blob: a59c3b54b596064021bfe468cba98228d61e9b5c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1998-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from portage.dbapi import dbapi
from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand
from portage.versions import cpv_getkey, _pkg_str
class fakedbapi(dbapi):
"""A fake dbapi that allows consumers to inject/remove packages to/from it
portage.settings is required to maintain the dbAPI.
def __init__(self, settings=None, exclusive_slots=True,
@param exclusive_slots: When True, injecting a package with SLOT
metadata causes an existing package in the same slot to be
automatically removed (default is True).
@type exclusive_slots: Boolean
@param multi_instance: When True, multiple instances with the
same cpv may be stored simultaneously, as long as they are
distinguishable (default is False).
@type multi_instance: Boolean
self._exclusive_slots = exclusive_slots
self.cpvdict = {}
self.cpdict = {}
if settings is None:
from portage import settings
self.settings = settings
self._match_cache = {}
def _set_multi_instance(self, multi_instance):
Enable or disable multi_instance mode. This should before any
packages are injected, so that all packages are indexed with
the same implementation of self._instance_key.
if self.cpvdict:
raise AssertionError("_set_multi_instance called after "
"packages have already been added")
self._multi_instance = multi_instance
if multi_instance:
self._instance_key = self._instance_key_multi_instance
self._instance_key = self._instance_key_cpv
def _instance_key_cpv(self, cpv, support_string=False):
return cpv
def _instance_key_multi_instance(self, cpv, support_string=False):
return (cpv, cpv.build_id, cpv.file_size, cpv.build_time,
except AttributeError:
if not support_string:
# Fallback for interfaces such as aux_get where API consumers
# may pass in a plain string.
latest = None
for pkg in self.cp_list(cpv_getkey(cpv)):
if pkg == cpv and (
latest is None or
latest.build_time < pkg.build_time):
latest = pkg
if latest is not None:
return (latest, latest.build_id, latest.file_size,
latest.build_time, latest.mtime)
raise KeyError(cpv)
def clear(self):
Remove all packages.
def _clear_cache(self):
if self._categories is not None:
self._categories = None
if self._match_cache:
self._match_cache = {}
def match(self, origdep, use_cache=1):
atom = dep_expand(origdep, mydb=self, settings=self.settings)
cache_key = (atom, atom.unevaluated_atom)
result = self._match_cache.get(cache_key)
if result is not None:
return result[:]
result = list(self._iter_match(atom, self.cp_list(atom.cp)))
self._match_cache[cache_key] = result
return result[:]
def cpv_exists(self, mycpv, myrepo=None):
return self._instance_key(mycpv,
support_string=True) in self.cpvdict
def cp_list(self, mycp, use_cache=1, myrepo=None):
# NOTE: Cache can be safely shared with the match cache, since the
# match cache uses the result from dep_expand for the cache_key.
cache_key = (mycp, mycp)
cachelist = self._match_cache.get(cache_key)
if cachelist is not None:
return cachelist[:]
cpv_list = self.cpdict.get(mycp)
if cpv_list is None:
cpv_list = []
self._match_cache[cache_key] = cpv_list
return cpv_list[:]
def cp_all(self, sort=False):
return sorted(self.cpdict) if sort else list(self.cpdict)
def cpv_all(self):
if self._multi_instance:
return [x[0] for x in self.cpvdict]
return list(self.cpvdict)
def cpv_inject(self, mycpv, metadata=None):
"""Adds a cpv to the list of available packages. See the
exclusive_slots constructor parameter for behavior with
respect to SLOT metadata.
@param mycpv: cpv for the package to inject
@type mycpv: str
@param metadata: dictionary of raw metadata for aux_get() calls
@param metadata: dict
mycp = mycpv.cp
except AttributeError:
mycp = None
myslot = mycpv.slot
except AttributeError:
myslot = None
if mycp is None or \
(myslot is None and metadata is not None and metadata.get('SLOT')):
if metadata is None:
mycpv = _pkg_str(mycpv)
mycpv = _pkg_str(mycpv, metadata=metadata,
mycp = mycpv.cp
myslot = mycpv.slot
except AttributeError:
instance_key = self._instance_key(mycpv)
self.cpvdict[instance_key] = metadata
if not self._exclusive_slots:
myslot = None
if myslot and mycp in self.cpdict:
# If necessary, remove another package in the same SLOT.
for cpv in self.cpdict[mycp]:
if instance_key != self._instance_key(cpv):
other_slot = cpv.slot
except AttributeError:
if myslot == other_slot:
cp_list = self.cpdict.get(mycp, [])
cp_list = [x for x in cp_list
if self._instance_key(x) != instance_key]
self.cpdict[mycp] = cp_list
def cpv_remove(self,mycpv):
"""Removes a cpv from the list of available packages."""
mycp = cpv_getkey(mycpv)
instance_key = self._instance_key(mycpv)
self.cpvdict.pop(instance_key, None)
cp_list = self.cpdict.get(mycp)
if cp_list is not None:
cp_list = [x for x in cp_list
if self._instance_key(x) != instance_key]
if cp_list:
self.cpdict[mycp] = cp_list
del self.cpdict[mycp]
def aux_get(self, mycpv, wants, myrepo=None):
metadata = self.cpvdict.get(
self._instance_key(mycpv, support_string=True))
if metadata is None:
raise KeyError(mycpv)
return [metadata.get(x, "") for x in wants]
def aux_update(self, cpv, values):
metadata = self.cpvdict.get(
self._instance_key(cpv, support_string=True))
if metadata is None:
raise KeyError(cpv)
class testdbapi(object):
"""A dbapi instance with completely fake functions to get by hitting disk
This class really needs to be rewritten to have better stubs; but these work for now.
The dbapi classes themselves need unit tests...and that will be a lot of work.
def __init__(self):
self.cpvs = {}
def f(*args, **kwargs):
return True
fake_api = dir(dbapi)
for call in fake_api:
if not hasattr(self, call):
setattr(self, call, f)