blob: 22be715ce49534279daec96fe2b988a977b8767b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Validators to verify if events conform to specified criteria."""
How to add a new validator/gesture:
(1) Implement a new validator class inheriting BaseValidator,
(2) add proper method in mtb.MTB class,
(3) add the new validator in test_conf, and
'from validators import the_new_validator'
in alphabetical order, and
(4) add a new gesture if necessary.
The validator template is as follows:
class XxxValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check ...
To check ...
XxxValidator('<= 0.05, ~ +0.05', fingers=2)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, fingers=1):
super(X..Validator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf)
self.fingers = fingers
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check ..."""
xxx =
return (, self.msg_list)
import numpy as n
import sys
import fuzzy
import firmware_utils
import mtb
import touch_device
# Include some constants
execfile('', globals())
def validate(packets, gesture, variation):
"""Validate a single gesture."""
if packets is None:
return (None, None)
msg_list = []
score_list = []
for validator in gesture.validators:
(score, check_msg) = validator.check(packets, variation)
if score is not None:
# save the validator messages
validator_name = validator.__class__.__name__
msg_validator_name = ' %s' % validator_name
msg_criteria = ' criteria_str: %s' % validator.criteria_str
msg_list.append(' ')
msg_list += check_msg
msg_score = ' score: %f' % score
return (score_list, msg_list)
class BaseValidator(object):
"""Base class of validators."""
aggregator = 'fuzzy.average'
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None):
self.criteria_str = criteria_str
self.fc = fuzzy.FuzzyCriteria(criteria_str, mf=mf)
self.device = touch_device.TouchpadDevice()
self.device_width, self.device_height = self.device.get_dimensions()
self.packets = None
self.msg_list = []
def init_check(self, packets):
"""Initialization before check() is called."""
self.packets = mtb.MTB(packets)
self.msg_list = []
def print_msg(self, msg):
"""Collect the messages to be printed within this module."""
prefix_space = ' ' * 8
formatted_msg = '%s%s' % (prefix_space, msg)
class LinearityValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to verify linearity.
To check the linearity of two finger horizontal scrolling:
LinearityValidator('<= 0.03, ~ +0.07', fingers=2)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, fingers=1):
super(LinearityValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf)
self.fingers = fingers
def _simple_linear_regression(self, ax, ay):
"""Calculate the simple linear regression and returns the
sum of squared residuals.
ax: array x
ay: array y
This method tries to find alpha and beta in the formula
ay = alpha + beta . ax
such that it has the least sum of squared residuals.
Simple linear regression:
Average absolute deviation (or mean absolute deviation) :
# Convert the list to the array presentation
ax = 1.0 * n.array(ax)
ay = 1.0 * n.array(ay)
# If there are less than 2 data points, it is not a line at all.
asize = ax.size
if asize <= 2:
return 0
Sx = ax.sum()
Sy = ay.sum()
Sxx = n.square(ax).sum()
Sxy =, ay)
Syy = n.square(ay).sum()
Sx2 = Sx * Sx
Sy2 = Sy * Sy
# compute Mean of x and y
Mx = ax.mean()
My = ay.mean()
# Compute beta and alpha of the linear regression
beta = 1.0 * (asize * Sxy - Sx * Sy) / (asize * Sxx - Sx2)
alpha = My - beta * Mx
# spmse: squared root of partial mean squared error
partial = max(1, int(0.1 * asize))
partial = min(asize, 10)
spmse = n.square(ay - alpha - beta * ax)
spmse = spmse[asize - partial : asize]
spmse = n.sqrt(n.average(spmse))
return spmse
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check if the packets conforms to specified criteria."""
results = []
for slot in range(self.fingers):
(list_x, list_y) = self.packets.get_x_y(slot)
if variation == VERTICAL:
results.append(self._simple_linear_regression(list_y, list_x))
results.append(self._simple_linear_regression(list_x, list_y))
ave_distance = eval(self.aggregator)(results)
length = (self.device_width if variation == VERTICAL
else self.device_height)
ave_deviation = ave_distance / length
self.print_msg('average distance: %f' % ave_distance)
self.print_msg('ave_deviation: %f' % ave_deviation)
return (, self.msg_list)
class RangeValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the observed (x, y) positions should be within
the range of reported min/max values.
To check the range of observed edge-to-edge positions:
RangeValidator('<= 0.05, ~ +0.05')
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the left/right or top/bottom range based on the direction."""
actual_range = self.packets.get_range()
spec = self.device.get_edges()
spec_width = spec[1] - spec[0]
spec_height = spec[3] - spec[2]
diff = map(lambda a, b: abs(a - b), actual_range, spec)
if variation == HORIZONTAL:
diff_x = diff[0:2]
ave_deviation = 1.0 * sum(diff_x) / len(diff_x) / spec_width
actual_range_axis = actual_range[0:2]
spec_range_axis = spec[0:2]
elif variation == VERTICAL:
diff_y = diff[2:4]
ave_deviation = 1.0 * sum(diff_y) / len(diff_y) / spec_height
actual_range_axis = actual_range[2:4]
spec_range_axis = spec[2:4]
return (None, self.msg_list)
self.print_msg('actual: %s' % str(actual_range_axis))
self.print_msg('spec: %s' % str(spec_range_axis))
self.print_msg('ave_deviation: %f' % ave_deviation)
return (, self.msg_list)
class CountTrackingIDValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the count of tracking IDs.
To verify if there is exactly one finger observed:
CountTrackingIDValidator('== 1')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None):
super(CountTrackingIDValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf)
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the number of tracking IDs observed."""
# Get the count of tracking id
count_tid = self.packets.get_number_contacts()
self.print_msg('count of trackid IDs: %d' % count_tid)
return (, self.msg_list)
class StationaryFingerValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the count of tracking IDs.
To verify if the stationary finger specified by the slot does not
move larger than a specified radius:
StationaryFingerValidator('<= 15 ~ +10')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, slot=0):
super(StationaryFingerValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf)
self.slot = slot
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the moving distance of the specified finger."""
# Get the count of tracking id
distance = self.packets.get_largest_distance(self.slot)
self.print_msg('Largest distance in slot[%d]: %d' % (self.slot,
return (, self.msg_list)
class NoGapValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to make sure that there are no significant gaps in a line.
To verify if there is exactly one finger observed:
NoGapValidator('<= 5, ~ +5', slot=1)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, slot=0):
super(NoGapValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf)
self.slot = slot
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""There should be no significant gaps in a line."""
# Get the largest gap ratio
gap_ratio = self.packets.get_largest_gap_ratio(self.slot)
msg = 'Largest gap ratio in slot[%d]: %f'
self.print_msg(msg % (self.slot, gap_ratio))
return (, self.msg_list)