blob: 19ea9cd00b010fec5732d357008bad494fee6a7f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011-2015 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import tempfile
import portage
from portage import os
from portage import shutil
from portage.dbapi.virtual import fakedbapi
from portage.package.ebuild.config import config
from portage.tests import TestCase
class TestFakedbapi(TestCase):
def testFakedbapi(self):
packages = (
("app-misc/foo-1", {
"EAPI" : "2", # does not support IUSE_EFFECTIVE
"IUSE" : "",
"repository" : "gentoo",
"SLOT" : "1",
"USE" : "missing-iuse",
("app-misc/foo-2", {
"EAPI" : "5", # supports IUSE_EFFECTIVE
"IUSE" : "",
"repository" : "gentoo",
"SLOT" : "2",
"USE" : "missing-iuse",
("sys-apps/portage-2.1.10", {
"EAPI" : "2",
"IUSE" : "ipc doc",
"repository" : "gentoo",
"SLOT" : "0",
"USE" : "ipc missing-iuse",
("virtual/package-manager-0", {
"EAPI" : "0",
"repository" : "gentoo",
"SLOT" : "0",
match_tests = (
# The missing-iuse match is only intended to work for binary
# packages with EAPIs that support IUSE_EFFECTIVE (bug 640318).
("app-misc/foo[missing-iuse]", ["app-misc/foo-2"]),
("app-misc/foo[-missing-iuse]", []),
("app-misc/foo", ["app-misc/foo-1", "app-misc/foo-2"]),
("sys-apps/portage:0[ipc]", ["sys-apps/portage-2.1.10"]),
("sys-apps/portage:0[-ipc]", []),
("sys-apps/portage:0[doc]", []),
("sys-apps/portage:0[-doc]", ["sys-apps/portage-2.1.10"]),
("sys-apps/portage:0", ["sys-apps/portage-2.1.10"]),
("sys-apps/portage:0[missing-iuse]", []),
("sys-apps/portage:0[-missing-iuse]", []),
("sys-apps/portage:0::gentoo[ipc]", ["sys-apps/portage-2.1.10"]),
("sys-apps/portage:0::multilib[ipc]", []),
("virtual/package-manager", ["virtual/package-manager-0"]),
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
test_repo = os.path.join(tempdir, "var", "repositories", "test_repo")
os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_repo, "profiles"))
with open(os.path.join(test_repo, "profiles", "repo_name"), "w") as f:
env = {
"PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": "[DEFAULT]\nmain-repo = test_repo\n[test_repo]\nlocation = %s" % test_repo
# Tests may override portage.const.EPREFIX in order to
# simulate a prefix installation. It's reasonable to do
# this because tests should be self-contained such that
# the "real" value of portage.const.EPREFIX is entirely
# irrelevant (see bug #492932).
portage.const.EPREFIX = tempdir
fakedb = fakedbapi(settings=config(config_profile_path="",
env=env, eprefix=tempdir))
for cpv, metadata in packages:
fakedb.cpv_inject(cpv, metadata=metadata)
for atom, expected_result in match_tests:
result = fakedb.match(atom)
self.assertEqual(fakedb.match(atom), expected_result,
"fakedb.match('%s') = %s != %s" %
(atom, result, expected_result))