = (
"needed_unstable_keywords", "runtime_pkg_mask", "needed_use_config_changes", "needed_license_changes",
"prune_rebuilds", "rebuild_list", "reinstall_list", "needed_p_mask_changes",
"slot_operator_mask_built", "slot_operator_replace_installed"
def __init__(self):
self.needed_unstable_keywords = set()
self.needed_p_mask_changes = set()
self.runtime_pkg_mask = {}
self.needed_use_config_changes = {}
self.needed_license_changes = {}
self.rebuild_list = set()
self.reinstall_list = set()
self.slot_operator_replace_installed = set()
self.slot_operator_mask_built = set()
self.prune_rebuilds = False
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
if memo is None:
memo = {}
result = BacktrackParameter()
memo[id(self)] = result
#Shallow copies are enough here, as we only need to ensure that nobody adds stuff
#to our sets and dicts. The existing content is immutable.
result.needed_unstable_keywords = copy.copy(self.needed_unstable_keywords)
result.needed_p_mask_changes = copy.copy(self.needed_p_mask_changes)
result.needed_use_config_changes = copy.copy(self.needed_use_config_changes)
result.needed_license_changes = copy.copy(self.needed_license_changes)
result.rebuild_list = copy.copy(self.rebuild_list)
result.reinstall_list = copy.copy(self.reinstall_list)
result.slot_operator_replace_installed = copy.copy(self.slot_operator_replace_installed)
result.slot_operator_mask_built = self.slot_operator_mask_built.copy()
result.prune_rebuilds = self.prune_rebuilds
# runtime_pkg_mask contains nested dicts that must also be copied
result.runtime_pkg_mask = {}
for k, v in self.runtime_pkg_mask.items():
result.runtime_pkg_mask[k] = copy.copy(v)
return result
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.needed_unstable_keywords == other.needed_unstable_keywords and \
self.needed_p_mask_changes == other.needed_p_mask_changes and \
self.runtime_pkg_mask == other.runtime_pkg_mask and \
self.needed_use_config_changes == other.needed_use_config_changes and \
self.needed_license_changes == other.needed_license_changes and \
self.rebuild_list == other.rebuild_list and \
self.reinstall_list == other.reinstall_list and \
self.slot_operator_replace_installed == other.slot_operator_replace_installed and \
self.slot_operator_mask_built == other.slot_operator_mask_built and \
self.prune_rebuilds == other.prune_rebuilds
class _BacktrackNode(object):
__slots__ = (
"parameter", "depth", "mask_steps", "terminal",
def __init__(self, parameter=BacktrackParameter(), depth=0, mask_steps=0, terminal=True):
self.parameter = parameter
self.depth = depth
self.mask_steps = mask_steps
self.terminal = terminal
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.parameter == other.parameter
class Backtracker(object):
__slots__ = (
"_max_depth", "_unexplored_nodes", "_current_node", "_nodes", "_root",
def __init__(self, max_depth):
self._max_depth = max_depth
self._unexplored_nodes = []
self._current_node = None
self._nodes = []
self._root = _BacktrackNode()
def _add(self, node, explore=True):
Adds a newly computed backtrack parameter. Makes sure that it doesn't already exist and
that we don't backtrack deeper than we are allowed by --backtrack.
if not self._check_runtime_pkg_mask(node.parameter.runtime_pkg_mask):
if node.mask_steps <= self._max_depth and node not in self._nodes:
if explore:
def get(self):
Returns a backtrack parameter. The backtrack graph is explored with depth first.
if self._unexplored_nodes:
node = self._unexplored_nodes.pop()
self._current_node = node
return copy.deepcopy(node.parameter)
return None
def __len__(self):
return len(self._unexplored_nodes)
def _check_runtime_pkg_mask(self, runtime_pkg_mask):
If a package gets masked that caused other packages to be masked
before, we revert the mask for other packages (bug 375573).
for pkg, mask_info in runtime_pkg_mask.items():
if "missing dependency" in mask_info or \
"slot_operator_mask_built" in mask_info:
entry_is_valid = False
for ppkg, patom in runtime_pkg_mask[pkg].get("slot conflict", set()):
if ppkg not in runtime_pkg_mask:
entry_is_valid = True
if not entry_is_valid:
return False
return True
def _feedback_slot_conflicts(self, conflicts_data):
# Only create BacktrackNode instances for the first
# conflict which occurred, since the conflicts that
# occurred later may have been caused by the first
# conflict.
def _feedback_slot_conflict(self, conflict_data):
for pkg, parent_atoms in conflict_data:
new_node = copy.deepcopy(self._current_node)
new_node.depth += 1
new_node.mask_steps += 1
new_node.terminal = False
pkg, {})["slot conflict"] = parent_atoms
def _feedback_missing_dep(self, dep):
new_node = copy.deepcopy(self._current_node)
new_node.depth += 1
new_node.mask_steps += 1
new_node.terminal = False
dep.parent, {})["missing dependency"] = \
set([(dep.parent, dep.root, dep.atom)])
def _feedback_config(self, changes, explore=True):
Handle config changes. Don't count config changes for the maximum backtrack depth.
new_node = copy.deepcopy(self._current_node)
new_node.depth += 1
para = new_node.parameter
for change, data in changes.items():
if change == "needed_unstable_keywords":
elif change == "needed_p_mask_changes":
elif change == "needed_license_changes":
for pkg, missing_licenses in data:
para.needed_license_changes.setdefault(pkg, set()).update(missing_licenses)
elif change == "needed_use_config_changes":
for pkg, (new_use, new_changes) in data:
para.needed_use_config_changes[pkg] = (new_use, new_changes)
elif change == "slot_conflict_abi":
new_node.terminal = False
elif change == "slot_operator_mask_built":
for pkg, mask_reasons in data.items():
elif change == "slot_operator_replace_installed":
elif change == "rebuild_list":
elif change == "reinstall_list":
elif change == "prune_rebuilds":
para.prune_rebuilds = True
for pkg in para.slot_operator_mask_built:
runtime_masks = para.runtime_pkg_mask.get(pkg)
if runtime_masks is None:
runtime_masks.pop("slot_operator_mask_built", None)
if not runtime_masks:
self._add(new_node, explore=explore)
self._current_node = new_node
def feedback(self, infos):
Takes information from the depgraph and computes new backtrack parameters to try.
assert self._current_node is not None, "call feedback() only after get() was called"
#Not all config changes require a restart, that's why they can appear together
#with other conflicts.
if "config" in infos:
self._feedback_config(infos["config"], explore=(len(infos)==1))
#There is at most one of the following types of conflicts for a given restart.
if "slot conflict" in infos:
self._feedback_slot_conflicts(infos["slot conflict"])
elif "missing dependency" in infos:
self._feedback_missing_dep(infos["missing dependency"])
def backtracked(self):
If we didn't backtrack, there is only the root.
return len(self._nodes) > 1
def get_best_run(self):
Like, get() but returns the backtrack parameter that has as many config changes as possible,
but has no masks. This makes --autounmask effective, but prevents confusing error messages
with "masked by backtracking".
best_node = self._root
for node in self._nodes:
if node.terminal and node.depth > best_node.depth:
best_node = node
return copy.deepcopy(best_node.parameter)