Add support for ram payloads

This is enabled by CONFIG_RAMPAYLOAD.

The code will look for a ram payload and, if it is found, try
to run it. If the load fails or the payload returns it will
continue with ramstage.

We also include a new payload, linuxcheck, which is intended
to verify that linux can be loaded and run, e.g. as a LinuxBoot
payload. Currently, it fails.

This does not yet work but it makes sense as a foundation on which
to build. For one thing, we need to build at least a few tables
for Linux. The goal for LinuxBoot is to build as few as possible.

To test with linuxcheck (linux is not even close to working):
cd payloads/linuxcheck/
cp x86config  .config

cd ../..

./build/cbfstool build/coreboot.rom add-payload -n fallback/rampayload -f payloads/linuxcheck/linuxcheck.elf

qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -m 8192 -bios build/coreboot.rom -monitor /dev/pts/$1 -s

We need to change the payload menu so we can add a rampayload but it's a bit
tricky as written, so that must come later.

Note that I'm still creating a special purpose romselfboot. The idea of
merging romselfboot and selfboot is probably a good idea -- in the future.
I think until we know how this should look, such a merge is premature.

Signed-off-by: Ronald G. Minnich <>

Change-Id: I8199aae6776f6dee969b370b0e6a41ef96e854d8
clang-formatted-by: Ronald G. Minnich
Reviewed-by: Philipp Deppenwiese <>
Tested-by: Philipp Deppenwiese <>
10 files changed