blob: 4136d9192c2d9aceec6d987053bacedd57786787 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Validators to verify if events conform to specified criteria."""
How to add a new validator/gesture:
(1) Implement a new validator class inheriting BaseValidator,
(2) add proper method in mtb.Mtb class,
(3) add the new validator in test_conf, and
'from validators import the_new_validator'
in alphabetical order, and
(4) add the validator in relevant gestures; add a new gesture if necessary.
The validator template is as follows:
class XxxValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check ...
To check ...
XxxValidator('<= 0.05, ~ +0.05', fingers=2)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, fingers=1):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(X..Validator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, name)
self.fingers = fingers
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check ..."""
xxx =
return (, self.msg_list)
Note that it is also possible to instantiate a validator as
XxxValidator('<= 0.05, ~ +0.05', slot=0)
Difference between fingers and slot:
. When specifying 'fingers', e.g., fingers=2, the purpose is to pass
the information about how many fingers there are in the gesture. In
this case, the events in a specific slot is usually not important.
An example is to check how many fingers there are when making a click:
PhysicalClickValidator('== 0', fingers=2)
. When specifying 'slot', e.g., slot=0, the purpose is pass the slot
number to the validator to examine detailed events in that slot.
An example of such usage:
LinearityValidator('<= 0.03, ~ +0.07', slot=0)
import numpy as n
import os
import re
import firmware_log
import fuzzy
import mtb
from firmware_constants import AXIS, GV, MTB, VAL
# Define the ratio of points taken at both ends of a line for edge tests.
# Define other constants below.
VALIDATOR = 'Validator'
def validate(packets, gesture, variation):
"""Validate a single gesture."""
if packets is None:
return (None, None)
msg_list = []
score_list = []
logs = []
for validator in gesture.validators:
log = validator.check(packets, variation)
if log is None:
score = log.get_score()
if score is not None:
# save the validator messages
msg_validator_name = '%s' % log.get_name()
msg_criteria = ' criteria_str: %s' % log.get_criteria()
msg_score = 'score: %f' % score
msg_list += log.get_details()
return (score_list, msg_list, logs)
def get_short_name(validator_name):
"""Get the short name of the validator.
E.g, the short name of LinearityValidator is Linearity.
return validator_name.split(VALIDATOR)[0]
def get_validator_name(short_name):
"""Convert the short_name to its corresponding validator name.
E.g, the validator_name of Linearity is LinearityValidator.
return short_name + VALIDATOR
def get_base_name_and_segment(validator_name):
"""Get the base name and segment of a validator.
Ex 1: Linearity(BothEnds)Validator
return ('Linearity', 'BothEnds')
Ex 2: NoGapValidator
return ('NoGap', None)
if '(' in validator_name:
result ='(.*)\((.*)\)%s' % VALIDATOR, validator_name)
return (,
return (get_short_name(validator_name), None)
def get_derived_name(validator_name, segment):
"""Get the derived name based on segment value.
validator_name: LinearityValidator
segment: Middle
derived_name: Linearity(Middle)Validator
short_name = get_short_name(validator_name)
derived_name = '%s(%s)%s' % (short_name, segment, VALIDATOR)
return derived_name
def init_base_validator(device):
"""Initialize the device for all the Validators to use"""
BaseValidator._device = device
class BaseValidator(object):
"""Base class of validators."""
aggregator = 'fuzzy.average'
_device = None
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, name=None):
self.criteria_str = criteria_str
self.fc = fuzzy.FuzzyCriteria(criteria_str, mf=mf)
self.device = device if device else BaseValidator._device
self.device_width, self.device_height = self.device.get_dimensions()
self.packets = None
self.msg_list = []
self.log = firmware_log.ValidatorLog()
def init_check(self, packets=None):
"""Initialization before check() is called."""
self.packets = mtb.Mtb(packets)
self.msg_list = []
def _is_direction_in_variation(self, variation, directions):
"""Is any element of directions list found in variation?"""
for direction in directions:
if direction in variation:
return True
return False
def is_horizontal(self, variation):
"""Is the direction horizontal?"""
return self._is_direction_in_variation(variation,
def is_vertical(self, variation):
"""Is the direction vertical?"""
return self._is_direction_in_variation(variation,
def is_diagonal(self, variation):
"""Is the direction diagonal?"""
return self._is_direction_in_variation(variation,
def get_direction(self, variation):
"""Get the direction."""
# TODO(josephsih): raise an exception if a proper direction is not found
if self.is_horizontal(variation):
elif self.is_vertical(variation):
elif self.is_diagonal(variation):
def get_direction_in_variation(self, variation):
"""Get the direction string from the variation list."""
if isinstance(variation, tuple):
for var in variation:
return var
elif variation in GV.GESTURE_DIRECTIONS:
return variation
return None
def log_name(self, msg):
"""Collect the validator name."""
def log_details(self, msg):
"""Collect the detailed messages to be printed within this module."""
prefix_space = ' ' * 4
formatted_msg = '%s%s' % (prefix_space, msg)
def log_score(self, score):
"""Collect the score."""
def log_error(self, msg):
"""Collect the error message."""
class LinearityValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to verify linearity.
To check the linearity of the line drawn in slot 1:
LinearityValidator('<= 0.03, ~ +0.07', slot=1)
# Define the partial group size for calculating Mean Squared Error
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, slot=0,
self._segments = segments
self.slot = slot
name = get_derived_name(self.__class__.__name__, segments)
super(LinearityValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device, name)
def _simple_linear_regression(self, ax, ay):
"""Calculate the simple linear regression and returns the
sum of squared residuals.
It calculates the simple linear regression line for the points
in the middle segment of the line. This exclude the points at
both ends of the line which sometimes have wobbles. Then it
calculates the fitting errors of the points at the specified segments
against the computed simple linear regression line.
# Compute the simple linear regression line for the middle segment
# whose purpose is to avoid wobbles on both ends of the line.
mid_segment = self.packets.get_segments_x_and_y(ax, ay, VAL.MIDDLE,
if not self._calc_simple_linear_regression_line(*mid_segment):
return 0
# Compute the fitting errors of the specified segments.
if self._segments == VAL.BOTH_ENDS:
bgn_segment = self.packets.get_segments_x_and_y(ax, ay, VAL.BEGIN,
end_segment = self.packets.get_segments_x_and_y(ax, ay, VAL.END,
bgn_error = self._calc_simple_linear_regression_error(*bgn_segment)
end_error = self._calc_simple_linear_regression_error(*end_segment)
return max(bgn_error, end_error)
target_segment = self.packets.get_segments_x_and_y(ax, ay,
self._segments, END_PERCENTAGE)
return self._calc_simple_linear_regression_error(*target_segment)
def _calc_simple_linear_regression_line(self, ax, ay):
"""Calculate the simple linear regression line.
ax: array x
ay: array y
This method tries to find alpha and beta in the formula
ay = alpha + beta . ax
such that it has the least sum of squared residuals.
- Simple linear regression:
- Average absolute deviation (or mean absolute deviation) :
# Convert the int list to the float array
self._ax = 1.0 * n.array(ax)
self._ay = 1.0 * n.array(ay)
# If there are less than 2 data points, it is not a line at all.
asize = self._ax.size
if asize <= 2:
return False
Sx = self._ax.sum()
Sy = self._ay.sum()
Sxx = n.square(self._ax).sum()
Sxy =, self._ay)
Syy = n.square(self._ay).sum()
Sx2 = Sx * Sx
Sy2 = Sy * Sy
# compute Mean of x and y
Mx = self._ax.mean()
My = self._ay.mean()
# Compute beta and alpha of the linear regression
self._beta = 1.0 * (asize * Sxy - Sx * Sy) / (asize * Sxx - Sx2)
self._alpha = My - self._beta * Mx
return True
def _calc_simple_linear_regression_error(self, ax, ay):
"""Calculate the fitting error based on the simple linear regression
line characterized by the equation parameters alpha and beta.
# Convert the int list to the float array
ax = 1.0 * n.array(ax)
ay = 1.0 * n.array(ay)
asize = ax.size
partial = min(asize, max(1, self.MSE_PARTIAL_GROUP_SIZE))
# spmse: squared root of partial mean squared error
spmse = n.square(ay - self._alpha - self._beta * ax)
spmse = spmse[asize - partial : asize]
spmse = n.sqrt(n.average(spmse))
return spmse
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check if the packets conforms to specified criteria."""
resolution_x, resolution_y = self.device.get_resolutions()
(list_x, list_y) = self.packets.get_x_y(self.slot)
# Compute average distance (fitting error) in pixels, and
# average deviation on touch device in mm.
if self.is_vertical(variation):
ave_distance = self._simple_linear_regression(list_y, list_x)
deviation_touch = ave_distance / resolution_x
ave_distance = self._simple_linear_regression(list_x, list_y)
deviation_touch = ave_distance / resolution_y
self.log_details('ave fitting error: %.2f px' % ave_distance)
msg_device = 'deviation slot%d: %.2f mm'
self.log_details(msg_device % (self.slot, deviation_touch))
return self.log
class RangeValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the observed (x, y) positions should be within
the range of reported min/max values.
To check the range of observed edge-to-edge positions:
RangeValidator('<= 0.05, ~ +0.05')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(RangeValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device, name)
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the left/right or top/bottom range based on the direction."""
actual_range = self.packets.get_range()
spec = self.device.get_edges()
spec_width = spec[1] - spec[0]
spec_height = spec[3] - spec[2]
diff = map(lambda a, b: abs(a - b), actual_range, spec)
if self.is_horizontal(variation):
if GV.CL in variation:
diff_x = diff[0:1]
actual_range_axis = actual_range[0:1]
elif GV.CR in variation:
diff_x = diff[1:2]
actual_range_axis = actual_range[1:2]
# For GV.LR and GV.RL, we check both min_x and max_x
diff_x = diff[0:2]
actual_range_axis = actual_range[0:2]
ave_deviation = 1.0 * sum(diff_x) / len(diff_x) / spec_width
spec_range_axis = spec[0:2]
elif self.is_vertical(variation):
if GV.CT in variation:
diff_y = diff[2:3]
actual_range_axis = actual_range[2:3]
elif GV.CB in variation:
diff_y = diff[3:4]
actual_range_axis = actual_range[3:4]
# For GV.TB and GV.BT, we check both min_y and max_y
diff_y = diff[2:4]
actual_range_axis = actual_range[2:4]
ave_deviation = 1.0 * sum(diff_y) / len(diff_y) / spec_height
spec_range_axis = spec[2:4]
elif self.is_diagonal(variation):
# No need to check range on diagonal lines since we have
# checked range on horizontal/vertical lines.
return None
error_msg = 'A direction variation is missing in this gesture.'
return None
self.log_details('actual: %s' % str(actual_range_axis))
self.log_details('spec: %s' % str(spec_range_axis))
self.log_details('ave_deviation: %f' % ave_deviation)
return self.log
class CountTrackingIDValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the count of tracking IDs.
To verify if there is exactly one finger observed:
CountTrackingIDValidator('== 1')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(CountTrackingIDValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf,
device, name)
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the number of tracking IDs observed."""
# Get the count of tracking id
count_tid = self.packets.get_number_contacts()
self.log_details('count of trackid IDs: %d' % count_tid)
return self.log
class StationaryFingerValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the count of tracking IDs.
To verify if the stationary finger specified by the slot does not
move larger than a specified radius:
StationaryFingerValidator('<= 15 ~ +10')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, slot=0):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(StationaryFingerValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf,
device, name)
self.slot = slot
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the moving distance of the specified finger."""
# Get the count of tracking id
distance = self.packets.get_largest_distance(self.slot)
self.log_details('Largest distance slot%d: %d px' %
(self.slot, distance))
return self.log
class NoGapValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to make sure that there are no significant gaps in a line.
To verify if there is exactly one finger observed:
NoGapValidator('<= 5, ~ +5', slot=1)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, slot=0):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(NoGapValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device, name)
self.slot = slot
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""There should be no significant gaps in a line."""
# Get the largest gap ratio
gap_ratio = self.packets.get_largest_gap_ratio(self.slot)
msg = 'Largest gap ratio slot%d: %f'
self.log_details(msg % (self.slot, gap_ratio))
return self.log
class NoReversedMotionValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to measure the reversed motions in the specified slots.
To measure the reversed motions in slot 0:
NoReversedMotionValidator('== 0, ~ +20', slots=0)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, slots=(0,),
self._segments = segments
name = get_derived_name(self.__class__.__name__, segments)
self.slots = (slots,) if isinstance(slots, int) else slots
parent = super(NoReversedMotionValidator, self)
parent.__init__(criteria_str, mf, device, name)
def _get_reversed_motions(self, slot, direction):
"""Get the reversed motions opposed to the direction in the slot."""
return self.packets.get_reversed_motions(slot,
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""There should be no reversed motions in a slot."""
sum_reversed_motions = 0
direction = self.get_direction_in_variation(variation)
for slot in self.slots:
# Get the reversed motions.
reversed_motions = self._get_reversed_motions(slot, direction)
msg = 'Reversed motions slot%d: %s px'
self.log_details(msg % (slot, reversed_motions))
sum_reversed_motions += sum(map(abs, reversed_motions.values()))
return self.log
class CountPacketsValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the number of packets.
To verify if there are enough packets received about the first finger:
CountPacketsValidator('>= 3, ~ -3', slot=0)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, slot=0):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(CountPacketsValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device,
self.slot = slot
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the number of packets in the specified slot."""
# Get the number of packets in that slot
num_packets = self.packets.get_num_packets(self.slot)
msg = 'Number of packets slot%d: %s'
self.log_details(msg % (self.slot, num_packets))
return self.log
class PinchValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the pinch to zoom in/out.
To verify that the two fingers are drawing closer:
PinchValidator('>= 200, ~ -100')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(PinchValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device, name)
def check(self, packets, variation):
"""Check the number of packets in the specified slot."""
# Get the relative motion of the two fingers
slots = (0, 1)
relative_motion = self.packets.get_relative_motion(slots)
if variation == GV.ZOOM_OUT:
relative_motion = -relative_motion
msg = 'Relative motions of the two fingers: %.2f px'
self.log_details(msg % relative_motion)
return self.log
class PhysicalClickValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the events generated by physical clicks
To verify the events generated by a one-finger physical click
PhysicalClickValidator('== 1', fingers=1)
def __init__(self, criteria_str, fingers, mf=None, device=None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(PhysicalClickValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device,
self.fingers = fingers
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check the number of packets in the specified slot."""
# Get the number of packets in that slot
count = self.packets.get_physical_clicks(self.fingers)
msg = 'Count of %d-finger physical clicks: %s'
self.log_details(msg % (self.fingers, count))
return self.log
class DrumrollValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the drumroll problem.
To verify the events generated by a one-finger physical click
DrumrollValidator('<= 20 ~ +30')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(DrumrollValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device, name)
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""The moving distance of the points in any tracking ID should be
within the specified value.
# Get the max distance of all tracking IDs
max_distance = self.packets.get_max_distance_of_all_tracking_ids()
msg = 'Max distance: %.2f px'
self.log_details(msg % max_distance)
return self.log
class NoLevelJumpValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check if there are level jumps
When a user draws a horizontal line with thumb edge or a fat finger,
the line could comprise a horizontal line segment followed by another
horizontal line segment (or just dots) one level up or down, and then
another horizontal line segment again at different horizontal level, etc.
This validator is implemented to detect such level jumps.
Such level jumps could also occur when drawing vertical or diagonal lines.
To verify the level jumps in a one-finger tracking gesture:
NoLevelJumpValidator('<= 10, ~ +30', slots[0,])
where slots[0,] represent the slots with numbers larger than slot 0.
This kind of representation is required because when the thumb edge or
a fat finger is used, due to the difficulty in handling it correctly
in the touch device firmware, the tracking IDs and slot IDs may keep
changing. We would like to analyze all such slots.
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None, slots=0):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(NoLevelJumpValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device,
self.slots = slots
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""Check if there are level jumps."""
# Get the displacements of the slots.
slots = self.slots[0]
displacements = self.packets.get_displacements_for_slots(slots)
# Iterate through the collected tracking IDs
jumps = []
for tid in displacements:
slot = displacements[tid][MTB.SLOT]
for axis in AXIS.LIST:
disp = displacements[tid][axis]
jump = self.packets.get_largest_accumulated_level_jumps(disp)
msg = ' accu jump (%d %s): %d px'
self.log_details(msg % (slot, axis, jump))
# Get the largest accumulated level jump
max_jump = max(jumps) if jumps else 0
msg = 'Max accu jump: %d px'
self.log_details(msg % (max_jump))
return self.log
class ReportRateValidator(BaseValidator):
"""Validator to check the report rate.
To verify that the report rate is around 80 Hz. It gets 0 points
if the report rate drops below 60 Hz.
ReportRateValidator('== 80 ~ -20')
def __init__(self, criteria_str, mf=None, device=None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
super(ReportRateValidator, self).__init__(criteria_str, mf, device,
def check(self, packets, variation=None):
"""The Report rate should be within the specified range."""
# Get the report rate
report_rate = self.packets.get_report_rate()
msg = 'Report rate: %.2f Hz'
self.log_details(msg % report_rate)
return self.log