blob: 041807ecc71a3f07654df2a08d93d0596ed71e44 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Save BIST result */
movl %eax, %ebp
/* check if SPAD0 is cleared. If yes, it means this was a hard reset */
movl $0x800080d0, %eax
movw $0xcf8, %dx
outl %eax, %dx
addw $4, %dx
inl %dx, %eax
cmp $0, %eax
je no_reset
/* perform hard reset */
movw $0xcf9, %dx
movb $0x06, %al
outb %al, %dx
loop0: hlt
jmp loop0
/* Read the semaphore register of i5000 (BOFL0).
If it returns zero, it means there was already
another read by another CPU */
movl $0x800080c0, %eax
movw $0xcf8, %dx
outl %eax, %dx
addw $4, %dx
inl %dx, %eax
cmp $0, %eax
jne 1f
/* degrade BSP to AP */
mov $0x1b, %ecx
andl $(~0x100), %eax
loop: hlt
jmp loop
1: /* set magic value for soft reset detection */
movl $0x800080d0, %eax
movw $0xcf8, %dx
outl %eax, %dx
addw $4, %dx
movl $0x12345678, %eax
outl %eax, %dx
/* Restore BIST */
mov %ebp, %eax