blob: 9a0c5c1c8724d3b4ba555ef5983677782bd2d07f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import functools
import portage
# A marker for iscoroutinefunction.
_is_coroutine = object()
def _iscoroutinefunction(func):
Return True if func is a decorated coroutine function
created with the coroutine decorator for this module.
return getattr(func, '_is_coroutine', None) is _is_coroutine
def coroutine(generator_func):
A decorator for a generator function that behaves as coroutine function.
The generator should yield a Future instance in order to wait for it,
and the result becomes the result of the current yield-expression,
via the PEP 342 generator send() method.
The decorated function returns a Future which is done when the generator
is exhausted. The generator can return a value via the coroutine_return
@param generator_func: A generator function that yields Futures, and
will receive the result of each Future as the result of the
corresponding yield-expression.
@type generator_func: function
@rtype: function
@return: A function which calls the given generator function and
returns a Future that is done when the generator is exhausted.
# Note that functools.partial does not work for decoration of
# methods, since it doesn't implement the descriptor protocol.
# This problem is solve by defining a wrapper function.
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return _generator_future(generator_func, *args, **kwargs)
wrapped._is_coroutine = _is_coroutine
return wrapped
def coroutine_return(result=None):
Terminate the current coroutine and set the result of the associated
@param result: of the current coroutine's Future
@type object
raise _CoroutineReturnValue(result)
def _generator_future(generator_func, *args, **kwargs):
Call generator_func with the given arguments, and return a Future
that is done when the resulting generation is exhausted. If a
keyword argument named 'loop' is given, then it is used instead of
the default event loop.
loop = kwargs.get('loop')
if loop is None and portage._internal_caller:
# Require an explicit loop parameter, in order to support
# local event loops (bug 737698).
raise AssertionError("Missing required argument 'loop'")
loop = asyncio._wrap_loop(loop)
result = loop.create_future()
_GeneratorTask(generator_func(*args, **kwargs), result, loop=loop)
return result
class _CoroutineReturnValue(Exception):
def __init__(self, result):
self.result = result
class _GeneratorTask:
Asynchronously executes the generator to completion, waiting for
the result of each Future that it yields, and sending the result
to the generator.
def __init__(self, generator, result, loop):
self._generator = generator
self._result = result
self._current_task = None
self._loop = loop
def _cancel_callback(self, result):
if result.cancelled() and self._current_task is not None:
# The done callback for self._current_task invokes
# _next in either case here.
self._current_task.done() or self._current_task.cancel()
def _next(self, previous=None):
self._current_task = None
if self._result.cancelled():
if previous is not None:
# Consume exceptions, in order to avoid triggering
# the event loop's exception handler.
previous.cancelled() or previous.exception()
# This will throw asyncio.CancelledError in the coroutine if
# there's an opportunity (yield) before the generator raises
# StopIteration.
previous = self._result
if previous is None:
future = next(self._generator)
elif previous.cancelled():
future = self._generator.throw(asyncio.CancelledError())
elif previous.exception() is None:
future = self._generator.send(previous.result())
future = self._generator.throw(previous.exception())
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except _CoroutineReturnValue as e:
if not self._result.cancelled():
except StopIteration:
if not self._result.cancelled():
except Exception as e:
if not self._result.cancelled():
self._current_task = asyncio.ensure_future(future, loop=self._loop)