blob: 90cabf40a3fd27b17181846b38a0a11f171eaddf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This does rudimentary checks of IPv6 functionality by running an IPv6
# router advertisement daemon on the server and checking to make sure
# that the DUT picks up and discards information correctly.
# When connected to an IPv6 service, the kernel IPv6 autoconfig should
# do as follows:
# * Create a locally scoped IPv6 address (contains last 3 octects of MAC)
# * Create a globally scoped IPv6 address (contains last 3 octects of MAC)
# * Create a temporary (prefferred) globally scoped IPv6 address (last 3
# octects of MAC do not appear in this address, so we preserve privacy)
# * Create a default route through the IPv6 gateway
# When we disconnect, everything above should be removed except the locally
# scoped IPv6 address which is benign.
{ "name":"IPv6Basic",
# Start IPv6 router advertisments
[ "ipv6_server_config" ],
# Start an open AP, and connect to it
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2412",
"ssid_suffix":"ip6" } ],
[ "connect", { "security":"none" } ],
# Wait a while -- IPv6 address configuration should complete
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
# Assert the following about the client's IPv6 config:
[ "client_check_ipv6", { "address_count":"3", # 3 addresses overall
"local_count":"1", # 1 locally scoped address
"mac_count":"2", # 2 linked with mac address
"default_route":True # Should have default route
} ],
# Ping router over IPv6
[ "client_ping6", { "count":"10" } ],
# Disable IPv6 services and connect again
[ "disconnect" ],
[ "ipv6_server_kill" ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2412",
"ssid_suffix":"ip4" } ],
[ "connect", { "security":"none" } ],
# Wait a while -- IPv6 address configuration should complete
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
# Once we should have cleaned up everything but the locally scoped address
[ "client_check_ipv6", { "address_count":"1", # 1 address overall
"local_count":"1", # 1 locally scoped address
"mac_count":"1", # 1 linked with mac address
"default_route":False # No default routes
} ],
[ "disconnect" ],
[ "deconfig" ],
[ "destroy" ],