blob: d151e1d14d9e010fee7406a91892b8576670f723 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
/* Wake status package */
Name (WKST, Package() { Zero, Zero })
* \_PTS - Prepare to Sleep method
* Entry:
* Arg0=The value of the sleeping state S1=1, S2=2, etc
* Exit:
* -none-
* The _PTS control method is executed at the beginning of the sleep process
* for S1-S5. The sleeping value is passed to the _PTS control method. This
* control method may be executed a relatively long time before entering the
* sleep state and the OS may abort the operation without notification to
* the ACPI driver. This method cannot modify the configuration or power
* state of any device in the system.
Method (_PTS, 1)
/* DBGO ("\\_PTS\n") */
/* DBGO ("From S0 to S") */
/* DBGO (Arg0) */
/* DBGO ("\n") */
/* Clear wake status structure. */
Store (0, PEWD)
Store (0, Index(WKST,0))
Store (0, Index(WKST,1))
Store (7, UPWS)
* \_WAK System Wake method
* Entry:
* Arg0=The value of the sleeping state S1=1, S2=2
* Exit:
* Return package of 2 DWords
* Dword 1 - Status
* 0x00000000 wake succeeded
* 0x00000001 Wake was signaled but failed due to lack of power
* 0x00000002 Wake was signaled but failed due to thermal condition
* Dword 2 - Power Supply state
* if non-zero the effective S-state the power supply entered
Method (\_WAK, 1)
/* DBGO ("\\_WAK\n") */
/* DBGO ("From S") */
/* DBGO (Arg0) */
/* DBGO (" to S0\n") */
Return (WKST)