blob: 7a114485e36484ef9919a3f697ccbb63a727af26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import random
import os
import time
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import tpm_utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.update_engine import update_engine_test
class autoupdate_ForcedOOBEUpdate(update_engine_test.UpdateEngineTest):
"""Runs a forced autoupdate during OOBE."""
version = 1
def cleanup(self):'rm %s' % self._CUSTOM_LSB_RELEASE, ignore_status=True)
# Get the last two update_engine logs: before and after reboot.
# Cancel any update still in progress.
if not self._is_update_engine_idle():
logging.debug('Canceling the in-progress update.')'restart update-engine')
super(autoupdate_ForcedOOBEUpdate, self).cleanup()
def _wait_for_reboot_after_update(self, timeout_minutes=15):
Waits for the OOBE update to finish and autoreboot.
The update goes through the following statuses: DOWNLOADING to
FINALIZING to NEED_REBOOT. It then automatically reboots back to the
same screen of OOBE. Detecting the reboot is done by:
1) Checking the number of logs in /var/log/update_engine/ increased.
2) Checking that the two recent statuses were FINALIZING and IDLE.
@param timeout_minutes: How long to wait for the update to finish.
See crbug/1073855 for context on this default.
timeout = time.time() + 60 * timeout_minutes
last_status = None
logs_before = len(self._get_update_engine_logs())
while True:
# Use timeout so if called during reboot we fail early and retry.
status = self._get_update_engine_status(timeout=10,
# Check that the status is not reporting an error.
if status is not None:
if self._is_checking_for_update(status):
if self._is_update_engine_reporting_error(status):
err_str = self._get_last_error_string()
raise error.TestFail('Update status reported error '
'during OOBE update: %s' % err_str)
# if status is IDLE we need to figure out if an error occurred
# or the DUT autorebooted.
elif self._is_update_engine_idle(status):
if self._is_update_finished_downloading(last_status):
if len(self._get_update_engine_logs()) > logs_before:
err_str = self._get_last_error_string()
raise error.TestFail('Update status was IDLE during '
'update: %s' % err_str)
last_status = status
if time.time() > timeout:
raise error.TestFail(
'OOBE update did not finish in %d minutes. Last status: %s,'
' Last Progress: %s' % (timeout_minutes,
status[self._CURRENT_OP], status[self._PROGRESS]))
def _wait_for_oobe_update_to_complete(self):
"""Wait for the update that started to complete."""
def found_post_reboot_event():
Now that the device is rebooted, we have to make sure update_engine
is up and running and post reboot update check has been performed.
self._get_update_engine_status(timeout=10, ignore_timeout=False)
return self._check_update_engine_log_for_entry(
'Omaha request response:')
utils.poll_for_condition(found_post_reboot_event, timeout=60,
desc='post-reboot event to fire after reboot')
def run_once(self, full_payload=True, cellular=False,
interrupt=None, job_repo_url=None, moblab=False):
Runs a forced autoupdate during ChromeOS OOBE.
@param full_payload: True for a full payload. False for delta.
@param cellular: True to do the update over a cellualar connection.
Requires that the DUT have a sim card slot.
@param interrupt: Type of interrupt to try: [reboot, network, suspend]
@param job_repo_url: Used for debugging locally. This is used to figure
out the current build and the devserver to use.
The test will read this from a host argument
when run in the lab.
@param moblab: True if we are running on moblab.
update_url = self.get_update_url_for_test(job_repo_url,
before = self._get_chromeos_version()
payload_info = None
if cellular:
# Clear any previously started updates.
pref_file = os.path.join(self._UPDATE_ENGINE_PREFS_DIR,
self._UPDATE_CHECK_RESPONSE_HASH)['rm', pref_file], ignore_status=True)['restart', 'update-engine'], ignore_status=True)
progress = None
if interrupt is not None:
# Choose a random downloaded progress to interrupt the update.
# Moblab may have higher download speeds and take longer to return
# from the client test, so we'll use a reduced progress range if
# we're interrupting the update on moblab.
progress_limit = 0.3 if moblab else 0.6
progress = random.uniform(0.1, progress_limit)'Progress when we will interrupt: %f', progress)
# Call client test to start the forced OOBE update.
'autoupdate_StartOOBEUpdate', image_url=update_url,
full_payload=full_payload, cellular=cellular,
critical_update=True, interrupt_network=interrupt is 'network',
if interrupt in ['reboot', 'suspend']:'Waiting to interrupt update.')
self._wait_for_progress(progress)'We will now start interrupting the update.')
completed = self._get_update_progress()
if interrupt is 'reboot':
elif interrupt is 'suspend':
# Screenshot to check that OOBE was not skipped by interruption.
if self._is_update_engine_idle():
raise error.TestFail('The update was IDLE after interrupt.')
if not self._update_continued_where_it_left_off(
completed, reboot_interrupt=interrupt is 'reboot'):
raise error.TestFail('The update did not continue where it '
'left off after interruption.')
elif interrupt not in ['network', None]:
raise error.TestFail('Unknown interrupt type: %s' % interrupt)
# We create a new lsb-release file with no_update=True so there won't be
# any more actual updates happen.
self._create_custom_lsb_release(update_url, no_update=True)
# Verify that the update completed successfully by checking hostlog.
rootfs_hostlog, reboot_hostlog = self._create_hostlog_files()
self.verify_update_events(self._CUSTOM_LSB_VERSION, rootfs_hostlog)
self.verify_update_events(self._CUSTOM_LSB_VERSION, reboot_hostlog,
after = self._get_chromeos_version()'Successfully force updated from %s to %s.', before, after)