blob: d71e69e5f9602aedef581891dbb562f88734041f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import glob, json, logging, os, re, stat
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import pexpect
FINGERPRINT_RE = re.compile(r'Fingerprint \(SHA1\):\n\s+(\b[:\w]+)\b')
NSS_ISSUER_RE = re.compile(r'Object Token:(.+?)\s+C,.?,.?')
NSSCERTUTIL = '/usr/local/bin/certutil'
NSSMODUTIL = '/usr/local/bin/modutil'
OPENSSL = '/usr/bin/openssl'
# This glob pattern is coupled to the snprintf() format in
# get_cert_by_subject() in crypto/x509/by_dir.c in the openssl
# sources. In theory the glob can catch files not created by that
# snprintf(); such file names probably shouldn't be allowed to exist
# anyway.
OPENSSL_CERT_GLOB = '/etc/ssl/certs/' + '[0-9a-f]' * 8 + '.*'
class security_RootCA(test.test):
"""Verifies that the root CAs trusted by both nss and openssl
match the expected set."""
version = 1
def get_baseline_sets(self, baseline_file):
"""Returns a dictionary of sets. The keys are the names of
the ssl components and the values are the sets of fingerprints
we expect to find in that component's Root CA list.
@param baseline_file: name of JSON file containing baseline.
baselines = {'nss': {}, 'openssl': {}}
baseline_file = open(os.path.join(self.bindir, baseline_file))
raw_baselines = json.load(baseline_file)
for i in ['nss', 'openssl']:
return baselines
def get_nss_certs(self):
"""Returns a dict of certificate fingerprints observed in nss."""
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
# Create new empty cert DB.
child = pexpect.spawn('"%s" -N -d %s' % (NSSCERTUTIL, tmpdir))
child.expect('Enter new password:')
child.expect('Re-enter password:')
# Add the certs found in the compiled NSS shlib to a new module in DB.
cmd = ('"%s" -add testroots -libfile %s -dbdir %s' %
(NSSMODUTIL, glob.glob('/usr/lib*/')[0], tmpdir))
nssmodutil = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
nssmodutil.expect('\'q <enter>\' to abort, or <enter> to continue:')
ret = utils.system_output(NSSMODUTIL + ' -list '
'-dbdir %s' % tmpdir)
self.assert_('2. testroots' in ret)
# Dump out the list of root certs.
all_certs = utils.system_output(NSSCERTUTIL +
' -L -d %s -h all' % tmpdir,
certdict = {} # A map of {SHA1_Fingerprint : CA_Nickname}.
cert_matches = NSS_ISSUER_RE.findall(all_certs)
logging.debug('NSS_ISSUER_RE.findall returned: %s', cert_matches)
for cert in cert_matches:
cert_dump = utils.system_output(NSSCERTUTIL +
' -L -d %s -n '
'\"Builtin Object Token:%s\"' %
(tmpdir, cert), retain_output=True)
matches = FINGERPRINT_RE.findall(cert_dump)
for match in matches:
certdict[match] = cert
return certdict
def get_openssl_certs(self):
"""Returns the dict of certificate fingerprints observed in openssl."""
fingerprint_cmd = ' '.join([OPENSSL, 'x509', '-fingerprint',
'-issuer', '-noout',
'-in %s'])
certdict = {} # A map of {SHA1_Fingerprint : CA_Nickname}.
for certfile in glob.glob(OPENSSL_CERT_GLOB):
f, i = utils.system_output(fingerprint_cmd % certfile,
fingerprint = f.split('=')[1]
for field in i.split('/'):
items = field.split('=')
# Compensate for stupidly malformed issuer fields.
if len(items) > 1:
if items[0] == 'CN':
certdict[fingerprint] = items[1]
elif items[0] == 'O':
certdict[fingerprint] = items[1]
logging.warning('Malformed issuer string %s', i)
# Check that we found a name for this fingerprint.
if not fingerprint in certdict:
raise error.TestFail('Couldn\'t find issuer string for %s' %
return certdict
def cert_perms_errors(self):
"""Returns True if certificate files have bad permissions."""
# Acts as a regression check for
has_errors = False
for certfile in glob.glob(OPENSSL_CERT_GLOB):
s = os.stat(certfile)
if s.st_uid != 0 or stat.S_IMODE(s.st_mode) != 0644:
logging.error("Bad permissions: %s",
utils.system_output("ls -lH %s" % certfile))
has_errors = True
return has_errors
def run_once(self, opts=None):
"""Entry point for command line (run_remote_test) use. Accepts 2
optional args, e.g. run_remote_test --args="relaxed baseline=foo".
Parses the args array and invokes the main test method.
@param opts: string containing command line arguments.
args = {'baseline': DEFAULT_BASELINE}
if opts:
args.update(dict([[k, v] for (k, e, v) in
[x.partition('=') for x in opts]]))
exact_match=('relaxed' not in args))
def verify_rootcas(self, baseline_file=DEFAULT_BASELINE, exact_match=True):
"""Verify installed Root CA's all appear on a specified whitelist.
Covers both nss and openssl.
@param baseline_file: name of baseline file to use in verification.
@param exact_match: boolean indicating if expected-but-missing CAs
should cause test failure. Defaults to True.
testfail = False
# Dump certificate info and run comparisons.
seen = {}
seen['nss'] = self.get_nss_certs()
seen['openssl'] = self.get_openssl_certs()
# Merge all 4 dictionaries (seen-nss, seen-openssl, expected-nss,
# and expected-openssl) into 1 so we have 1 place to lookup
# fingerprint -> comment for logging purposes.
expected = self.get_baseline_sets(baseline_file)
cert_details = {}
for certdict in [expected, seen]:
for i in ['openssl', 'nss']:
certdict[i] = set(certdict[i])
for lib in seen.keys():
missing = expected[lib].difference(seen[lib])
unexpected = seen[lib].difference(expected[lib])
if unexpected or (missing and exact_match):
testfail = True
logging.error('Results for %s', lib)
for i in unexpected:
logging.error('"%s": "%s"', i, cert_details[i])
if exact_match:
for i in missing:
logging.error('"%s": "%s"', i, cert_details[i])
# cert_perms_errors() call first to avoid short-circuiting.
# Short circuiting could mask additional failures that would
# require a second build/test iteration to uncover.
if self.cert_perms_errors() or testfail:
raise error.TestFail('Unexpected Root CA findings')