blob: fe78c6d45aae7375ee0cbd9197daa837474ec65f [file] [log] [blame]
# portage: news management code
# Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
import errno
import os
import re
from portage.util import ensure_dirs, apply_permissions, normalize_path, grabfile, write_atomic
from import portage_gid
from portage.locks import lockfile, unlockfile, lockdir, unlockdir
from portage.exception import FileNotFound, OperationNotPermitted
class NewsManager(object):
This object manages GLEP 42 style news items. It will cache news items
that have previously shown up and notify users when there are relevant news
items that apply to their packages that the user has not previously read.
Creating a news manager requires:
root - typically ${ROOT} see man make.conf and man emerge for details
news_path - path to news items; usually $REPODIR/metadata/news
unread_path - path to the news.repoid.unread file; this helps us track news items
def __init__(self, portdb, vardb, news_path, unread_path, language_id='en'):
self.news_path = news_path
self.unread_path = unread_path
self.target_root = vardb.root
self.language_id = language_id
self.config = vardb.settings
self.vdb = vardb
self.portdb = portdb
portdir = portdb.porttree_root
profiles_base = os.path.join(portdir, 'profiles') + os.path.sep
profile_path = None
if portdb.mysettings.profile_path:
profile_path = normalize_path(
if profile_path.startswith(profiles_base):
profile_path = profile_path[len(profiles_base):]
self._profile_path = profile_path
# Ensure that the unread path exists and is writable.
dirmode = 02070
modemask = 02
ensure_dirs(self.unread_path, mode=dirmode,
mask=modemask, gid=portage_gid)
except OperationNotPermitted:
def updateItems(self, repoid):
Figure out which news items from NEWS_PATH are both unread and relevant to
the user (according to the GLEP 42 standards of relevancy). Then add these
items into the news.repoid.unread file.
repos = self.portdb.getRepositories()
if repoid not in repos:
raise ValueError("Invalid repoID: %s" % repoid)
path = os.path.join(self.portdb.getRepositoryPath(repoid), self.news_path)
# Skip reading news for repoid if the news dir does not exist. Requested by
# NightMorph :)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return None
news = os.listdir(path)
skipfile = os.path.join(self.unread_path, "news-%s.skip" % repoid)
skiplist = grabfile(skipfile)
updates = []
for itemid in news:
if itemid in skiplist:
filename = os.path.join(path, itemid, itemid + "." + self.language_id + ".txt")
item = NewsItem(filename, itemid)
except (TypeError):
if item.isRelevant(profile=self._profile_path,
config=self.config, vardb=self.vdb):
del path
path = os.path.join(self.unread_path, 'news-%s.unread' % repoid)
unread_lock = lockfile(path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
#create the file if it does not exist
open(path, "w")
# Ensure correct perms on the unread file.
apply_permissions( filename=path,
uid=int(self.config['PORTAGE_INST_UID']), gid=portage_gid, mode=0664)
# Make sure we have the correct permissions when created
unread_file = open(path, 'a')
for item in updates:
unread_file.write( + "\n")
if unread_lock:
write_atomic(skipfile, "\n".join(skiplist)+"\n")
uid=int(self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"]), gid=portage_gid, mode=0664)
except OperationNotPermitted, e:
import errno
# skip "permission denied" errors as we're likely running in pretend mode
# with reduced priviledges
if e.errno == errno.EPERM:
def getUnreadItems(self, repoid, update=False):
Determine if there are unread relevant items in news.repoid.unread.
If there are unread items return their number.
If update is specified, updateNewsItems( repoid ) will be called to
check for new items.
if update:
unreadfile = os.path.join(self.unread_path, 'news-%s.unread' % repoid)
unread_lock = None
if os.access(os.path.dirname(unreadfile), os.W_OK):
# TODO: implement shared readonly locks
unread_lock = lockfile(unreadfile)
f = open(unreadfile)
unread = f.readlines()
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
del e
return 0
if len(unread):
return len(unread)
if unread_lock:
_installedRE = re.compile("Display-If-Installed:(.*)\n")
_profileRE = re.compile("Display-If-Profile:(.*)\n")
_keywordRE = re.compile("Display-If-Keyword:(.*)\n")
class NewsItem(object):
This class encapsulates a GLEP 42 style news item.
It's purpose is to wrap parsing of these news items such that portage can determine
whether a particular item is 'relevant' or not. This requires parsing the item
and determining 'relevancy restrictions'; these include "Display if Installed" or
"display if arch: x86" and so forth.
Creation of a news item involves passing in the path to the particular news item.
def __init__(self, path, name):
For a given news item we only want if it path is a file.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise TypeError("%s is no regular file" % path)
self.path = path = name
self._parsed = False
def isRelevant(self, vardb, config, profile):
This function takes a dict of keyword arguments; one should pass in any
objects need to do to lookups (like what keywords we are on, what profile,
and a vardb so we can look at installed packages).
Each restriction will pluck out the items that are required for it to match
or raise a ValueError exception if the required object is not present.
if not len(self.restrictions):
return True # no restrictions to match means everyone should see it
kwargs = \
{ 'vardb' : vardb,
'config' : config,
'profile' : profile }
for restriction in self.restrictions:
if restriction.checkRestriction(**kwargs):
return True
return False # No restrictions were met; thus we aren't relevant :(
def parse(self):
lines = open(self.path).readlines()
self.restrictions = []
for line in lines:
#Optimization to ignore regex matchines on lines that
#will never match
if not line.startswith('D'):
restricts = { _installedRE : DisplayInstalledRestriction,
_profileRE : DisplayProfileRestriction,
_keywordRE : DisplayKeywordRestriction }
for regex, restriction in restricts.iteritems():
match = regex.match(line)
if match:
self._parsed = True
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if not self._parsed:
return self.__dict__[attr]
class DisplayRestriction(object):
A base restriction object representing a restriction of display.
news items may have 'relevancy restrictions' preventing them from
being important. In this case we need a manner of figuring out if
a particular item is relevant or not. If any of it's restrictions
are met, then it is displayed
def checkRestriction(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Derived class should over-ride this method')
class DisplayProfileRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
A profile restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
if the user is running a specific profile.
def __init__(self, profile):
self.profile = profile
def checkRestriction(self, **kwargs):
if self.profile == kwargs['profile']:
return True
return False
class DisplayKeywordRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
A keyword restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
if the user is running a specific keyword.
def __init__(self, keyword):
self.keyword = keyword
def checkRestriction(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs['config']['ARCH'] == self.keyword:
return True
return False
class DisplayInstalledRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
An Installation restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
if the user has that item installed.
def __init__(self, cpv):
self.cpv = cpv
def checkRestriction(self, **kwargs):
vdb = kwargs['vardb']
if vdb.match(self.cpv):
return True
return False