Remove autotests for chromecast verification methods

These methods are no longer used by Chrome (the cert verification is
being done by chrome code).


Change-Id: I37d3bb218b28d6176eebcd649988b160bd026613
Commit-Ready: Toni Baržić <>
Tested-by: Toni Baržić <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Chan <>
diff --git a/client/cros/scripts/destination b/client/cros/scripts/destination
deleted file mode 100755
index f15c9ef..0000000
--- a/client/cros/scripts/destination
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import sys
-import common
-from autotest_lib.client.cros.networking import shill_proxy
-def usage():
-    """ Print a usage message for this script. """
-    cmd = sys.argv[0]
-    common_args = ['<certificate>', '<public_key>', '<nonce>',
-                   '<signed_data>', '<destination_udn>',
-                   '<hotspot_ssid>', '<hotspot_bssid>']
-    print cmd, 'encrypt', ' '.join(common_args)
-    print cmd, 'verify', ' '.join(common_args), '<data to encrypt>'
-    return False
-def main(args):
-    """ Call methods related to destinations.
-    @param args arguments to the script, not including the script name.
-    """
-    if len(args) < 1:
-        return usage()
-    command = args[0]
-    args = args[1:]
-    shill = shill_proxy.ShillProxy()
-    if command == 'verify':
-        if len(args) < NUM_VERIFY_ARGS:
-            return usage()
-        if shill.manager.VerifyDestination(*args[0:NUM_VERIFY_ARGS]):
-            print 'Valid destination'
-            return True
-    if command == 'encrypt':
-        if len(args) < NUM_ENCRYPT_ARGS:
-            return usage()
-        print shill.manager.VerifyAndEncryptData(*args[0:NUM_ENCRYPT_ARGS])
-        return True
-    return usage()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if not main(sys.argv[1:]):
-        sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/client/site_tests/network_DestinationVerification/control b/client/site_tests/network_DestinationVerification/control
deleted file mode 100644
index ec01388..0000000
--- a/client/site_tests/network_DestinationVerification/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-AUTHOR = 'wiley, pstew'
-NAME = 'network_DestinationVerification'
-ATTRIBUTES = "suite:bvt-cq, subsystem:network"
-TEST_TYPE = 'client'
-DOC = """
-  Tests that we can validate a ChromeCast device by its certificate.  This test
-  fails if crypto-util is unable to verify a valid ChromeCast device
-  certificate or validates an invalid certificate.  This checks the ways that
-  crypto-util interacts with OpenSSL and verifies that we're expecting the
-  correct key/certificate formats.
diff --git a/client/site_tests/network_DestinationVerification/ b/client/site_tests/network_DestinationVerification/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18fc2ab..0000000
--- a/client/site_tests/network_DestinationVerification/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import base64
-import json
-import logging
-import os.path
-import tempfile
-import common
-from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
-# This modifies the include path to include the shill test-scripts.
-# pylint: disable=W0611
-from autotest_lib.client.cros import flimflam_test_path
-# pylint: enable=W0611
-import crypto_util_pb2
-TEST_DATA1 = """{
-    "connected":false,
-    "debug_build":true,
-    "has_update":false,
-    "hotspot_bssid":"00:1A:11:FF:AC:DF",
-    "locale":"en_US",
-    "location": {
-        "latitude":37.4193105,
-        "longitude":-122.07878869999999
-    },
-    "mac_address":"4C:AA:16:A5:AC:DF",
-    "name":"eureka8997",
-    "public_key":"MIGJAoGBAK3SXmWZBOhJibv8It05qIbgHXXhnCXxHkW+C6jNMHR5sZgDpFaOY1xwXERjKdJxcwrEy3VAT5Uv9MgHPBvxxJku76HYh1yVfIw1rhLnHBTHSxwUzJNCrgc3l3t/UACacLjVNIzccDpYf2vnOcA+t1t6IXRjzuU2NdwY4dJXNtWPAgMBAAE=",
-    "setup_state":11,
-    "sign": {
-        "certificate":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\\nMYLrTwMQfGuUaaaKko6ldKIrovjrcPloQr1Hxb2bipFcjLmG7nxQLoS6vQ==\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n",
-        "nonce":"+6KSGuRu833m1+TP",
-        "signed_data":"vwMBgANrp5XpCswLyk/OTXT56ORPeIWjH7xAdCk3qgjkwI6+8o56zJS02+tC5hhIHWh7oppTmWYF4tKvBQ3GeCz7IW9f7HWDMtO7x7yRWxzJyehaJbCfXvLdfs0/WKllzvGVBgNpcIAwU2NSFUG/jpXclntFzds0EUJG9wHxS6PXXSYRu+PlIFdCDcQJsUlnwO9AGFOJRV/aARGh8YUTWCFIQPOtPEqT5eegt+TLf01Gq0YcrRwSTKy1I3twOnWiMfIdkJdQKPtBwwbvuAyGuqYFocfjKABbnH9Tvl04yyO3euKbYlSqaF/l8CXmzDJTyO7tDOFK59bV9auE4KljrQ=="
-    },
-    "ssdp_udn":"c5b2a83b-5958-7ce6-b179-e1f44699429b",
-    "ssid":"",
-    "timezone":"America/Los_Angeles",
-    "uptime":1991.7,
-    "version":4,
-    "wpa_configured":false,
-    "wpa_state":1
-} """
-TEST_DATA2 = """{
-    "connected": false,
-    "debug_build": true,
-    "has_update": false,
-    "hotspot_bssid": "00:1A:11:FF:AC:1E",
-    "ip_address": "",
-    "locale": "en_US",
-    "mac_address": "B0:EE:45:49:AC:1E",
-    "name": "Greg's Eureka",
-    "noise_level": -85,
-    "public_key": "MIGJAoGBAOe+6bF51A7wFVMbyPiHYLdgAmP6sdhOUohqCHn4qHSfDY41AbAbVmXLbUZ5BF2KSdDYqU4fAXoaI8V8D5DRWh57Ax10Sl1/6M1u22KT6FYQyUToXGPcXldBzRRMok8H4XyiebDVevjvvV6yuABSYYhfSlrMdGj8qxRVwTxx0CItAgMBAAE=",
-    "release_track": "beta-channel",
-    "setup_state": 50,
-    "sign": {
-        "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\\nNg7k4Sfif5iktYT4VRKpThe0EGJNfqKJKYtvHEVC\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n",
-        "nonce": "pTwRhdsB5cb3Ev8o",
-        "signed_data": "WIvN6Ujo4CoxUNcsm1YaLRUe1KJVEG+oXorUBJae/fKQrLfnH9ChDfxzW+EDZlLBLPk9u5EAptr8LKK6AunbBTDIeBkjzXv3nS+xlmV9ZdA71imitva88HPzC+a2H61dJL8puNbZu9j1Zs3sCybw2F+qZbDBhbG0sJTEXytPjewqAl8iBZSAS0BoNJZYA7Q/bCPI07pg404pI392cKP8FYJR08Y4xoV94Em+jnZ2nZabSsmsScYGvpWVNeS2z+f0to6ureOxaqgT+AAckqtCRcHd66QtLGwKXWviaevKte1z185f4r55U4P5pkQi+xd6lZRsMQydwUzLxgk7UY5U3Q=="
-    },
-    "signal_level": -42,
-    "ssdp_udn": "cd7c1f15-2f49-076b-51ac-9d651872c784",
-    "ssid": "Greg's Phone",
-    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
-    "uptime": 207.33,
-    "version": 4,
-    "wpa_configured": true,
-    "wpa_id": 0,
-    "wpa_state": 10
-TEST_DATA3 = """{
-    "build_version":"10566",
-    "connected":false,
-    "has_update":false,
-    "hotspot_bssid":"FA:8F:CA:30:08:26",
-    "locale":"en_US",
-    "mac_address":"B0:EE:45:68:B5:52",
-    "name":"Chromekey Greg",
-    "public_key":"MIIBCgKCAQEApQoxFRJWEP9Oa+lSF2PCMBCpd2LYeyPMHjVKCF2IlrGbrgQ3U9wI6tBvLkHg570KSA6onL/7e9J31RLwA8gIE0zJ9M7NToxj1cVa8jOqXPIllJP7uY/TmtMIwCvuMCu6KBNW/wzKK6jkT7wScwrPJscmwWr/0h6lKXZrv0DhwvVv3i6VGsasZzVYlOoZ7eRe1OHiJgehPFUh0Vp7lVRDzumtJ0N6hybWP/Ap6dNlcO9Hq67bljHRrgwuBT2iRJBIdZt6m4xZlf78dH6Y2gfeQ3GBtDZWbZ5v6hzaYeIxlMTelz6ZlEQa0fPegK1dsxCddvLhRCDQr2bZlwyRdof6uwIDAQAB",
-    "release_track":"beta-channel",
-    "setup_state":11,
-    "sign": {
-        "nonce": "E1oqNODwWVIfSjUs",
-        "signed_data": "aaT56/P7KiMxVbWCedpSNIikpxh0EzdjgEuP153pCNfYys2KmlVtvEnXeFGYKJP2ypsX0qx/9Bx2C18T8HZ4PvNW0fUEheScvkzbDTn/gBpwUJv3XT+55XneUdjIAQu83qNR/AjxYa9cDGzxbnZJL91Fd1Grw/fNaKEMiedWRiESABQREiS2OW+iZ3Z/JRs99o4M6m+6f/mvNkgZ3GrFxNnPEXe7g1sYjspPhnDLvASNzd9j24YIxu+PTWZCNL6clps+/ghNA/0fB3PBDILrcGnER36Vc8gNhjD1r1f/ACU1qk06yMNC/Kgt2pMQkpjaXby+B75Z9yrogNHs4f5tIA=="
-    },
-    "ssdp_udn":"b91027b5-f19e-7df6-6533-5056ad190575",
-    "ssid":"Greg's Phone",
-    "uptime":262650.75,
-    "version":4,
-    "wpa_configured":false,
-    "wpa_id":0,
-    "wpa_state":1
-# This is just a DER formatted public key with the first 22 bytes stripped.
-# Technically, this is called RSAPublicKey format.
-    '0\x81\x89\x02\x81\x81\x00\xd4\xe3z\x82\x0b6D\x8a\x1dY'
-    '\x1d\xdel\xbf\xad,\r\x8b\xefm\xe3\xbd\xef<\x954\x96C<'
-    '\x9e\x7fB\xef\xe8&h\xfb\xc4Z\x0e\x196C\x1d\xd7f\x88\\5'
-    '\xd5\x1e\xb8\xe0\x8d\xc4\xbc\xd1\xb3\xc4\xd3)!7\xd2{'
-    '\x11\x89\t\xfb\x8d\xe8\xbaRL\xacI\xf2\x0f.JB\x8e\xd4'
-    '\xdc\xc2\x81v6\x8a\x154\xbe8\xfc\xa8\x84zH\xf0j\x87('
-    '\xcf\x142B\xcfV\xd0\n\xbbPW\x80d\xd2\x0e\xf1\x1a\x04'
-    '\x0b\xa8U=\x8f3\x85\xcd\x02\x03\x01\x00\x01'
-# This is the matching private key.  Note that the public key is
-# a subset of this information should you need it for debugging.
-def unicode2str(value):
-    """
-    Recurses through value, converting unicode to strings.
-    The output of the json python decoder looks like a dictionary with
-    unicode keys mapping to more unicode strings, and possibly
-    dictionaries.  Convert those unicode strings to ASCII strings
-    recursively with this function.
-    @param value: dict or unicode.
-    @returns value with unicode recursively replaced with string.
-    """
-    if isinstance(value, dict):
-        ret = {}
-        for k,v in value.items():
-            ret[unicode2str(k)] = unicode2str(v)
-        return ret
-    if isinstance(value, unicode):
-        return str(value)
-    return value
-class network_DestinationVerification(test.test):
-    """Tests that the destination verification logic in shill works.
-    This logic allows us to verify that (for instance) we trust the
-    credentials of a Chromekey.
-    """
-    version = 1
-    @property
-    def shim_path(self):
-        """@return path to crypto-util shim."""
-        lib_paths = ['lib', 'lib64']
-        shim_path = '/usr/%s/shill/shims/crypto-util'
-        for lib in lib_paths:
-            path = shim_path % lib
-            if os.path.exists(path):
-                return path
-        raise error.TestFail('Unable to find crypto-util.')
-    def _call_shim_with_args(self, args, protobuffer):
-        """Calls the crypto_util shim with args and stdin as specified.
-        Calls crypto shim with args for paramters, and the serialized form of
-        protobuffer on stdin.  Asserts that the command completes successfully
-        and returns the raw output bytestring.
-        @param args: tuple of string arguments to the shim.
-        @param protobuffer: python protocol buffer object.
-        @return stdout of the shim call as string.
-        """
-        raw_input_bytes = protobuffer.SerializeToString()
-        result  =,
-                            stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
-                            stdin=raw_input_bytes,
-                            verbose=True,
-                            args=args,
-                            timeout=10,
-                            ignore_status=True)
-        if result.exit_status:
-            return None
-        raw_output = result.stdout
-        logging.debug('Got raw output: %s.',
-                      ''.join([hex(ord(c)) for c in raw_output]))
-        return raw_output
-    def _test_verify(self, test_data, expect_failure=False):
-        """Test that shim verify operation works correctly.
-        Call into the shim to perform a verify operation, check that the call
-        succeeds unless |expect_failure|.  |test_data| looks like the decoded
-        json data we're given by the destination.
-        @param test_data: dictionary of test data to use with the call.
-        @param expect_failure: bool true if test_data should fail to verify.
-        @raises TestFail when verification doesn't go as expected.
-        """
-        # See doc/manager-api.txt, but the format goes roughly:
-        #     ssid,udn,bssid,key,nonce
-        sign_bundle = test_data['sign']
-        unsigned_data = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (test_data['name'],
-                                            test_data['ssdp_udn'],
-                                            test_data['hotspot_bssid'],
-                                            test_data['public_key'],
-                                            sign_bundle['nonce'])
-        message = crypto_util_pb2.VerifyCredentialsMessage()
-        message.certificate = sign_bundle['certificate']
-        message.signed_data = base64.b64decode(sign_bundle['signed_data'])
-        message.unsigned_data = unsigned_data
-        message.mac_address = test_data['hotspot_bssid']
-        output = self._call_shim_with_args(('verify',), message)
-        if expect_failure:
-            if output is None:
-                # Expected a failure, and got it.  We're done here.
-                return
-            raise error.TestFail('Expected verification to fail, but it '
-                                 'succeeded.')
-        if not output:
-            raise error.TestFail('Verification failed unexpectedly.')
-        response = crypto_util_pb2.VerifyCredentialsResponse()
-        response.ParseFromString(output)
-        if response.ret != crypto_util_pb2.OK:
-            raise error.TestFail('Expected verification success, '
-                                 'but got: %d.' % response.ret)
-    def _test_encrypt(self, public_key, data_to_encrypt, expect_failure=False):
-        """Test that shim encrypt operation works correctly.
-        Call into the shim to perform an encrypt operation.
-        Raise a test error if the call fails, unless |expect_failure|.
-        @param public_key: string containing RSAPublicKey format RSA key.
-        @param data_to_encrypt: string data to encrypt.
-        @param expect_failure: bool true if encrypt should fail.
-        """
-        message = crypto_util_pb2.EncryptDataMessage()
-        message.public_key = public_key
- = data_to_encrypt
-        output = self._call_shim_with_args(('encrypt',), message)
-        if expect_failure:
-            if output is None:
-                # Expected a failure, and got it.  We're done here.
-                return
-            raise error.TestFail('Expected encryption to fail, '
-                                 'but it did not.')
-        if not output:
-            raise error.TestFail('Encryption failed unexpectedly.')
-        response = crypto_util_pb2.EncryptDataResponse()
-        response.ParseFromString(output)
-        if response.ret != crypto_util_pb2.OK:
-            raise error.TestFail('Data encryption failed.')
-        logging.debug('Decrypting %d bytes of encrypted data to confirm match.',
-                      len(response.encrypted_data))
-        try:
-            private_key = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-            encrypted_data = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-            private_key.write(ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY)
-            private_key.flush()
-            encrypted_data.write(response.encrypted_data)
-            encrypted_data.flush()
-            result ='openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey %s -in %s' %
-                                       (,,
-                               stdin=response.encrypted_data,
-                               stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
-                               verbose=True,
-                               ignore_status=True)
-            if result.exit_status:
-                if data_to_encrypt == '':
-                    # Due to an open bug in OpenSSL, rsautl doesn't handle this
-                    # case correctly.  For now, just pass and assume that
-                    # we're doing this correctly.
-                    #
-                    return
-                raise error.TestFail('Failed to decrypt shim output.')
-            if result.stdout != data_to_encrypt:
-                raise error.TestFail('Data encyption failed: '
-                                     'expected: %s, but got: %s' %
-                                     (data_to_encrypt, result.stdout))
-        finally:
-            private_key.close()
-            encrypted_data.close()
-    def run_once(self):
-        """Body of the test."""
-'Checking basic encryption operation of the shim.')
-        self._test_encrypt(ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY, 'disco boy')
-'Checking graceful fail for too much data to encrypt.')
-        self._test_encrypt(ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY,
-                           ''.join(['x' for i in range(500)]),
-                            expect_failure=True)
-'Checking graceful fail for a bad key format.')
-        self._test_encrypt('this will not parse in openssl',
-                            'disco boy',
-                            expect_failure=True)
-'Checking that we encrypt the empty string correctly.')
-        self._test_encrypt(ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY, '')
-'Checking basic verification operation.')
-        test_data = unicode2str(json.loads(TEST_DATA1))
-        self._test_verify(test_data)
-'Checking bad nonce in unsigned_data.')
-        test_data = unicode2str(json.loads(TEST_DATA1))
-        test_data['sign']['nonce'] = 'does not match'
-        self._test_verify(test_data, expect_failure=True)
-'Checking for graceful fail for invalid '
-                     'certificate format')
-        test_data = unicode2str(json.loads(TEST_DATA1))
-        test_data['sign']['certificate'] = 'not a certificate'
-        self._test_verify(test_data, expect_failure=True)
-'Verification fails when the certificate is signed, but '
-                     'subject is malformed.')
-        test_data = unicode2str(json.loads(TEST_DATA2))
-        self._test_verify(test_data, expect_failure=True)
-'Verification should succeed on third set of data.')
-        test_data = unicode2str(json.loads(TEST_DATA3))
-        self._test_verify(test_data)
-'Test completed successfully.')