blob: 72647c024cc48d22fa5473448d97466273431d99 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/expect --
# hmc -- handle consoles and rebooting of HMC based systems
# Allow connecting to the console of and rebooting of HMC connected
# machines. Machines are identified by the HMC IP address, connected
# system name, and partition name.
# usage:
# hmc open-term|reboot -h <hmc IP> -m <system> -p <partition> \
# -U <user> -P <password> -V <hmc version>
# example:
# hmc open-term -m elm3b70 -p FullSystemPartition -U hscroot -P passwd \
# -V 2.6 -h
# hmc reboot -m elm3b70 -p FullSystemPartition -U hscroot -P passwd \
# -V 2.6 -h
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005, 2006
# Author: Andy Whitcroft <>
# The Console Multiplexor is released under the GNU Public License V2
set P "hmc"
# See interactions.
log_user 0
#exp_internal 1
proc note {m} {
global P
puts "$P: $m"
proc warn {m} {
global P
puts "$P: WARNING: $m"
proc winge {m} {
global P
puts "$P: MACHINE ERROR: $m"
# OPTIONS: options parser.
proc shift {_list} {
upvar $_list list
set res [lindex $list 0]
set list [lreplace $list 0 0]
return $res
proc arg {_list arg} {
upvar $_list list
if {[llength $list] < 1} {
winge "$arg: required argument missing"
exit 1
return [shift list]
set user {hscroot}
set host {}
set system {}
set lpar {}
set profile {default}
set mode {norm}
set passwd {}
set version {}
set cmd [lindex $argv 0]
shift argv
while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
switch -- [shift argv] {
-h { set host [arg argv h]}
hmc { set host [arg argv h]}
-m { set system [arg argv m]}
-l { set lpar [arg argv l]}
-p { set lpar [arg argv p]}
-f { set profile [arg argv f]}
-b { set mode [arg argv b]}
-U { set user [arg argv P]}
-P { set passwd [arg argv P]}
-V { set version [arg argv P]}
if {[llength $argv] > 0} {
puts stderr "Usage: $P <cmd> -h <hmc> -m <system> -p <lpar> -f <profile> -b <mode>"
exit 1
if {[string compare $host ""] == 0 ||
[string compare $system ""] == 0 ||
[string compare $lpar ""] == 0} \
winge "hmc (-h), machine (-m) and lpar (-p) required"
exit 1
set prompt {___EOF___HMC___EOF___}
set hscpath {/opt/hsc/bin}
#log_file -a "$logfile"
set elapsed_time 0
set timeout 30
# Ensure we have a terminal so we don't get prompted for one.
if {![info exists env(TERM)]} {
set env(TERM) {vt100}
# If we have a password don't use any ssh-keys we may have been offered.
if {[string compare $passwd ""] == 0} {
set command "ssh $env(SSH_OPTIONS) $user@$host"
} else {
set command "ssh $user@$host"
# CONNECT: connect to the remote console. Set the prompt up so we
# know when a command we execute has completed.
note "Logging into HMC console with command \"$command\" ..."
eval spawn $command
send "PS1=$prompt\r"
expect {
-re {[pP]assword:} {
if {[string compare $passwd ""] == 0} {
winge "$host: requesting password - not hacked"
exit 2
send "$passwd\r"
after 500
send "PS1=$prompt\r"
"Connection timed out" {
winge "$host: cannot connect to console"
exit 2
"Name or service not known" {
winge "$host: HMC name invalid"
exit 1
"Permission denied" {
winge "$host: authentication failure, permission denied"
exit 2
timeout {
winge "$host: HMC did not prompt us, timed out"
exit 2
eof {
winge "$host: HMC disconnected without prompting"
exit 2
"Terminal type?" {
send "vt100\r"
send "PS1=$prompt\r"
"PS1=$prompt" {
# Ignore us typing the change to the prompt.
"$prompt" {
# Prompt see, we are in and working, drop out.
## note "prompt seen"
-re "^\[^\n]*\n" {
# We need to absorb any login information, motd etc.
## puts "NOISE<$expect_out(buffer)>"
proc runit {cmd _out} {
upvar $_out out
global prompt
send "$cmd"
set text ""
set line 0
set timeout 120
expect {
-re "^\[^\n]*\n" {
##note "LINE: $expect_out(buffer)"
if { $line > 0 } {
append text $expect_out(buffer)
incr line
-re "$prompt" {
##note "prompt seen"
timeout {
set out "hmc: command timeout"
return 255
set out [string trimright $text]
send "echo \$?\r"
set text ""
set line 0
set timeout 30
expect {
-re "^\[^\n]*\n" {
##note "LINE: $expect_out(buffer)"
if { $line > 0 } {
append text $expect_out(buffer)
incr line
-re "$prompt" {
##note "prompt seen"
timeout {
set out "hmc: command status timeout"
return 255
##note "EXIT: $text"
return [string trimright $text]
proc extract_names {out} {
set res {}
foreach sys [split $out] {
if {[string compare $sys ""] != 0} {
lappend res $sys
return $res
# Find out the current version of the HMC software.
if {[string compare $version ""] == 0} {
runit "rpm -q IBMhsc.coreserver --qf '%{VERSION}'; echo ''\r" version
if {[string compare $version ""] == 0} {
winge "unable to obtain HMC code version"
exit 1
note "HMC revision v$version"
# Based on the version of the HMC software select payload.
if {$version < 4.0} {
# VERSION 2.6/3.0 specific support.
proc system_list {} {
global hscpath
# Ask for a list of systems.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r sys --all -F name\r" out] != 0} {
winge "unable to obtain list of systems"
exit 1
return [extract_names $out]
proc system_state {system} {
global hscpath
# Ask for the system status.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r sys -n $system -F state\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system: failed to get status"
exit 1
return $out
proc lpar_list {system} {
global hscpath
# Ask for a list of lpars for this system.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r lpar -m $system --all -F name\r" out] != 0} {
winge "unable to obtain list of lpars"
exit 1
return [extract_names $out]
proc state {system lpar} {
global hscpath
# Ask for the lpar status.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -F state\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: failed to get lpar status"
exit 1
return $out
proc reboot_metal {system lpar profile mode} {
global hscpath
# If we have no connection wait for the machine to appear.
# XXX: timeout?
set was {}
set when [clock seconds]
if {[string compare [system_state $system] "Ready"] != 0} {
while {([clock seconds] - $when) < 60} {
sleep 15
set state [system_state $system]
note "waiting for stable connected state ($state)"
if {$state != $was || [string compare $state "No Connection"] == 0} {
set was $state
set when [clock seconds]
# See if the system is is in Error, if so attempt to
# power it on.
if {[string compare [system_state $system] "Error"] == 0} {
note "starting full system (from Error)"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r sys -m $system -n $system -b $mode -o on -c full\r" out] == 0} {
note "started"
note "start failed - attempting shutdown"
# See if the system is up, if so shut it down.
if {[string compare [system_state $system] "No Power"] != 0} {
note "shutting down full system"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r sys -m $system -n $system -o off -c full\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system: power off failed\n$out"
exit 2
while {[string compare [system_state $system] "No Power"] != 0} {
note "waiting for shutdown"
sleep 15
note "starting full system"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r sys -m $system -n $system -b $mode -o on -c full\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system: power on failed"
exit 2
note "started"
proc reboot {system lpar profile mode} {
global hscpath
# Handle the bare metal separatly.
if {[string compare $lpar "FullSystemPartition"] == 0} {
return [reboot_metal $system $lpar $profile $mode]
# Partitions in Error state are tricky, you _may_ either
# have to shut them down and then start them, or you may
# just have to start them. So, if we are in Error start
# the partition, if it fails we can just drop through
# to the regular stop/start cycle.
if {[string compare [state $system $lpar] "Error"] == 0} {
note "starting lpar (from Error)"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -b $mode -o on\r" out] == 0} {
note "started"
note "start failed - attempting shutdown"
# See if the lpar is up, if so shut it down.
if {[string compare [state $system $lpar] "Ready"] != 0} {
note "shutting down lpar"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -o off\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: power off failed\n$out"
exit 2
while {[string compare [state $system $lpar] "Ready"] != 0} {
note "waiting for shutdown"
sleep 15
note "starting lpar"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -b $mode -o on\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: power on failed\n$out"
exit 2
note "started"
if {$version >= 4.0} {
# VERSION 4.x specific support.
proc system_list {} {
global hscpath
# Ask for a list of systems.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r sys -F name\r" out] != 0} {
winge "unable to obtain list of systems"
exit 1
return [extract_names $out]
proc system_state {system} {
global hscpath
# Ask for the system status.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r sys -m $system -F state\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system: failed to get system status"
exit 1
return $out
proc lpar_list {system} {
global hscpath
# Ask for a list of lpars for this system.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r lpar -m $system -F name\r" out] != 0} {
winge "unable to obtain list of lpars"
exit 1
return [extract_names $out]
proc state {system lpar} {
global hscpath
# Ask for the lpar status.
if {[runit "lssyscfg -r lpar -m $system --filter lpar_names=$lpar -F state\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: failed to get lpar status"
exit 1
return $out
proc reboot {system lpar profile mode} {
global hscpath
# Partitions in Error state are tricky, you _may_ either
# have to shut them down and then start them, or you may
# just have to start them. So, if we are in Error start
# the partition, if it fails we can just drop through
# to the regular stop/start cycle.
if {[string compare [state $system $lpar] "Error"] == 0} {
note "starting lpar (from Error)"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -f $profile -b $mode -o on\r" out] == 0} {
note "started"
note "start failed - attempting shutdown"
# See if the lpar is up, if so shut it down.
if {[string compare [state $system $lpar] "Not Activated"] != 0} {
note "shutting down lpar"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -o shutdown --immed\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: power off failed\n$out"
exit 2
while {[string compare [state $system $lpar] "Not Activated"] != 0} {
note "waiting for shutdown"
sleep 15
note "starting lpar"
if {[runit "chsysstate -r lpar -m $system -n $lpar -f $profile -b $mode -o on\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: power on failed\n$out"
exit 2
note "started"
# VERSION: common
proc open-term {system lpar} {
global prompt
global hscpath
global spawn_id
note "opening console ..."
send "ulimit -t 3600; \[ -f cleandown ] && sudo /home/hscroot/cleandown $system $lpar; mkvterm -m $system -p $lpar\r"
expect {
"NVTS" { }
"Open in progress.." { }
"$prompt" {
winge "$system/$lpar: open console failed"
exit 2
note "console open"
interact {
-i $spawn_id
" Connection has closed" {
winge "$system/$lpar: console connection closed"
exit 2
{Error in communication path to the partition} {
winge "$system/$lpar: lost contact with lpar"
exit 2
"$prompt" {
winge "$system/$lpar: open console failed"
exit 2
eof {
winge "$system/$lpar: payload lost"
exit 2
\000 {
note "console closed"
proc close-term {system lpar} {
global hscpath
note "closing console ..."
if {[runit "rmvterm -m $system -p $lpar\r" out] != 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: close console failed"
exit 2
# Look and see if this system exists.
set systems [system_list]
if {[lsearch -exact $systems $system] < 0} {
winge "$system: system not known; console knows: $systems"
exit 1
set lpars [lpar_list $system]
if {[lsearch -exact $lpars $lpar] < 0} {
winge "$system/$lpar: lpar not known; console knows: $lpars"
exit 1
# Check for system in Operating/Ready.
set state [system_state $system]
if {[string compare $lpar "FullSystemPartition"] != 0 &&
[string compare $state "Operating"] != 0 &&
[string compare $state "Ready"] != 0} \
winge "$system: unusable - $state"
exit 1
# Ask for the lpar status, to see if it exists.
set lstate [state $system $lpar]
note "$system/$lpar: found ($state/$lstate)"
# COMMANDS: command.
switch -- $cmd {
{open-term} {
close-term $system $lpar
open-term $system $lpar
{close-term} {
close-term $system $lpar
{reboot} {
reboot $system $lpar $profile $mode
default {
winge "$cmd: unknown command"
exit 0