blob: 61d3018390da4c33185a106f9dfa90157815dd99 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1998-2018 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from __future__ import unicode_literals
__all__ = ["dbapi"]
import functools
import re
import portage
from portage.const import MERGING_IDENTIFIER
from portage import os
from portage import auxdbkeys
from portage.eapi import _get_eapi_attrs
from portage.exception import InvalidData
from portage.localization import _
from _emerge.Package import Package
class dbapi(object):
_category_re = re.compile(r'^\w[-.+\w]*$', re.UNICODE)
_categories = None
_use_mutable = False
_known_keys = frozenset(x for x in auxdbkeys
if not x.startswith("UNUSED_0"))
_pkg_str_aux_keys = ("BUILD_TIME", "EAPI", "BUILD_ID",
"KEYWORDS", "SLOT", "repository")
def __init__(self):
def categories(self):
Use self.cp_all() to generate a category list. Mutable instances
can delete the self._categories attribute in cases when the cached
categories become invalid and need to be regenerated.
if self._categories is not None:
return self._categories
self._categories = tuple(sorted(set(catsplit(x)[0] \
for x in self.cp_all())))
return self._categories
def close_caches(self):
def cp_list(self, cp, use_cache=1):
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def _cmp_cpv(cpv1, cpv2):
result = vercmp(cpv1.version, cpv2.version)
if (result == 0 and cpv1.build_time is not None and
cpv2.build_time is not None):
result = ((cpv1.build_time > cpv2.build_time) -
(cpv1.build_time < cpv2.build_time))
return result
def _cpv_sort_ascending(cpv_list):
Use this to sort self.cp_list() results in ascending
order. It sorts in place and returns None.
if len(cpv_list) > 1:
# If the cpv includes explicit -r0, it has to be preserved
# for consistency in findname and aux_get calls, so use a
# dict to map strings back to their original values.
def cpv_all(self):
"""Return all CPVs in the db
A list of Strings, 1 per CPV
This function relies on a subclass implementing cp_all, this is why the hasattr is there
if not hasattr(self, "cp_all"):
raise NotImplementedError
cpv_list = []
for cp in self.cp_all():
return cpv_list
def cp_all(self, sort=False):
""" Implement this in a child class
sort - return sorted results
A list of strings 1 per CP in the datastore
return NotImplementedError
def aux_get(self, mycpv, mylist, myrepo=None):
"""Return the metadata keys in mylist for mycpv
mycpv - "sys-apps/foo-1.0"
mylist - ["SLOT","DEPEND","HOMEPAGE"]
myrepo - The repository name.
a list of results, in order of keys in mylist, such as:
["0",">=sys-libs/bar-1.0",""] or [] if mycpv not found'
raise NotImplementedError
def aux_update(self, cpv, metadata_updates):
cpv - "sys-apps/foo-1.0"
metadata_updates = { key : newvalue }
raise NotImplementedError
def match(self, origdep, use_cache=1):
"""Given a dependency, try to find packages that match
origdep - Depend atom
use_cache - Boolean indicating if we should use the cache or not
NOTE: Do we ever not want the cache?
a list of packages that match origdep
mydep = _dep_expand(origdep, mydb=self, settings=self.settings)
return list(self._iter_match(mydep,
self.cp_list(mydep.cp, use_cache=use_cache)))
def _iter_match(self, atom, cpv_iter):
cpv_iter = iter(match_from_list(atom, cpv_iter))
if atom.repo:
cpv_iter = self._iter_match_repo(atom, cpv_iter)
if atom.slot:
cpv_iter = self._iter_match_slot(atom, cpv_iter)
if atom.unevaluated_atom.use:
cpv_iter = self._iter_match_use(atom, cpv_iter)
return cpv_iter
def _pkg_str(self, cpv, repo):
This is used to contruct _pkg_str instances on-demand during
matching. If cpv is a _pkg_str instance with slot attribute,
then simply return it. Otherwise, fetch metadata and construct
a _pkg_str instance. This may raise KeyError or InvalidData.
except AttributeError:
return cpv
metadata = dict(zip(self._pkg_str_aux_keys,
self.aux_get(cpv, self._pkg_str_aux_keys, myrepo=repo)))
return _pkg_str(cpv, metadata=metadata, settings=self.settings, db=self)
def _iter_match_repo(self, atom, cpv_iter):
for cpv in cpv_iter:
pkg_str = self._pkg_str(cpv, atom.repo)
except (KeyError, InvalidData):
if pkg_str.repo == atom.repo:
yield pkg_str
def _iter_match_slot(self, atom, cpv_iter):
for cpv in cpv_iter:
pkg_str = self._pkg_str(cpv, atom.repo)
except (KeyError, InvalidData):
if _match_slot(atom, pkg_str):
yield pkg_str
def _iter_match_use(self, atom, cpv_iter):
1) Check for required IUSE intersection (need implicit IUSE here).
2) Check enabled/disabled flag states.
aux_keys = ["EAPI", "IUSE", "KEYWORDS", "SLOT", "USE", "repository"]
for cpv in cpv_iter:
metadata = dict(zip(aux_keys,
self.aux_get(cpv, aux_keys, myrepo=atom.repo)))
except KeyError:
except AttributeError:
cpv = _pkg_str(cpv, metadata=metadata,
except InvalidData:
if not self._match_use(atom, cpv, metadata):
yield cpv
def _repoman_iuse_implicit_cnstr(self, pkg, metadata):
In repoman's version of _iuse_implicit_cnstr, account for modifications
of the self.settings reference between calls, and treat all flags as
valid for the empty profile because it does not have any implicit IUSE
settings. See bug 660982.
eapi_attrs = _get_eapi_attrs(metadata["EAPI"])
if eapi_attrs.iuse_effective:
iuse_implicit_match = lambda flag: (True if not self.settings.profile_path
else self.settings._iuse_effective_match(flag))
iuse_implicit_match = lambda flag: (True if not self.settings.profile_path
else self.settings._iuse_implicit_match(flag))
return iuse_implicit_match
def _iuse_implicit_cnstr(self, pkg, metadata):
Construct a callable that checks if a given USE flag should
be considered to be a member of the implicit IUSE for the
given package.
@param pkg: package
@type pkg: _pkg_str
@param metadata: package metadata
@type metadata: Mapping
@return: a callable that accepts a single USE flag argument,
and returns True only if the USE flag should be considered
to be a member of the implicit IUSE for the given package.
@rtype: callable
eapi_attrs = _get_eapi_attrs(metadata["EAPI"])
if eapi_attrs.iuse_effective:
iuse_implicit_match = self.settings._iuse_effective_match
iuse_implicit_match = self.settings._iuse_implicit_match
if not self._use_mutable and eapi_attrs.iuse_effective:
# For built packages, it is desirable for the built USE setting to
# be independent of the profile's current IUSE_IMPLICIT state, since
# the profile's IUSE_IMPLICT setting may have diverged. Therefore,
# any member of the built USE setting is considered to be a valid
# member of IUSE_EFFECTIVE. Note that the binary package may be
# remote, so it's only possible to rely on metadata that is available
# in the remote Packages file, and the IUSE_IMPLICIT header in the
# Packages file is vulnerable to mutation (see bug 640318).
# This behavior is only used for EAPIs that support IUSE_EFFECTIVE,
# since built USE settings for earlier EAPIs may contain a large
# number of irrelevant flags.
prof_iuse = iuse_implicit_match
enabled = frozenset(metadata["USE"].split()).__contains__
iuse_implicit_match = lambda flag: prof_iuse(flag) or enabled(flag)
return iuse_implicit_match
def _match_use(self, atom, pkg, metadata, ignore_profile=False):
iuse_implicit_match = self._iuse_implicit_cnstr(pkg, metadata)
usealiases = self.settings._use_manager.getUseAliases(pkg)
iuse = Package._iuse(None, metadata["IUSE"].split(), iuse_implicit_match, usealiases, metadata["EAPI"])
for x in atom.unevaluated_atom.use.required:
if iuse.get_real_flag(x) is None:
return False
if atom.use is None:
elif not self._use_mutable:
# Use IUSE to validate USE settings for built packages,
# in case the package manager that built this package
# failed to do that for some reason (or in case of
# data corruption). The enabled flags must be consistent
# with implicit IUSE, in order to avoid potential
# inconsistencies in USE dep matching (see bug #453400).
use = frozenset(x for x in metadata["USE"].split() if iuse.get_real_flag(x) is not None)
missing_enabled = frozenset(x for x in atom.use.missing_enabled if iuse.get_real_flag(x) is None)
missing_disabled = frozenset(x for x in atom.use.missing_disabled if iuse.get_real_flag(x) is None)
enabled = frozenset((iuse.get_real_flag(x) or x) for x in atom.use.enabled)
disabled = frozenset((iuse.get_real_flag(x) or x) for x in atom.use.disabled)
if enabled:
if any(x in enabled for x in missing_disabled):
return False
need_enabled = enabled.difference(use)
if need_enabled:
if any(x not in missing_enabled for x in need_enabled):
return False
if disabled:
if any(x in disabled for x in missing_enabled):
return False
need_disabled = disabled.intersection(use)
if need_disabled:
if any(x not in missing_disabled for x in need_disabled):
return False
elif not self.settings.local_config:
if not ignore_profile:
# Check masked and forced flags for repoman.
usemask = self.settings._getUseMask(pkg,
if any(x in usemask for x in atom.use.enabled):
return False
useforce = self.settings._getUseForce(pkg,
if any(x in useforce and x not in usemask
for x in atom.use.disabled):
return False
# Check unsatisfied use-default deps
if atom.use.enabled:
missing_disabled = frozenset(x for x in atom.use.missing_disabled if iuse.get_real_flag(x) is None)
if any(x in atom.use.enabled for x in missing_disabled):
return False
if atom.use.disabled:
missing_enabled = frozenset(x for x in atom.use.missing_enabled if iuse.get_real_flag(x) is None)
if any(x in atom.use.disabled for x in missing_enabled):
return False
return True
def invalidentry(self, mypath):
if "/" + MERGING_IDENTIFIER in mypath:
if os.path.exists(mypath):
writemsg(colorize("BAD", _("INCOMPLETE MERGE:"))+" %s\n" % mypath,
writemsg("!!! Invalid db entry: %s\n" % mypath, noiselevel=-1)
def update_ents(self, updates, onProgress=None, onUpdate=None):
Update metadata of all packages for package moves.
@param updates: A list of move commands, or dict of {repo_name: list}
@type updates: list or dict
@param onProgress: A progress callback function
@type onProgress: a callable that takes 2 integer arguments: maxval and curval
@param onUpdate: A progress callback function called only
for packages that are modified by updates.
@type onUpdate: a callable that takes 2 integer arguments:
maxval and curval
cpv_all = self.cpv_all()
maxval = len(cpv_all)
aux_get = self.aux_get
aux_update = self.aux_update
update_keys = Package._dep_keys
meta_keys = update_keys + self._pkg_str_aux_keys
repo_dict = None
if isinstance(updates, dict):
repo_dict = updates
if onUpdate:
onUpdate(maxval, 0)
if onProgress:
onProgress(maxval, 0)
for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
metadata = dict(zip(meta_keys, aux_get(cpv, meta_keys)))
except KeyError:
pkg = _pkg_str(cpv, metadata=metadata, settings=self.settings)
except InvalidData:
metadata = dict((k, metadata[k]) for k in update_keys)
if repo_dict is None:
updates_list = updates
updates_list = repo_dict[pkg.repo]
except KeyError:
updates_list = repo_dict['DEFAULT']
except KeyError:
if not updates_list:
metadata_updates = \
portage.update_dbentries(updates_list, metadata, parent=pkg)
if metadata_updates:
aux_update(cpv, metadata_updates)
if onUpdate:
onUpdate(maxval, i+1)
if onProgress:
onProgress(maxval, i+1)
def move_slot_ent(self, mylist, repo_match=None):
"""This function takes a sequence:
mylist: a sequence of (atom, originalslot, newslot)
repo_match: callable that takes single repo_name argument
and returns True if the update should be applied
The number of slotmoves this function did
atom = mylist[1]
origslot = mylist[2]
newslot = mylist[3]
except AttributeError:
atom = Atom(atom).with_slot(origslot)
atom = atom.with_slot(origslot)
origmatches = self.match(atom)
moves = 0
if not origmatches:
return moves
for mycpv in origmatches:
mycpv = self._pkg_str(mycpv, atom.repo)
except (KeyError, InvalidData):
if repo_match is not None and not repo_match(mycpv.repo):
moves += 1
if "/" not in newslot and \
mycpv.sub_slot and \
mycpv.sub_slot not in (mycpv.slot, newslot):
newslot = "%s/%s" % (newslot, mycpv.sub_slot)
mydata = {"SLOT": newslot+"\n"}
self.aux_update(mycpv, mydata)
return moves