blob: bf42d2ba85cfe70e0adbbf646f8b315e283a6158 [file] [log] [blame]
# -- Portage dependency resolution functions
# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
# 'use?' only affects the immediately following word!
# Nesting is the only legal way to form multiple '[!]use?' requirements.
# Where: 'a' and 'b' are use flags, and 'z' is a depend atom.
# "a? z" -- If 'a' in [use], then b is valid.
# "a? ( z )" -- Syntax with parenthesis.
# "a? b? z" -- Deprecated.
# "a? ( b? z )" -- Valid
# "a? ( b? ( z ) ) -- Valid
import re, sys, types
import portage.exception
from portage.exception import InvalidData, InvalidAtom
from portage.versions import catpkgsplit, catsplit, pkgcmp, pkgsplit, ververify
def cpvequal(cpv1, cpv2):
@param cpv1: CategoryPackageVersion (no operators) Example: "sys-apps/portage-2.1"
@type cpv1: String
@param cpv2: CategoryPackageVersion (no operators) Example: "sys-apps/portage-2.1"
@type cpv2: String
@rtype: Boolean
1. True if cpv1 = cpv2
2. False Otherwise
3. Throws PortageException if cpv1 or cpv2 is not a CPV
Example Usage:
>>> from portage.dep import cpvequal
>>> cpvequal("sys-apps/portage-2.1","sys-apps/portage-2.1")
>>> True
split1 = catpkgsplit(cpv1)
split2 = catpkgsplit(cpv2)
if not split1 or not split2:
raise portage.exception.PortageException("Invalid data '%s, %s', parameter was not a CPV" % (cpv1, cpv2))
if split1[0] != split2[0]:
return False
return (pkgcmp(split1[1:], split2[1:]) == 0)
def strip_empty(myarr):
Strip all empty elements from an array
@param myarr: The list of elements
@type myarr: List
@rtype: Array
@return: The array with empty elements removed
for x in range(len(myarr)-1, -1, -1):
if not myarr[x]:
del myarr[x]
return myarr
def paren_reduce(mystr,tokenize=1):
Take a string and convert all paren enclosed entities into sublists, optionally
futher splitting the list elements by spaces.
Example usage:
>>> paren_reduce('foobar foo ( bar baz )',1)
['foobar', 'foo', ['bar', 'baz']]
>>> paren_reduce('foobar foo ( bar baz )',0)
['foobar foo ', [' bar baz ']]
@param mystr: The string to reduce
@type mystr: String
@param tokenize: Split on spaces to produces further list breakdown
@type tokenize: Integer
@rtype: Array
@return: The reduced string in an array
mylist = []
while mystr:
left_paren = mystr.find("(")
has_left_paren = left_paren != -1
right_paren = mystr.find(")")
has_right_paren = right_paren != -1
if not has_left_paren and not has_right_paren:
freesec = mystr
subsec = None
tail = ""
elif mystr[0] == ")":
return [mylist,mystr[1:]]
elif has_left_paren and not has_right_paren:
raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString(
"missing right parenthesis: '%s'" % mystr)
elif has_left_paren and left_paren < right_paren:
freesec,subsec = mystr.split("(",1)
subsec,tail = paren_reduce(subsec,tokenize)
subsec,tail = mystr.split(")",1)
if tokenize:
subsec = strip_empty(subsec.split(" "))
return [mylist+subsec,tail]
return mylist+[subsec],tail
mystr = tail
if freesec:
if tokenize:
mylist = mylist + strip_empty(freesec.split(" "))
mylist = mylist + [freesec]
if subsec is not None:
mylist = mylist + [subsec]
return mylist
class paren_normalize(list):
"""Take a dependency structure as returned by paren_reduce or use_reduce
and generate an equivalent structure that has no redundant lists."""
def __init__(self, src):
self._zap_parens(src, self)
def _zap_parens(self, src, dest, disjunction=False):
if not src:
return dest
i = iter(src)
for x in i:
if isinstance(x, basestring):
if x == '||':
x = self._zap_parens(, [], disjunction=True)
if len(x) == 1:
elif x.endswith("?"):
dest.append(self._zap_parens(, []))
if disjunction:
x = self._zap_parens(x, [])
if len(x) == 1:
self._zap_parens(x, dest)
return dest
def paren_enclose(mylist):
Convert a list to a string with sublists enclosed with parens.
Example usage:
>>> test = ['foobar','foo',['bar','baz']]
>>> paren_enclose(test)
'foobar foo ( bar baz )'
@param mylist: The list
@type mylist: List
@rtype: String
@return: The paren enclosed string
mystrparts = []
for x in mylist:
if isinstance(x, list):
mystrparts.append("( "+paren_enclose(x)+" )")
return " ".join(mystrparts)
# This is just for use by emerge so that it can enable a backward compatibility
# mode in order to gracefully deal with installed packages that have invalid
# atoms or dep syntax. For backward compatibility with api consumers, strict
# behavior will be explicitly enabled as necessary.
_dep_check_strict = False
def use_reduce(deparray, uselist=[], masklist=[], matchall=0, excludeall=[]):
Takes a paren_reduce'd array and reduces the use? conditionals out
leaving an array with subarrays
@param deparray: paren_reduce'd list of deps
@type deparray: List
@param uselist: List of use flags
@type uselist: List
@param masklist: List of masked flags
@type masklist: List
@param matchall: Resolve all conditional deps unconditionally. Used by repoman
@type matchall: Integer
@rtype: List
@return: The use reduced depend array
# Quick validity checks
for x in range(len(deparray)):
if deparray[x] in ["||","&&"]:
if len(deparray) - 1 == x or not isinstance(deparray[x+1], list):
raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString(deparray[x]+" missing atom list in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
if deparray and deparray[-1] and deparray[-1][-1] == "?":
raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString("Conditional without target in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
global _dep_check_strict
mydeparray = deparray[:]
rlist = []
while mydeparray:
head = mydeparray.pop(0)
if type(head) == types.ListType:
additions = use_reduce(head, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall)
if additions:
elif rlist and rlist[-1] == "||":
#XXX: Currently some DEPEND strings have || lists without default atoms.
# raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString("No default atom(s) in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
if head[-1] == "?": # Use reduce next group on fail.
# Pull any other use conditions and the following atom or list into a separate array
newdeparray = [head]
while isinstance(newdeparray[-1], str) and newdeparray[-1][-1] == "?":
if mydeparray:
raise ValueError, "Conditional with no target."
# Deprecation checks
warned = 0
if len(newdeparray[-1]) == 0:
sys.stderr.write("Note: Empty target in string. (Deprecated)\n")
warned = 1
if len(newdeparray) != 2:
sys.stderr.write("Note: Nested use flags without parenthesis (Deprecated)\n")
warned = 1
if warned:
sys.stderr.write(" --> "+" ".join(map(str,[head]+newdeparray))+"\n")
# Check that each flag matches
ismatch = True
missing_flag = False
for head in newdeparray[:-1]:
head = head[:-1]
if not head:
missing_flag = True
if head.startswith("!"):
head_key = head[1:]
if not head_key:
missing_flag = True
if not matchall and head_key in uselist or \
head_key in excludeall:
ismatch = False
elif head not in masklist:
if not matchall and head not in uselist:
ismatch = False
ismatch = False
if missing_flag:
raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString(
"Conditional without flag: \"" + \
paren_enclose([head+"?", newdeparray[-1]])+"\"")
# If they all match, process the target
if ismatch:
target = newdeparray[-1]
if isinstance(target, list):
additions = use_reduce(target, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall)
if additions:
elif not _dep_check_strict:
# The old deprecated behavior.
raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString(
"Conditional without parenthesis: '%s?'" % head)
rlist += [head]
return rlist
def dep_opconvert(deplist):
Iterate recursively through a list of deps, if the
dep is a '||' or '&&' operator, combine it with the
list of deps that follows..
Example usage:
>>> test = ["blah", "||", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
>>> dep_opconvert(test)
['blah', ['||', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']]
@param deplist: A list of deps to format
@type mydep: List
@rtype: List
The new list with the new ordering
retlist = []
x = 0
while x != len(deplist):
if isinstance(deplist[x], list):
elif deplist[x] == "||" or deplist[x] == "&&":
retlist.append([deplist[x]] + dep_opconvert(deplist[x+1]))
x += 1
x += 1
return retlist
def get_operator(mydep):
Return the operator used in a depstring.
Example usage:
>>> from portage.dep import *
>>> get_operator(">=test-1.0")
@param mydep: The dep string to check
@type mydep: String
@rtype: String
@return: The operator. One of:
'~', '=', '>', '<', '=*', '>=', or '<='
if mydep:
mydep = remove_slot(mydep)
if not mydep:
return None
if mydep[0] == "~":
operator = "~"
elif mydep[0] == "=":
if mydep[-1] == "*":
operator = "=*"
operator = "="
elif mydep[0] in "><":
if len(mydep) > 1 and mydep[1] == "=":
operator = mydep[0:2]
operator = mydep[0]
operator = None
return operator
_dep_getcpv_cache = {}
def dep_getcpv(mydep):
Return the category-package-version with any operators/slot specifications stripped off
Example usage:
>>> dep_getcpv('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
@param mydep: The depstring
@type mydep: String
@rtype: String
@return: The depstring with the operator removed
global _dep_getcpv_cache
retval = _dep_getcpv_cache.get(mydep, None)
if retval is not None:
return retval
mydep_orig = mydep
if mydep:
mydep = remove_slot(mydep)
if mydep and mydep[0] == "*":
mydep = mydep[1:]
if mydep and mydep[-1] == "*":
mydep = mydep[:-1]
if mydep and mydep[0] == "!":
mydep = mydep[1:]
if mydep[:2] in [">=", "<="]:
mydep = mydep[2:]
elif mydep[:1] in "=<>~":
mydep = mydep[1:]
_dep_getcpv_cache[mydep_orig] = mydep
return mydep
def dep_getslot(mydep):
Retrieve the slot on a depend.
Example usage:
>>> dep_getslot('app-misc/test:3')
@param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the slot of
@type mydep: String
@rtype: String
@return: The slot
colon = mydep.rfind(":")
if colon != -1:
return mydep[colon+1:]
return None
def remove_slot(mydep):
colon = mydep.rfind(":")
if colon != -1:
mydep = mydep[:colon]
return mydep
def dep_getusedeps( depend ):
Pull a listing of USE Dependencies out of a dep atom.
Example usage:
>>> dep_getusedeps('app-misc/test:3[foo][-bar]')
@param depend: The depstring to process
@type depend: String
@rtype: List
@return: List of use flags ( or [] if no flags exist )
use_list = []
open_bracket = depend.find('[')
# -1 = failure (think c++ string::npos)
while( open_bracket != -1 ):
close_bracket = depend.find(']', open_bracket )
if close_bracket == -1:
raise InvalidAtom("USE Dependency with no closing bracket: %s" % depend )
use = depend[open_bracket + 1: close_bracket]
# foo[1:1] may return '' instead of None, we don't want '' in the result
if len(use):
raise InvalidAtom("USE Dependency with no use flag ([]): %s" % depend )
# Find next use flag
open_bracket = depend.find( '[', open_bracket+1 )
return use_list
_invalid_atom_chars_regexp = re.compile("[()|?]")
def isvalidatom(atom, allow_blockers=False):
Check to see if a depend atom is valid
Example usage:
>>> isvalidatom('media-libs/test-3.0')
>>> isvalidatom('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
@param atom: The depend atom to check against
@type atom: String
@rtype: Integer
@return: One of the following:
1) 0 if the atom is invalid
2) 1 if the atom is valid
global _invalid_atom_chars_regexp
return 0
if allow_blockers and atom.startswith("!"):
atom = atom[1:]
mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(dep_getcpv(atom))
except InvalidData:
return 0
operator = get_operator(atom)
if operator:
if operator[0] in "<>" and remove_slot(atom).endswith("*"):
return 0
if mycpv_cps and mycpv_cps[0] != "null":
# >=cat/pkg-1.0
return 1
# >=cat/pkg or >=pkg-1.0 (no category)
return 0
if mycpv_cps:
# cat/pkg-1.0
return 0
if (len(atom.split('/')) == 2):
# cat/pkg
return 1
return 0
def isjustname(mypkg):
Checks to see if the depstring is only the package name (no version parts)
Example usage:
>>> isjustname('media-libs/test-3.0')
>>> isjustname('test')
>>> isjustname('media-libs/test')
@param mypkg: The package atom to check
@param mypkg: String
@rtype: Integer
@return: One of the following:
1) 0 if the package string is not just the package name
2) 1 if it is
myparts = mypkg.split('-')
for x in myparts:
if ververify(x):
return 0
return 1
iscache = {}
def isspecific(mypkg):
Checks to see if a package is in category/package-version or package-version format,
possibly returning a cached result.
Example usage:
>>> isspecific('media-libs/test')
>>> isspecific('media-libs/test-3.0')
@param mypkg: The package depstring to check against
@type mypkg: String
@rtype: Integer
@return: One of the following:
1) 0 if the package string is not specific
2) 1 if it is
return iscache[mypkg]
except KeyError:
mysplit = mypkg.split("/")
if not isjustname(mysplit[-1]):
iscache[mypkg] = 1
return 1
iscache[mypkg] = 0
return 0
def dep_getkey(mydep):
Return the category/package-name of a depstring.
Example usage:
>>> dep_getkey('media-libs/test-3.0')
@param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the category/package-name of
@type mydep: String
@rtype: String
@return: The package category/package-version
mydep = dep_getcpv(mydep)
if mydep and isspecific(mydep):
mysplit = catpkgsplit(mydep)
if not mysplit:
return mydep
return mysplit[0] + "/" + mysplit[1]
return mydep
def match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
Searches list for entries that matches the package.
@param mypkg: The package atom to match
@type mypkg: String
@param mylist: The list of package atoms to compare against
@param mylist: List
@rtype: List
@return: A unique list of package atoms that match the given package atom
matches = []
for x in mylist:
if match_from_list(x, [mypkg]):
if x not in matches:
return matches
def best_match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
Returns the most specific entry that matches the package given.
@param mypkg: The package atom to check
@type mypkg: String
@param mylist: The list of package atoms to check against
@type mylist: List
@rtype: String
@return: The package atom which best matches given the following ordering:
- =cpv 6
- ~cpv 5
- =cpv* 4
- cp:slot 3
- >cpv 2
- <cpv 2
- >=cpv 2
- <=cpv 2
- cp 1
operator_values = {'=':6, '~':5, '=*':4,
'>':2, '<':2, '>=':2, '<=':2, None:1}
maxvalue = 0
bestm = None
for x in match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
if dep_getslot(x) is not None:
if maxvalue < 3:
maxvalue = 3
bestm = x
op_val = operator_values[get_operator(x)]
if op_val > maxvalue:
maxvalue = op_val
bestm = x
return bestm
def match_from_list(mydep, candidate_list):
Searches list for entries that matches the package.
@param mydep: The package atom to match
@type mydep: String
@param candidate_list: The list of package atoms to compare against
@param candidate_list: List
@rtype: List
@return: A list of package atoms that match the given package atom
from portage.util import writemsg
if mydep[0] == "!":
mydep = mydep[1:]
mycpv = dep_getcpv(mydep)
mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(mycpv) # Can be None if not specific
slot = dep_getslot(mydep)
if not mycpv_cps:
cat, pkg = catsplit(mycpv)
ver = None
rev = None
cat, pkg, ver, rev = mycpv_cps
if mydep == mycpv:
raise KeyError("Specific key requires an operator" + \
" (%s) (try adding an '=')" % (mydep))
if ver and rev:
operator = get_operator(mydep)
if not operator:
writemsg("!!! Invalid atom: %s\n" % mydep, noiselevel=-1)
return []
operator = None
mylist = []
if operator is None:
for x in candidate_list:
if dep_getkey(x) != mycpv:
elif operator == "=": # Exact match
mylist = [cpv for cpv in candidate_list if \
cpvequal(remove_slot(cpv), mycpv)]
elif operator == "=*": # glob match
# XXX: Nasty special casing for leading zeros
# Required as =* is a literal prefix match, so can't
# use vercmp
mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
myver = mysplit[2].lstrip("0")
if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
myver = "0"+myver
mycpv = mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+"-"+myver
for x in candidate_list:
xs = catpkgsplit(remove_slot(x))
myver = xs[2].lstrip("0")
if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
myver = "0"+myver
xcpv = xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+myver
if xcpv.startswith(mycpv):
elif operator == "~": # version, any revision, match
for x in candidate_list:
xs = catpkgsplit(remove_slot(x))
if xs is None:
raise InvalidData(x)
if not cpvequal(xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+xs[2], mycpv_cps[0]+"/"+mycpv_cps[1]+"-"+mycpv_cps[2]):
if xs[2] != ver:
elif operator in [">", ">=", "<", "<="]:
mysplit = ["%s/%s" % (cat, pkg), ver, rev]
for x in candidate_list:
result = pkgcmp(pkgsplit(remove_slot(x)), mysplit)
except ValueError: # pkgcmp may return ValueError during int() conversion
writemsg("\nInvalid package name: %s\n" % x, noiselevel=-1)
if result is None:
elif operator == ">":
if result > 0:
elif operator == ">=":
if result >= 0:
elif operator == "<":
if result < 0:
elif operator == "<=":
if result <= 0:
raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep)
raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep)
if slot is not None:
candidate_list = mylist
mylist = []
for x in candidate_list:
xslot = dep_getslot(x)
if xslot is not None and xslot != slot:
return mylist