blob: 1f4b569ed0620d387d6cf684d6cff269f8529077 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A module providing the summary for multiple test results.
This firmware_summary module is used to collect the test results of
multiple rounds from the logs generated by different firmware versions.
The test results of the various validators of every gesture are displayed.
In addition, the test results of every validator across all gestures are
also summarized.
$ python firmware_summary log_directory
A typical summary output looks like
Test Summary (by gesture) : fw_2.41 fw_2.42 count
CountTrackingIDValidator : 1.00 0.90 12
LinearityBothEndsValidator : 0.97 0.89 12
LinearityMiddleValidator : 1.00 1.00 12
NoGapValidator : 0.74 0.24 12
NoReversedMotionBothEndsValidator : 0.68 0.34 12
NoReversedMotionMiddleValidator : 1.00 1.00 12
ReportRateValidator : 1.00 1.00 12
CountTrackingIDValidator : 1.00 1.00 4
LinearityBothEndsValidator : 0.88 0.89 4
LinearityMiddleValidator : 1.00 1.00 4
NoGapValidator : 0.50 0.00 4
NoReversedMotionMiddleValidator : 1.00 1.00 4
RangeValidator : 1.00 1.00 4
Test Summary (by validator) : fw_2.4 fw_2.4.a count
CountPacketsValidator : 1.00 0.82 6
CountTrackingIDValidator : 0.92 0.88 84
import glob
import json
import numpy as n
import os
import sys
from common_util import Debug
from firmware_constants import VLOG
from test_conf import (log_root_dir, segment_weight, validator_weight)
from validators import (get_base_name_and_segment,
def _setup_debug(debug_flag):
"""Set up the global debug_print function."""
if 'debug_print' not in globals():
global debug_print
debug = Debug(debug_flag)
debug_print = debug.print_msg
class FirmwareSummary:
"""Summary for touch device firmware tests."""
def __init__(self, log_dir=log_root_dir, debug_flag=False,
""" segment_weight and validator_weight are passed as arguments
so that it is possible to assign arbitrary weights in unit tests.
if os.path.isdir(log_dir):
self.log_dir = log_dir
error_msg = 'Error: The test result directory does not exist: %s'
print error_msg % log_dir
# Set up the global debug_print function.
self.segment_weight = segment_weight
self.validator_weight = validator_weight
self.logs = self._get_result_logs()
if not self.logs:
warn_msg = 'Warning: no log files in the test result directory: %s'
print warn_msg % log_dir
def _load_result_log(self, log_filename):
"""Load the json log file into the log dictionary."""
with open(log_filename) as log_fd:
log_data = json.load(log_fd)
return log_data
def _get_firmware_version(self, filename):
"""Get the firmware version from the given filename."""
return filename.split('-')[2]
def _get_result_logs(self):
"""Load the json log files in the log dictionary."""
log_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.log_dir, '*.log'))
# TODO(josephsih): it is desirable to add a command line option
# so that the tester could choose to make the summary against different
# versions or against different file names.
logs_dict = {}
for log_filename in log_filenames:
version = self._get_firmware_version(log_filename)
if version not in logs_dict:
logs_dict[version] = []
return logs_dict
def _parse_result_summary(self):
"""Generate a summary of all the loaded logs."""
self.gestures = []
self.fws = []
self.validators = []
self.g_scores = {}
for fw in self.logs:
debug_print('firmware: %s' % fw)
# Build the firmware list
if fw not in self.fws:
# Iterate through every round
for round_log in self.logs[fw]:
debug_print(' A new log file:')
# Iterate through every gesture_variation of the round
for gv in round_log[VLOG.DICT]:
debug_print(' gv: %s' % gv)
# Build the gesture list
gesture = eval(gv)[0]
if gesture not in self.gestures:
# Build the g_scores
if gesture not in self.g_scores:
self.g_scores[gesture] = {}
if fw not in self.g_scores[gesture]:
self.g_scores[gesture][fw] = {}
# Iterate through each validator score pair
for validator in round_log[VLOG.DICT][gv]:
if validator not in self.g_scores[gesture][fw]:
# Build the validator
self.g_scores[gesture][fw][validator] = []
for score in round_log[VLOG.DICT][gv][validator]:
# Build the score of the validator
debug_print(' %s: %6.4f' % (validator, score))
if validator not in self.validators:
def _calc_sample_standard_deviation(self, sample):
"""Calculate the sample standard deviation from a given sample.
To compute a sample standard deviation, the following formula is used:
sqrt(sum((x_i - x_average)^2) / N-1)
Note that N-1 is used in the denominator for sample standard deviation,
where N-1 is the degree of freedom. We need to set ddof=1 below;
otherwise, N would be used in the denominator as ddof's default value
is 0.
return n.std(n.array(sample), ddof=1)
def _combine_rounds(self):
"""Combine the test results of multiple rounds of the same
firmware version.
self.validator_all_scores = {}
self.validator_average = {}
self.validator_ssd = {}
self.validator_count = {}
for gesture in self.g_scores:
for fw in self.fws:
if fw not in self.validator_all_scores:
self.validator_all_scores[fw] = {}
self.validator_average[fw] = {}
self.validator_ssd[fw] = {}
self.validator_count[fw] = {}
for validator in self.g_scores[gesture][fw]:
if validator not in self.validator_all_scores[fw]:
self.validator_all_scores[fw][validator] = []
self.validator_average[fw][validator] = {}
self.validator_ssd[fw][validator] = {}
self.validator_count[fw][validator] = {}
scores = self.g_scores[gesture][fw][validator]
self.validator_all_scores[fw][validator] += scores
# Compute the sum, count, average, and
# sample standard deviation (ssd)
average = n.average(n.array(scores))
self.validator_average[fw][validator][gesture] = average
ssd = self._calc_sample_standard_deviation(scores)
self.validator_ssd[fw][validator][gesture] = ssd
self.validator_count[fw][validator][gesture] = len(scores)
def _combine_gestures(self):
"""Combine the test results of the gestures of the same firmware version
for every validator.
self.validator_summary_score = {}
self.validator_summary_ssd = {}
self.validator_summary_count= {}
for validator in self.validators:
self.validator_summary_score[validator] = {}
self.validator_summary_ssd[validator] = {}
self.validator_summary_count[validator] = {}
for fw in self.fws:
all_scores = self.validator_all_scores[fw][validator]
ssd = self._calc_sample_standard_deviation(all_scores)
count = sum(self.validator_count[fw][validator].values())
# TODO(josephsih): a weighted average is desirable
average = n.average(n.array(all_scores))
self.validator_summary_score[validator][fw] = average
self.validator_summary_ssd[validator][fw] = ssd
self.validator_summary_count[validator][fw] = count
def _compute_extended_validator_weight(self, validators):
"""Compute extended validator weight from validator weight and segment
weight. The purpose is to merge the weights of split validators, e.g.
Linearity(*)Validator, so that their weights are not counted multiple
validators = ['CountTrackingIDValidator',
Note that both names of the validators
'Linearity(BothEnds)Validator' and
are created at run time from LinearityValidator and use
the relative weights defined by segment_weight.
validator_weight = {'CountTrackingIDValidator': 12,
'LinearityValidator': 10,
'NoGapValidator': 10}
segment_weight = {'Middle': 0.7,
'BothEnds': 0.3}
split_validator = {'Linearity': ['BothEnds', 'Middle'],}
adjusted_weight of Lineary(*)Validator:
Linearity(BothEnds)Validator = 0.3 / (0.3 + 0.7) * 10 = 3
Linearity(Middle)Validator = 0.7 / (0.3 + 0.7) * 10 = 7
extended_validator_weight: {'CountTrackingIDValidator': 12,
'Linearity(BothEnds)Validator': 3,
'Linearity(Middle)Validator': 7,
'NoGapValidator': 10}
extended_validator_weight = {}
split_validator = {}
# Copy the base validator weight into extended_validator_weight.
# For the split validators, collect them in split_validator.
for v in validators:
base_name, segment = get_base_name_and_segment(v)
if segment is None:
# It is a base validator. Just copy it into the
# extended_validaotr_weight dict.
extended_validator_weight[v] = self.validator_weight[v]
# It is a derived validator, e.g., Linearity(BothEnds)Validator
# Needs to compute its adjusted weight.
# Initialize the split_validator for this base_name if not yet.
if split_validator.get(base_name) is None:
split_validator[base_name] = []
# Append this segment name so that we know all segments for
# the base_name.
# Compute the adjusted weight for split_validator
for base_name in split_validator:
name = get_validator_name(base_name)
weight_list = [segment_weight[segment]
for segment in split_validator[base_name]]
weight_sum = sum(weight_list)
for segment in split_validator[base_name]:
derived_name = get_derived_name(name, segment)
adjusted_weight = (segment_weight[segment] / weight_sum *
extended_validator_weight[derived_name] = adjusted_weight
return extended_validator_weight
def _combine_validators(self):
"""Combine the scores of all validators to get the final weighted score.
extended_validator_weight = self._compute_extended_validator_weight(
self.weighted_average = {}
for fw in self.fws:
# Construct a dictionary from validator to score
validator_score = [
(validator, self.validator_summary_score[validator][fw])
for validator in self.validators]
_, scores = zip(*sorted(validator_score))
_, weights = zip(*sorted(extended_validator_weight.items()))
self.weighted_average[fw] = n.average(scores, weights=weights)
def _print_summary_title(self, summary_title_str):
"""Print the summary of the test results by gesture."""
# Create a flexible column title format according to the number of
# firmware versions which could be 1, 2, or more.
# A typical summary title looks like
# Test Summary () : fw_11.26 fw_11.23
# mean ssd count mean ssd count
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The 1st line above is called title_fw.
# The 2nd line above is called title_statistics.
# As an example for 2 firmwares, title_fw_format looks like:
# '{0:<37}: {1:>12} {2:>21}'
title_fw_format_list = ['{0:<37}:',]
for i in range(len(self.fws)):
format_space = 12 if i == 0 else (12 + 9)
title_fw_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (i + 1, format_space))
title_fw_format = ' '.join(title_fw_format_list)
# As an example for 2 firmwares, title_statistics_format looks like:
# '{0:>47} {1:>6} {2:>5} {3:>8} {4:>6} {5:>5}'
title_statistics_format_list = []
for i in range(len(self.fws)):
format_space = (12 + 35) if i == 0 else 8
title_statistics_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (3 * i,
title_statistics_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (3 * i + 1 , 6))
title_statistics_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (3 * i + 2 , 5))
title_statistics_format = ' '.join(title_statistics_format_list)
# Create title_fw_list
# As an example for two firmware versions, it looks like
# ['Test Summary (by gesture)', 'fw_2.4', 'fw_2.5']
title_fw_list = [summary_title_str,] + self.fws
# Create title_statistics_list
# As an example for two firmware versions, it looks like
# ['mean', 'ssd', 'count', 'mean', 'ssd', 'count', ]
title_statistics_list = ['mean', 'ssd', 'count'] * len(self.fws)
# Print the title.
title_fw = title_fw_format.format(*title_fw_list)
title_statistics = title_statistics_format.format(
print '\n\n', title_fw
print title_statistics
print '-' * len(title_statistics)
def _print_statistics(self, statistics):
"""Print the statistics including average scores, ssd, and counts."""
# Create a flexible format to print scores, ssd, and counts according to
# the number of firmware versions which could be 1, 2, or more.
# As an example with 2 firmware versions, the format looks like
# ' {0:<35}: {1:>8.2f} {2:>6.2f} {3:>5} {4:>8.2f} {5:>6.2f} {6:>5}'
statistics_format_list = [' {0:<35}:',]
score_ssd_count_format = '{%d:>8.2f} {%d:>6.2f} {%d:>5}'
for i in range(len(self.fws)):
score_ssd_count_format % (i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 2, i * 3 + 3))
statistics_format = ' '.join(statistics_format_list)
print statistics_format.format(*tuple(statistics))
def _print_result_summary_by_gesture(self):
"""Print the summary of the test results by gesture."""
fw = self.fws[0]
self._print_summary_title('Test Summary (by gesture)')
for gesture in self.gestures:
print gesture
validators = self.validator_all_scores[fw].keys()
for validator in validators:
statistics = [validator,]
for fw in self.fws:
average = self.validator_average[fw][validator].get(gesture)
ssd = self.validator_ssd[fw][validator].get(gesture)
count = self.validator_count[fw][validator].get(gesture)
# Append this validator only if it is used in this gesture.
if average is not None:
statistics += [average, ssd, count]
if average is not None:
def _print_result_summary_by_validator(self):
"""Print the summary of the test results by validator."""
fw = self.fws[0]
self._print_summary_title('Test Summary (by validator)')
for validator in self.validators:
statistics = [validator,]
for fw in self.fws:
average = self.validator_summary_score[validator][fw]
ssd = self.validator_summary_ssd[validator][fw]
count = self.validator_summary_count[validator][fw]
statistics += [average, ssd, count]
def _print_result_summary_final_weighted_average(self):
"""Print the final weighted average of all validators."""
title_str = 'Test Summary (final weighted average)'
print '\n\n' + title_str
print '-' * len(title_str)
for fw in self.fws:
print '%s: %4.3f' % (fw, self.weighted_average[fw])
def print_result_summary(self):
"""Print the summary of the test results."""
def _usage_and_exit():
"""Print the usage message and exit."""
print 'Usage: python %s log_directory [-d]' % sys.argv[0]
print ' -d: enable debug flag'
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parse the command options.
debug_flag = False
argc = len(sys.argv)
if argc < 2 or argc > 3:
elif argc == 3:
if sys.argv[2] == '-d':
debug_flag = True
log_dir = sys.argv[1]
# Calculate and print the summary.
summary = FirmwareSummary(log_dir=log_dir, debug_flag=debug_flag)