blob: 9381fb9554be0173fd042753e39200f86deee80b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
def create_depgraph_params(myopts, myaction):
#configure emerge engine parameters
# self: include _this_ package regardless of if it is merged.
# selective: exclude the package if it is merged
# recurse: go into the dependencies
# deep: go into the dependencies of already merged packages
# empty: pretend nothing is merged
# complete: completely account for all known dependencies
# remove: build graph for use in removing packages
myparams = {"recurse" : True}
if myaction == "remove":
myparams["remove"] = True
myparams["complete"] = True
return myparams
if "--update" in myopts or \
"--newuse" in myopts or \
"--reinstall" in myopts or \
"--noreplace" in myopts or \
"--selective" in myopts:
myparams["selective"] = True
if "--emptytree" in myopts:
myparams["empty"] = True
myparams.pop("selective", None)
if "--nodeps" in myopts:
myparams.pop("recurse", None)
if "--deep" in myopts:
myparams["deep"] = myopts["--deep"]
if "--complete-graph" in myopts:
myparams["complete"] = True
return myparams