blob: b1d3e25cfd84aff5231649d4b541c75b205983a4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from portage import os
from portage.const import PORTAGE_BASE_PATH
from portage.tests import TestCase
from portage.util import getconfig
class GetConfigTestCase(TestCase):
Test that getconfig() produces that same result as bash would when
sourcing the same input.
_cases = {
'FETCHCOMMAND' : '/usr/bin/wget -t 5 -T 60 --passive-ftp -O "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}"',
'FETCHCOMMAND_RSYNC' : 'rsync -avP "${URI}" "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}"',
'FETCHCOMMAND_SFTP' : 'bash -c "x=\\${2#sftp://} ; exec sftp \\"\\${x%%/*}:/\\${x#*/}\\" \\"\\$1\\"" sftp "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}"',
'FETCHCOMMAND_SSH' : 'bash -c "x=\\${2#ssh://} ; exec rsync -avP \\"\\${x%%/*}:/\\${x#*/}\\" \\"\\$1\\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}"',
'PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT' : '[portage] ebuild log for ${PACKAGE} on ${HOST}'
def testGetConfig(self):
make_globals_file = os.path.join(PORTAGE_BASE_PATH,
'cnf', 'make.globals')
d = getconfig(make_globals_file)
for k, v in self._cases.items():
self.assertEqual(d[k], v)