blob: e3985eae56664bf83f01a6ce78e870221083811b [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
#include <arch/asm.h>
/* Required to jump to kernel in ARM state */
/* void boot_linux(void *kernel_ptr, void *fdt_ptr); */
/* Save kernel ptr */
mov r3, r0
/* Set R2 = fdt */
mov r2, r1
/* Set R0 = 0x00000000 as expected by Linux ABI */
mov r0, #0
/* Set R1 = 0xffffffff as expected by Linux ABI */
mov r1, #-1
/* Linux ABI expects SVC mode (0x13) with IRQ(7) and FIQ(6) disabled. */
msr cpsr_cxf, #0xd3
/* Jump to kernel */
mov pc, r3