blob: da80d14fd26159ac36e22345fd7bd7cf6c249df2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import functools
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
from autotest_lib.server import utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import abstract_ssh
SHELL_CMD = 'shell'
# Some devices have no serial, then `adb serial` has output such as:
# (no serial number) device
# ?????????? device
DEVICE_NO_SERIAL_MSG = '(no serial number)'
# Regex to find an adb device. Examples:
# 0146B5580B01801B device
# 018e0ecb20c97a62 device
# device
DEVICE_FINDER_REGEX = ('^(?P<SERIAL>([\w]+)|(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})|' +
')([:]5555)?[ \t]+device')
CMD_OUTPUT_REGEX = ('(?P<OUTPUT>[\s\S]*)%s:(?P<EXIT_CODE>\d{1,3})' %
BOARD_FILE = 'ro.product.device'
TMP_DIR = '/data/local/tmp'
ANDROID_TESTER_FILEFLAG = '/mnt/stateful_partition/.android_tester'
class ADBHost(abstract_ssh.AbstractSSHHost):
"""This class represents a host running an ADB server."""
label_decorator = functools.partial(utils.add_label_detector,
def check_host(host, timeout=10):
Check if the given host is an adb host.
@param host: An ssh host representing a device.
@param timeout: The timeout for the run command.
@return: True if the host device has adb.
@raises AutoservRunError: If the command failed.
@raises AutoservSSHTimeout: Ssh connection has timed out.
if not host.verify_ssh_user_access():
host.user = 'adb'
result =
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout):
return False
return result.exit_status == 0
def _initialize(self, hostname='localhost', serials=None,
device_hostname=None, *args, **dargs):
"""Initialize an ADB Host.
This will create an ADB Host. Hostname should always refer to the
host machine connected to an android device. This will either be the
only android device connected or if there are multiple, serial must be
specified. Currently only one serial being passed in is supported.
Multiple serial support will be coming soon (TODO(kevcheng)). If
device_hostname is supplied then all ADB commands will run over TCP/IP.
@param hostname: Hostname of the machine running ADB.
@param serials: List of serial number of the android device we want to
interact with.
@param device_hostname: Hostname or IP of the android device we want to
interact with. If supplied all ADB interactions
run over TCP/IP.
logging.debug('Initializing ADB Host running on host: %s.', hostname)
logging.debug('Android Device: Serials:%s, Hostname: %s',
serials, device_hostname)
self._num_of_boards = {}
self._device_hostname = device_hostname
self._use_tcpip = False
self._local_adb = False
if hostname == 'localhost':
self._local_adb = True
super(ADBHost, self)._initialize(hostname=hostname,
*args, **dargs)
except error.AutoservRunError as e:
# Some hosts may not have root access, in this case try user adb.
logging.debug('Switching to user adb.')
self.user = 'adb'
# TODO(kevcheng): Revamp this so we can properly reference multiple
# serials for one ADBHost.
self._serials = serials
if not self._serials:
logging.debug('Serial not provided determining...')
# Ensure only one device is attached to this host.
devices = self.adb_devices()
if not devices:
raise error.AutoservError('No ADB devices attached.')
if len(devices) > 1:
raise error.AutoservError('Multiple ADB devices attached.')
self._serials = devices
logging.debug('Using serial: %s', self._serials[0])
if self._device_hostname:
logging.debug('Device Hostname provided. Connecting over TCP/IP')
self._use_tcpip = True
def _connect_over_tcpip(self,):
"""Connect to the ADB device over tcpip
@param device_hostname: Device hostname or IP for which we want to
connect to. If none, will use
if self._device_hostname in self.adb_devices():
# We previously had a connection to this device, restart the ADB
# server.
# Ensure that connection commands don't run over TCP/IP.
self._use_tcpip = False
self._adb_run('tcpip 5555', use_serial=True, timeout=10,
self._adb_run('connect %s' % self._device_hostname, use_serial=True)
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.CmdError) as e:
raise error.AutoservError('Failed to connect via TCP/IP: %s' % e)
# Allow ADB a bit of time after connecting before interacting with the
# device.
# Switch back to using TCP/IP.
self._use_tcpip = True
def _adb_run(self, command, shell=False, use_serial=False, timeout=3600,
ignore_status=False, ignore_timeout=False,
stdout=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
connect_timeout=30, options='', stdin=None, args=()):
"""Runs an adb command.
This command may launch on the adb device or on the adb host.
@param command: Command to run.
@param shell: If true the command runs in the adb shell otherwise if
False it will be passed directly to adb. For example
reboot with shell=False will call 'adb reboot'.
@param use_serial: Use the adb device serial to specify the device
the command will run on.
@param timeout: Time limit in seconds before attempting to
kill the running process. The run() function
will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout'
to complete if it has to kill the process.
@param ignore_status: Do not raise an exception, no matter
what the exit code of the command is.
@param ignore_timeout: Bool True if command timeouts should be
ignored. Will return None on command timeout.
@param stdout: Redirect stdout.
@param stderr: Redirect stderr.
@param connect_timeout: Connection timeout (in seconds)
@param options: String with additional ssh command options
@param stdin: Stdin to pass (a string) to the executed command
@param args: Sequence of strings to pass as arguments to command by
quoting them in " and escaping their contents if
@returns a CMDResult object.
cmd = 'adb '
if self._use_tcpip and not use_serial:
cmd += '-s %s:5555 ' % self._device_hostname
elif self._serials and self._serials[0] != DEVICE_NO_SERIAL_TAG:
cmd += '-s %s ' % self._serials[0]
if shell:
cmd += '%s ' % SHELL_CMD
cmd += command
for arg in args:
cmd += '%s ' % utils.sh_escape(arg)
logging.debug('Command: %s', cmd)
if self._local_adb:
command=cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status,
ignore_timeout=ignore_timeout, stdout_tee=stdout,
stderr_tee=stderr, stdin=stdin, args=args)
return super(ADBHost, self).run(
command=cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status,
ignore_timeout=ignore_timeout, stdout_tee=stdout,
options=options, stdin=stdin,
connect_timeout=connect_timeout, args=args)
def get_board(self):
"""Determine the correct board label for the device.
@returns a string representing this device's board.
# TODO(kevcheng): with multiple hosts, switch this to return a list.
board = self.run_output('getprop %s' % BOARD_FILE)
board_os = self.get_os_type()
board_num = str(self._num_of_boards.get(board, 0) + 1)
self._num_of_boards[board] = int(board_num)
return constants.BOARD_PREFIX + '-'.join([board_os, board, board_num])
def job_start(self):
Disable log collection on adb_hosts.
def run(self, command, timeout=3600, ignore_status=False,
ignore_timeout=False, stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, connect_timeout=30, options='',
stdin=None, args=()):
"""Run a command on the adb device.
The command given will be ran directly on the adb device; for example
'ls' will be ran as: 'abd shell ls'
@param command: The command line string.
@param timeout: Time limit in seconds before attempting to
kill the running process. The run() function
will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout'
to complete if it has to kill the process.
@param ignore_status: Do not raise an exception, no matter
what the exit code of the command is.
@param ignore_timeout: Bool True if command timeouts should be
ignored. Will return None on command timeout.
@param stdout_tee: Redirect stdout.
@param stderr_tee: Redirect stderr.
@param connect_timeout: Connection timeout (in seconds).
@param options: String with additional ssh command options.
@param stdin: Stdin to pass (a string) to the executed command
@param args: Sequence of strings to pass as arguments to command by
quoting them in " and escaping their contents if
@returns A CMDResult object or None if the call timed out and
ignore_timeout is True.
@raises AutoservRunError: If the command failed.
@raises AutoservSSHTimeout: Ssh connection has timed out.
command = ('"%s; echo %s:\$?"' %
(utils.sh_escape(command), CMD_OUTPUT_PREFIX))
result = self._adb_run(
command, shell=True, use_serial=False, timeout=timeout,
ignore_status=ignore_status, ignore_timeout=ignore_timeout,
stdout=stdout_tee, stderr=stderr_tee,
connect_timeout=connect_timeout, options=options, stdin=stdin,
if not result:
# In case of timeouts.
return None
parse_output = re.match(CMD_OUTPUT_REGEX, result.stdout)
if not parse_output:
raise error.AutoservRunError(
'Failed to parse the exit code for command: %s' % command,
result.stdout ='OUTPUT')
result.exit_status = int('EXIT_CODE'))
if result.exit_status != 0 and not ignore_status:
raise error.AutoservRunError(command, result)
return result
def host_run(self, command, timeout=3600, ignore_status=False,
ignore_timeout=False, stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, connect_timeout=30, options='',
stdin=None, args=()):
"""Run a non-adb command on the ADB host.
Useful if packages need to be staged prior to use via ADB.
@param command: The command line string.
@param timeout: Time limit in seconds before attempting to
kill the running process. The run() function
will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout'
to complete if it has to kill the process.
@param ignore_status: Do not raise an exception, no matter
what the exit code of the command is.
@param ignore_timeout: Bool True if command timeouts should be
ignored. Will return None on command timeout.
@param stdout_tee: Redirect stdout.
@param stderr_tee: Redirect stderr.
@param connect_timeout: Connection timeout (in seconds)
@param options: String with additional ssh command options
@param stdin: Stdin to pass (a string) to the executed command
@param args: Sequence of strings to pass as arguments to command by
quoting them in " and escaping their contents if necessary
@returns A CMDResult object or None if the call timed out and
ignore_timeout is True.
if self._local_adb:
command=command, timeout=timeout,
ignore_status=ignore_status, stdout_tee=stdout_tee,
stderr_tee=stderr_tee, stdin=stdin, args=args,
return super(ADBHost, self).run(
command=command, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status,
stdout_tee=stdout_tee, options=options, stdin=stdin,
connect_timeout=connect_timeout, args=args,
def reboot(self):
"""Reboot the android device connected to this host.
Reboots the device over ADB.
@raises AutoservRebootError if reboot failed.
# Not calling super.reboot() as we want to reboot the ADB device not
# the host we are running ADB on.
self._adb_run('reboot', timeout=10, ignore_timeout=True)
if not self.wait_down(timeout=10):
raise error.AutoservRebootError(
'ADB Device is still up after reboot')
if not self.wait_up(timeout=30):
raise error.AutoservRebootError(
'ADB Device failed to return from reboot.')
if self._use_tcpip:
# Reconnect via TCP/IP.
def wait_down(self, timeout=None, warning_timer=None, old_boot_id=None):
"""Wait till the host goes down.
Overrides wait_down from AbstractSSHHost.
@param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for the host to go down.
@param warning_timer: Time limit in seconds that will generate
a warning if the host is not down yet.
Currently ignored.
@param old_boot_id: Not applicable for adb_host
@returns True if the device goes down before the timeout, False
@retry.retry(error.TimeoutException, timeout_min=timeout/60.0,
def _wait_down():
if self.is_up():
raise error.TimeoutException('Device is still up.')
return True
logging.debug('Host %s is now down', self.hostname)
return True
except error.TimeoutException:
logging.debug('Host %s is still up after waiting %d seconds',
self.hostname, timeout)
return False
def adb_devices(self):
"""Get a list of devices currently attached to this adb host."""
result = self._adb_run('devices', use_serial=True)
devices = []
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
match =,
if match:
serial ='SERIAL')
if serial == DEVICE_NO_SERIAL_MSG or re.match(r'^\?+$', serial):
logging.debug('Found Device: %s', serial)
if len(devices) != 1 and DEVICE_NO_SERIAL_TAG in devices:
raise error.AutoservError(
'Multiple ADB devices attached '
'*and* devices without serial number are present.')
return devices
def is_up(self, timeout=0):
"""Determine if the specified adb device is up.
@param timeout: Not currently used.
@returns True if the device is detectable but ADB, False otherwise.
return self._serials[0] in self.adb_devices()
def close(self):
"""Close the host object.
Called as the test ends. Will return the device to USB mode and kill
the ADB server.
if self._use_tcpip:
# Return the device to usb mode.'adb usb')
# TODO(sbasi) Originally, we would kill the server after each test to
# reduce the opportunity for bad server state to hang around.
# Unfortunately, there is a period of time after each kill during which
# the Android device becomes unusable, and if we start the next test
# too quickly, we'll get an error complaining about no ADB device
# attached.
return super(ADBHost, self).close()
def syslog(self, message, tag='autotest'):
"""Logs a message to syslog on host.
@param message String message to log into syslog
@param tag String tag prefix for syslog
self._adb_run('log -t "%s" "%s"' % (tag, message), shell=True)
def get_autodir(self):
"""Return the directory to install autotest for client side tests."""
return '/data/autotest'
def verify_software(self):
"""Verify working software on an adb_host.
TODO ( Actually implement this method.
return True
def verify_job_repo_url(self, tag=''):
"""Make sure job_repo_url of this host is valid.
TODO ( Actually implement this method.
@param tag: The tag from the server job, in the format
<job_id>-<user>/<hostname>, or <hostless> for a server job.
def _get_adb_host_tmpdir(self):
"""Creates a tmp dir for staging on the adb_host.
@returns the path of the tmp dir created.
@raises: AutoservError if there is an error creating the tmp dir.
tmp_dir = self.host_run("mktemp -d").stdout.strip()
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout) as e:
raise error.AutoservError(
'Failed to create tmp dir on adb_host: %s' % e)
return tmp_dir
def send_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False,
"""Copy files from the drone to the device.
@param source: The file/directory on the drone to send to the device.
@param dest: The destination path on the device to copy to.
@param delete_dest: A flag set to choose whether or not to delete
dest on the device if it exists.
@param preserve_symlinks: Controls if symlinks on the source will be
copied as such on the destination or
transformed into the referenced
tmp_dir = ''
src_path = source
# Stage the files on the adb_host if we're not running on localhost.
if not self._local_adb:
tmp_dir = self._get_adb_host_tmpdir()
src_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.basename(dest))
# Now copy the file over to the adb_host so you can reference the
# file in the push command.
super(ADBHost, self).send_file(source, src_path,
if delete_dest:
self._adb_run('rm -rf %s' % dest, shell=True)
self._adb_run('push %s %s' % (src_path, dest))
# If we're not local, cleanup the adb_host.
if not self._local_adb:
self.host_run('rm -rf %s' % tmp_dir)
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout) as e:
logging.warn('failed to remove dir %s: %s', tmp_dir, e)
def get_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False, preserve_perm=True,
"""Copy files from the device to the drone.
@param source: The file/directory on the device to copy back to the
@param dest: The destination path on the drone to copy to.
@param delete_dest: A flag set to choose whether or not to delete
dest on the drone if it exists.
@param preserve_perm: Tells get_file() to try to preserve the sources
permissions on files and dirs.
@param preserve_symlinks: Try to preserve symlinks instead of
transforming them into files/dirs on copy.
TODO ( Implement preserve_perm,preserve_symlinks.
tmp_dir = ''
dest_path = dest
# Stage the files on the adb_host if we're not local.
if not self._local_adb:
tmp_dir = self._get_adb_host_tmpdir()
dest_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.basename(source))
if delete_dest:'rm -rf %s' % dest)
# Pull the file off the device.
self._adb_run('pull %s %s' % (source, dest_path))
# If we're not local, copy over the file from the adb_host and clean up.
if not self._local_adb:
super(ADBHost, self).get_file(dest_path, dest)
self.host_run('rm -rf %s' % tmp_dir)
except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout) as e:
logging.warn('failed to remove dir %s: %s', tmp_dir, e)
def get_release_version(self):
"""Get the release version from the RELEASE_FILE on the device.
@returns The release string in the RELEASE_FILE.
return self.run_output('getprop %s' % RELEASE_FILE)
def get_tmp_dir(self, parent=''):
"""Return a suitable temporary directory on the host.
For adb_host we ensure this is a subdirectory of /data/local/tmp
@param parent: Parent directory of the returned tmp dir.
@returns a path to the temp directory on the host.
if not parent.startswith(TMP_DIR):
parent = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, parent.lstrip(os.path.sep))
return super(ADBHost, self).get_tmp_dir(parent=parent)
def get_platform(self):
"""Determine the correct platform label for this host.
TODO ( Figure out what we want to do for adb_host's
@returns a string representing this host's platform.
return 'adb'
def collect_logs(self, remote_src_dir, local_dest_dir, ignore_errors=True):
"""Copy log directories from a host to a local directory.
@param remote_src_dir: A destination directory on the host.
@param local_dest_dir: A path to a local destination directory.
If it doesn't exist it will be created.
@param ignore_errors: If True, ignore exceptions.
# TODO ( Implement collect_logs.
def get_os_type(self):
if self.run_output('getprop ro.product.brand') == 'Brillo':
return 'brillo'
return 'android'
def _forward(self, reverse, args):
"""Execute a forwarding command.
@param reverse: Whether this is reverse forwarding (Boolean).
@param args: List of command arguments.
cmd = '%s %s' % ('reverse' if reverse else 'forward', ' '.join(args))
def add_forwarding(self, src, dst, reverse=False, rebind=True):
"""Forward a port between the ADB host and device.
Port specifications are any strings accepted as such by ADB, for
example 'tcp:8080'.
@param src: Port specification to forward from.
@param dst: Port specification to forward to.
@param reverse: Do reverse forwarding from device to host (Boolean).
@param rebind: Allow rebinding an already bound port (Boolean).
args = []
if not rebind:
args += [src, dst]
self._forward(reverse, args)
def remove_forwarding(self, src=None, reverse=False):
"""Removes forwarding on port.
@param src: Port specification, or None to remove all forwarding.
@param reverse: Whether this is reverse forwarding (Boolean).
args = []
if src is None:
args += ['--remove', src]
self._forward(reverse, args)