blob: 7cdf296fcf3fd80d827ba20761a54f72e2fb331e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/expect --
# Reboot a machine connected to an APC power strip
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc., Martin J. Bligh <>
set P "reboot-apc"
# OPTIONS: options parser.
proc shift {_list} {
upvar $_list list
set res [lindex $list 0]
set list [lreplace $list 0 0]
return $res
proc arg {_list arg} {
upvar $_list list
if {[llength $list] < 1} {
puts stderr "$arg: required argument missing"
exit 1
return [shift list]
proc enter_outlet {outlet} {
send "\r"
expect "> "
send $outlet
send "\r"
set timeout 10
set user {apc}
set pass {apc}
set host [lindex $argv 0]
set outlet [lindex $argv 1]
shift argv
shift argv
while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
puts "length [llength $argv]"
switch -- [shift argv] {
-p { set pass [arg argv p]}
-u { set user [arg argv u]}
if {[llength $argv] > 0} {
puts stderr "Usage: $P <host> <outlet> [-u <user>] [-p <pass>]"
exit 1
if {[string compare $host ""] == 0 ||
[string compare $outlet ""] == 0} \
puts stderr "host and outlet required"
exit 1
spawn telnet $host
expect "User Name :"
send $user
send "\r"
expect "Password :"
send $pass
send "\r"
expect "1- Device Manager"
expect "> "
send "1\r"
# We get a different prompt if we're just an outlet controller
# decide which response we need to enter
set timeout 2
expect {
"3- Outlet Control/Configuration" {
send "3\r"
enter_outlet $outlet
"2- Outlet Control" {
send "2\r"
enter_outlet $outlet
"2- Outlet Management" {
send "2\r"
# Here too, if we're just an outlet controller we don't get the option
# to modify configuration
expect {
"1- Control Outlet" {
send "1\r"
"1- Outlet Control/Configuration" {
send "1\r"
enter_outlet $outlet
expect "3- Immediate Reboot"
expect "> "
send "3\r"
expect "Immediate Reboot"
expect "Enter 'YES' to continue or <ENTER> to cancel :"
send "YES\r"
expect "Press <ENTER> to continue..."