blob: 49953055b0480587d89517e3a84d84af5826ad26 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only */
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
#include <commonlib/bsd/compiler.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
#define ALIGN(x, a) __ALIGN_MASK(x, (__typeof__(x))(a)-1UL)
#define __ALIGN_MASK(x, mask) (((x)+(mask))&~(mask))
#define ALIGN_UP(x, a) ALIGN((x), (a))
#define ALIGN_DOWN(x, a) ((x) & ~((__typeof__(x))(a)-1UL))
#define IS_ALIGNED(x, a) (((x) & ((__typeof__(x))(a)-1UL)) == 0)
/* Double-evaluation unsafe min/max, for bitfields and outside of functions */
#define __CMP_UNSAFE(a, b, op) ((a) op (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN_UNSAFE(a, b) __CMP_UNSAFE(a, b, <)
#define MAX_UNSAFE(a, b) __CMP_UNSAFE(a, b, >)
#define __CMP_SAFE(a, b, op, var_a, var_b) ({ \
__TYPEOF_UNLESS_CONST(a, b) var_a = (a); \
__TYPEOF_UNLESS_CONST(b, a) var_b = (b); \
var_a op var_b ? var_a : var_b; \
#define __CMP(a, b, op) __builtin_choose_expr( \
__builtin_constant_p(a) && __builtin_constant_p(b), \
__CMP_UNSAFE(a, b, op), __CMP_SAFE(a, b, op, __TMPNAME, __TMPNAME))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) __CMP(a, b, <)
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) __CMP(a, b, >)
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(a) ({ \
__typeof__(a) _abs_local_a = (a); \
(_abs_local_a < 0) ? (-_abs_local_a) : _abs_local_a; \
#define IS_POWER_OF_2(x) ({ \
__typeof__(x) _power_local_x = (x); \
(_power_local_x & (_power_local_x - 1)) == 0; \
#define POWER_OF_2(x) (1ULL << (x))
/* Set bits from `high` to `low` (inclusive). */
#define GENMASK(high, low) (((~0ULL) << (low)) & (~0ULL >> (63 - (high))))
#define DIV_ROUND_UP(x, y) ({ \
__typeof__(x) _div_local_x = (x); \
__typeof__(y) _div_local_y = (y); \
(_div_local_x + _div_local_y - 1) / _div_local_y; \
#define SWAP(a, b) do { \
__typeof__(&(a)) _swap_local_a = &(a); \
__typeof__(&(b)) _swap_local_b = &(b); \
__typeof__(a) _swap_local_tmp = *_swap_local_a; \
*_swap_local_a = *_swap_local_b; \
*_swap_local_b = _swap_local_tmp; \
} while (0)
/* Standard units. */
#define KiB (1<<10)
#define MiB (1<<20)
#define GiB (1<<30)
#define KHz (1000)
#define MHz (1000 * KHz)
#define GHz (1000 * MHz)
#ifndef offsetof
#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER)
#define check_member(structure, member, offset) _Static_assert( \
offsetof(struct structure, member) == offset, \
"`struct " #structure "` offset for `" #member "` is not " #offset)
/* Calculate size of structure member. */
#define member_size(type, member) (sizeof(((type *)0)->member))
#define _retry_impl(attempts, condition, expr, ...) \
({ \
__typeof__(condition) _retry_ret = \
(__typeof__(condition))0; \
int _retry_attempts = (attempts); \
do { \
_retry_ret = (condition); \
if (_retry_ret) \
break; \
if (--_retry_attempts > 0) { \
expr; \
} else { \
break; \
} \
} while (1); \
_retry_ret; \
* Helper macro to retry until a condition becomes true or the maximum number
* of attempts is reached. Two forms are supported:
* 1. retry(attempts, condition)
* 2. retry(attempts, condition, expr)
* @param attempts Maximum attempts.
* @param condition Condition to retry for.
* @param expr Procedure to run between each evaluation to "condition".
* @return Condition value if it evaluates to true within the maximum attempts;
* 0 otherwise.
#define retry(attempts, condition, ...) \
_retry_impl(attempts, condition, __VA_ARGS__)
/* Stringify a token */
#define _STRINGIFY(x) #x