repoman linechecks/ Move the errors loading to a new /usr/share/repoman/linechecks directory

This new directory can be installed to by third party add on modules that extend the checks.
We can also in future use these file to get loaclized translations.
diff --git a/repoman/cnf/linechecks/linechecks.yaml b/repoman/cnf/linechecks/linechecks.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634381e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repoman/cnf/linechecks/linechecks.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# linecheck_help.yaml
+# Repoman API version (do not edit)
+version: 1
+# minimum
+repoman_version: 2.3.3
+# configuration file for the LineCheck plugins run via the multicheck
+# scan module
+    COPYRIGHT_ERROR: 'Invalid Gentoo Copyright on line: %d'
+    LICENSE_ERROR: 'Invalid Gentoo/GPL License on line: %d'
+    ID_HEADER_ERROR: 'Stale CVS header on line: %d'
+    NO_BLANK_LINE_ERROR: 'Non-blank line after header on line: %d'
+    LEADING_SPACES_ERROR: 'Ebuild contains leading spaces on line: %d'
+    TRAILING_WHITESPACE_ERROR: 'Trailing whitespace error on line: %d'
+    READONLY_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR: 'Ebuild contains assignment to read-only variable on line: %d'
+    MISSING_QUOTES_ERROR: 'Unquoted Variable on line: %d'
+    NESTED_DIE_ERROR: 'Ebuild calls die in a subshell on line: %d'
+    PATCHES_ERROR: 'PATCHES is not a bash array on line: %d'
+    REDUNDANT_CD_S_ERROR: 'Ebuild has redundant cd ${S} statement on line: %d'
+    EMAKE_PARALLEL_DISABLED: 'Upstream parallel compilation bug (ebuild calls emake -j1 on line: %d)'
+    EMAKE_PARALLEL_DISABLED_VIA_MAKEOPTS: 'Upstream parallel compilation bug (MAKEOPTS=-j1 on line: %d)'
+    DEPRECATED_BINDNOW_FLAGS: 'Deprecated bindnow-flags call on line: %d'
+    EAPI_DEFINED_AFTER_INHERIT: 'EAPI defined after inherit on line: %d'
+    NO_AS_NEEDED: 'Upstream asneeded linking bug (no-as-needed on line: %d)'
+    PRESERVE_OLD_LIB: 'Ebuild calls deprecated preserve_old_lib on line: %d'
+    BUILT_WITH_USE: 'built_with_use on line: %d'
+    NO_OFFSET_WITH_HELPERS: 'Helper function is used with D, ROOT, ED, EROOT or EPREFIX on line: %d'
+    SANDBOX_ADDPREDICT: 'Ebuild calls addpredict on line: %d'
+    USEQ_ERROR: 'Ebuild calls deprecated useq function on line: %d'
+    HASQ_ERROR: 'Ebuild calls deprecated hasq function on line: %d'
+    URI_HTTPS: 'Ebuild uses http:// but should use https:// on line: %d'
diff --git a/repoman/pym/repoman/modules/linechecks/ b/repoman/pym/repoman/modules/linechecks/
index bde2e58..6e4c531 100644
--- a/repoman/pym/repoman/modules/linechecks/
+++ b/repoman/pym/repoman/modules/linechecks/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from repoman._portage import portage
 from repoman.config import load_config
+from repoman import _not_installed
 # Avoid a circular import issue in py2.7
@@ -46,8 +47,7 @@
 		@param configpaths: ordered list of filepaths to load
 		self.repo_settings = repo_settings
-		self.infopaths = [os.path.join(path, 'linechecks.yaml') for path in self.repo_settings.masters_list]
-		logging.debug("LineChecksConfig; configpaths: %s", self.infopaths)
+		self.infopaths = None
 		self.info_config = None
 		self._config = None
 		self.usex_supported_eapis = None
@@ -58,8 +58,22 @@
 		self.eclass_info = {}
 		self.eclass_info_experimental_inherit = {}
 		self.errors = {}
+		self.set_infopaths()
+	def set_infopaths(self):
+		if _not_installed:
+			cnfdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
+				os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
+				os.path.dirname(__file__))))), 'cnf/linechecks'))
+		else:
+			cnfdir = os.path.join(portage.const.EPREFIX or '/', 'usr/share/repoman/linechecks')
+		repomanpaths = [os.path.join(cnfdir, _file_) for _file_ in os.listdir(cnfdir)]
+		logging.debug("LineChecksConfig; repomanpaths: %s", repomanpaths)
+		repopaths = [os.path.join(path, 'linechecks.yaml') for path in self.repo_settings.masters_list]
+		self.infopaths = repomanpaths + repopaths
+		logging.debug("LineChecksConfig; configpaths: %s", self.infopaths)
 	def load_checks_info(self, infopaths=None):
 		'''load the config files in order
@@ -69,6 +83,7 @@
 			self.infopaths = infopaths
 		elif not self.infopaths:
 			logging.error("LineChecksConfig; Error: No linechecks.yaml files defined")
 		configs = load_config(self.infopaths, 'yaml', self.repo_settings.repoman_settings.valid_versions)
 		if configs == {}:
 			logging.error("LineChecksConfig: Failed to load a valid 'linechecks.yaml' file at paths: %s", self.infopaths)