blob: a25b282ab715b55d64c0cbda8b81b82e19362e16 [file] [log] [blame]
# -- Calculated/Discovered Data Values
# Copyright 1998-2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import os, pwd, grp, platform
import portage
from portage.localization import _
userland = None
if ostype == "DragonFly" or ostype.endswith("BSD"):
userland = "BSD"
userland = "GNU"
lchown = getattr(os, "lchown", None)
if not lchown:
if ostype == "Darwin":
def lchown(*pos_args, **key_args):
def lchown(*pargs, **kwargs):
writemsg(colorize("BAD", "!!!") + _(
" It seems that os.lchown does not"
" exist. Please rebuild python.\n"), noiselevel=-1)
lchown = portage._unicode_func_wrapper(lchown)
def portage_group_warning():
warn_prefix = colorize("BAD", "*** WARNING *** ")
mylines = [
"For security reasons, only system administrators should be",
"allowed in the portage group. Untrusted users or processes",
"can potentially exploit the portage group for attacks such as",
"local privilege escalation."
for x in mylines:
writemsg(warn_prefix, noiselevel=-1)
writemsg(x, noiselevel=-1)
writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
# Portage has 3 security levels that depend on the uid and gid of the main
# process and are assigned according to the following table:
# Privileges secpass uid gid
# normal 0 any any
# group 1 any portage_gid
# super 2 0 any
# If the "wheel" group does not exist then wheelgid falls back to 0.
# If the "portage" group does not exist then portage_uid falls back to wheelgid.
except KeyError:
# The portage_uid and portage_gid global constants, and others that
# depend on them are initialized lazily, in order to allow configuration
# via make.conf. Eventually, these constants may be deprecated in favor
# of config attributes, since it's conceivable that multiple
# configurations with different constants could be used simultaneously.
_initialized_globals = set()
def _get_global(k):
if k in _initialized_globals:
return globals()[k]
if k in ('portage_gid', 'portage_uid', 'secpass'):
global portage_gid, portage_uid, secpass
secpass = 0
if uid == 0:
secpass = 2
elif portage.const.EPREFIX:
secpass = 2
#Discover the uid and gid of the portage user/group
portage_uid = pwd.getpwnam(_get_global('_portage_username')).pw_uid
portage_gid = grp.getgrnam(_get_global('_portage_grpname')).gr_gid
if secpass < 1 and portage_gid in os.getgroups():
secpass = 1
except KeyError:
portage_uid = 0
portage_gid = 0
_("portage: 'portage' user or group missing.")) + "\n", noiselevel=-1)
" For the defaults, line 1 goes into passwd, "
"and 2 into group.\n"), noiselevel=-1)
" portage:x:250:250:portage:/var/tmp/portage:/bin/false") \
+ "\n", noiselevel=-1)
writemsg(colorize("GOOD", " portage::250:portage") + "\n",
if k == 'portage_gid':
return portage_gid
elif k == 'portage_uid':
return portage_uid
elif k == 'secpass':
return secpass
raise AssertionError('unknown name: %s' % k)
elif k == 'userpriv_groups':
v = [portage_gid]
if secpass >= 2:
# Get a list of group IDs for the portage user. Do not use
# grp.getgrall() since it is known to trigger spurious
# SIGPIPE problems with nss_ldap.
mystatus, myoutput = \
portage.subprocess_getstatusoutput("id -G %s" % _portage_username)
if mystatus == os.EX_OK:
for x in myoutput.split():
except ValueError:
v = sorted(set(v))
# Avoid instantiating portage.settings when the desired
# variable is set in os.environ.
elif k == '_portage_grpname':
v = None
if 'PORTAGE_GRPNAME' in os.environ:
v = os.environ['PORTAGE_GRPNAME']
elif hasattr(portage, 'settings'):
v = portage.settings.get('PORTAGE_GRPNAME')
if v is None:
v = 'portage'
elif k == '_portage_username':
v = None
if 'PORTAGE_USERNAME' in os.environ:
v = os.environ['PORTAGE_USERNAME']
elif hasattr(portage, 'settings'):
v = portage.settings.get('PORTAGE_USERNAME')
if v is None:
v = 'portage'
raise AssertionError('unknown name: %s' % k)
globals()[k] = v
return v
class _GlobalProxy(portage.proxy.objectproxy.ObjectProxy):
__slots__ = ('_name',)
def __init__(self, name):
object.__setattr__(self, '_name', name)
def _get_target(self):
return _get_global(object.__getattribute__(self, '_name'))
for k in ('portage_gid', 'portage_uid', 'secpass', 'userpriv_groups',
'_portage_grpname', '_portage_username'):
globals()[k] = _GlobalProxy(k)
del k
def _init(settings):
Use config variables like PORTAGE_GRPNAME and PORTAGE_USERNAME to
initialize global variables. This allows settings to come from make.conf
instead of requiring them to be set in the calling environment.
if '_portage_grpname' not in _initialized_globals and \
'_portage_username' not in _initialized_globals:
v = settings.get('PORTAGE_GRPNAME')
if v is not None:
globals()['_portage_grpname'] = v
v = settings.get('PORTAGE_USERNAME')
if v is not None:
globals()['_portage_username'] = v