blob: 4c1e9e296ea27da666c89940f2ac7cbaccd58248 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# reboot-laurel -- Reboot a system attached to a Laurel DPM meter.
# This script provides standalone control for the Laurel DPM ammeter when
# setup to control power to a target using the alarm relays. This is actually
# a creative misuse of the meter. We are actually sending commands to the
# meter that trigger alarm relays to be "always on" or "always off".
# In addition to controlling power to a target, the meter will report the
# current ammeter reading using the 'value' command.
# Usage:
# reboot-laurel <ttydev> <on|off|reset|value>
# Copyright (c) 2007, Wind River Systems
# Author: James Puderer <>
# This script depends on the ckermit package.
##### Configuration #####
set tty_line /dev/ttyUSB0
set tty_baud 9600
set reset_delay 5000
log_user 0
# Triggers alarm relay when over a large negative amperage (always true)
set command(relay1_on) "*1F386800000\r"
set command(relay2_on) "*1F389800000\r"
# Triggers alarm relay when under a large positive amperage (always false)
set command(relay1_off) "*1F3867FFFFF\r"
set command(relay2_off) "*1F3897FFFFF\r"
set command(get_value) "*1B1\r"
proc usage { } {
global argv0
puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 <ttydev> <on|off|reset|value>\n"
exit 1
proc connect { tty_line tty_baud } {
global spawn_id
spawn kermit -Y
expect {
"C-Kermit>" { }
timeout { error "Timeout starting kermit" }
send "set line $tty_line\n"
send "set speed $tty_baud\n"
expect {
"$tty_baud bps" { }
"Sorry, device is in use" { error "Serial device is in use" }
timeout { error "Kermit timed out" }
send "set flow none\n"
send "set carrier-watch off\n"
send "c\n"
expect {
"Port already in use" { error "Port already in use" }
"\n-------*\n" { }
timeout { error "Kermit timed out" }
proc disconnect { } {
global spawn_id
proc on { } {
global spawn_id command
send $command(relay1_on)
after 100
send $command(relay2_on)
after 100
proc off { } {
global spawn_id command
send $command(relay1_off)
after 100
send $command(relay2_off)
after 100
proc reset { } {
global spawn_id reset_delay command
send $command(relay1_off)
after 100
send $command(relay2_off)
after $reset_delay
send $command(relay1_on)
after 100
send $command(relay2_on)
after 100
proc value { } {
global spawn_id command
set timeout 1
expect "*"
send $command(get_value)
expect {
-re {[-| ][0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9]} { return $expect_out(0,string) }
# Handle command line
if {[llength $argv] < 2} {
set tty_line [lindex $argv 0]
set action [string tolower [lindex $argv 1]]
if { ($action == "on") || ($action == "off") || ($action == "reset") } {
connect $tty_line $tty_baud
} elseif { $action == "value" } {
connect $tty_line $tty_baud
puts [$action]
} else {