NEEDED.ELF.2: include sonames from $ORIGIN

This reverts the behavior change from bug #205531 (see commit
5baa57a65368472c2c22b9bd2b30e634ef644b92). That special handling should
be unnecessary since the changes from bug #289180 (see commit
296fc63fee262600811520fccf4692f47a39ffba), where the
LinkageMapELF.findConsumers() exclude_providers argument is used to
exclude irrelevant consumers.
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 4a74984..ab070aa 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -523,29 +523,8 @@
 			soname=${l%%;*}; l=${l#*;}
 			rpath=${l%%;*}; l=${l#*;}; [ "${rpath}" = "  -  " ] && rpath=""
 			needed=${l%%;*}; l=${l#*;}
-			if [ -z "${rpath}" -o -n "${rpath//*ORIGIN*}" ]; then
-				# object doesn't contain $ORIGIN in its runpath attribute
-				echo "${obj} ${needed}"	>> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED
-				echo "${arch:3};${obj};${soname};${rpath};${needed}" >> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED.ELF.2
-			else
-				dir=${obj%/*}
-				# replace $ORIGIN with the dirname of the current object for the lookup
-				opath=$(echo :${rpath}: | sed -e "s#.*:\(.*\)\$ORIGIN\(.*\):.*#\1${dir}\2#")
-				sneeded=$(echo ${needed} | tr , ' ')
-				rneeded=""
-				for lib in ${sneeded}; do
-					found=0
-					for path in ${opath//:/ }; do
-						[ -e "${D}/${path}/${lib}" ] && found=1 && break
-					done
-					[ "${found}" -eq 0 ] && rneeded="${rneeded},${lib}"
-				done
-				rneeded=${rneeded:1}
-				if [ -n "${rneeded}" ]; then
-					echo "${obj} ${rneeded}" >> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED
-					echo "${arch:3};${obj};${soname};${rpath};${rneeded}" >> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED.ELF.2
-				fi
-			fi
+			echo "${obj} ${needed}"	>> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED
+			echo "${arch:3};${obj};${soname};${rpath};${needed}" >> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED.ELF.2
 		done }
 		[ -n "${QA_SONAME_NO_SYMLINK}" ] && \