blob: ca5f2ed21e8d2062a3a543fc590faa9c22545541 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Analyzes test results in USB drive written by factory_CameraPerformanceAls in
Module-level and AB Covers camera testing.
This file must be able to run standalone without Chrome OS system. For example,
it should run with ActivePython on MS-Windows. The external library dependency
is kept as minimum as possible.
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple, OrderedDict
import csv
import glob
import numpy as np
import os
import re
# default filename of exported CSV file
_DEFAULT_CSV_FILE = 'result.csv'
# field names in CSV file
_FIELDS = ['Serial', 'Result', 'Camera_Status',
'ShiftTilt_Status', 'LenShading_Status',
'MTF_Status', 'ALS_Status',
'MedianMTF', 'LowestMTF', 'Shift',
'Shift_X', 'Shift_Y', 'Tilt', 'LenShading']
# serial numbers to ignore
_SN_BLACKLIST = ['dummy_sn']
# Data structure for test pass criteria. Min_value and max_value are floats or
# None. At least one of min_value and max_value must be None.
Criteria = namedtuple('Criteria',
['display_name', 'min_value', 'max_value'])
# ordered dictionary of format field-name => criteria
_PASS_CRITERIA = OrderedDict([
('MedianMTF', Criteria('Median MTF', 0.240, None)),
('LowestMTF', Criteria('Lowest MTF', 0.145, None)),
('Shift', Criteria('Shift Ratio', None, 0.045)),
('Shift_X', Criteria('X Shift (pixels)', None, None)),
('Shift_Y', Criteria('Y Shift (pixels)', None, None)),
('Tilt', Criteria('Tilt (degrees)', None, 1.0)),
('LenShading', Criteria('Lens Shading Ratio', 0.60, None))])
# Format to parsing the text file. List of (field-name, regexp-match-pattern).
('Result', r"'result': *'([^']+)'"),
('Camera_Status', r"'cam_stat': *'([^']+)'"),
('ShiftTilt_Status', r"'cam_vc': *'([^']+)'"),
('LenShading_Status', r"'cam_ls': *'([^']+)'"),
('MTF_Status', r"'cam_mtf': *'([^']+)'"),
('ALS_Status', r"'als_stat': *'([^']+)'"),
('MedianMTF', r'^MTF value:\s*(\S+)$'),
('LowestMTF', r'^Lowest MTF value:\s*(\S+)$'),
('Shift', r'^Image shift percentage:\s*(\S+)$'),
('Shift_X', r'^Image shift X:\s*(\S+)$'),
('Shift_Y', r'^Image shift Y:\s*(\S+)$'),
('Tilt', r'^Image tilt:\s*(\S+)\s+degrees'),
('LenShading', r'^Len shading ratio:\s*(\S+)$')]
def _Percent(a, b):
Floating percentage of a / b.
return 100.0 * a / b
def _PrintStatistics(values, criteria):
"""Calculates statistics on a list of values accroding to given criteria.
values: a list of numeric values.
criteria: Criteria object.
Floating percentage of a / b.
display_name = criteria.display_name
min_value = criteria.min_value
max_value = criteria.max_value
total_count = len(values)
assert min_value == None or max_value == None
if min_value:
failed_count = len(filter((lambda x: abs(x) < min_value), values))
failed_condition = '< %.3f' % min_value
elif max_value:
failed_count = len(filter((lambda x: abs(x) > max_value), values))
failed_condition = '> %.3f' % max_value
failed_condition = None
print(display_name + ':')
print(' Average: %.3f' % np.average(values))
print(' Median: %.3f' % np.median(values))
print(' Std deviation: %.3f' % np.std(values))
print(' Range: (%.3f - %.3f)' % (np.min(values), np.max(values)))
if failed_condition:
print(' %s: %d/%d (%.1f%%)' % (failed_condition, failed_count,
_Percent(failed_count, total_count)))
def AnalyzeData(data_list):
"""Anaylzes data and print the summary.
data_list: A list of dictionaries. Each contains the results of one DUT.
A list of dictionaries, where each contains the results of one DUT.
numeric_pattern = re.compile(r'^[+\-]?[0-9.]+$')
data_count = len(data_list)
if data_count == 0:
print("No test data is found")
values = defaultdict(list)
for row in data_list:
for field in _FIELDS:
if row[field] == 'N/A':
# Skip it directly. Statistics like avg won't take it into account.
if numeric_pattern.match(row[field]):
v = float(row[field])
v = row[field]
# Passed/ Failed
passed_count = values['Result'].count('PASSED')
failed_count = values['Result'].count('FAILED')
assert passed_count + failed_count == data_count
print("Passed: %d/%d (%.1f%%)" % (passed_count,
_Percent(passed_count, data_count)))
print("Failed: %d/%d (%.1f%%)" % (failed_count,
_Percent(failed_count, data_count)))
for field, criteria in _PASS_CRITERIA.iteritems():
_PrintStatistics(values[field], criteria)
def CollectDataAndExportCSV(data_path, csv_filename):
"""Read all .txt files in the current folder, and export its data to returned
data structure and csv_filename.
data_path: source data path (None if using the current working directory)
csv_filename: output filename of CSV file (None if no CSV file is needed)
A list of dictionaries, where each contains the results of one DUT.
data_dict = defaultdict(dict)
def _read_attr(lines, attr, pattern, fallback='N/A'):
matches = [, l).group(1)
for l in lines if, l)]
if not matches:
data_dict[sn][attr] = fallback
data_dict[sn][attr] = matches[-1]
if data_path:
glob_pattern = os.path.join(data_path, '*.txt')
glob_pattern = '*.txt'
for txt_file in glob.glob(glob_pattern):
sn = re.match(r'^(.*)\.txt$', txt_file).group(1)
data_dict[sn]['Serial'] = sn
with open(txt_file, 'r') as txt:
lines =
for field, pattern in _TEXT_FILE_FORMAT:
_read_attr(lines, field, pattern)
# Export data_dict to CSV file
fields_dict = OrderedDict([(f, f) for f in _FIELDS])
if csv_filename:
with open(csv_filename, 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fields_dict)
for sn in sorted(data_dict.keys()):
return [data for sn, data in data_dict.iteritems()]
def main():
"""Main routine."""
prog_desc = """Analyze raw data collected from camera test fixtures.
For module-level and AB-covers camera testing, the test results for each DUT are
stored in a single text file ([SerialNumber].txt) on USB drive. This program can
find all text files under one directory and analyze the results. The results are
also written to a CSV file, which can be imported in spreadsheet software. """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('--data-path', '-d', dest='data_path',
help='source data path '
'(default: current working directory)')
parser.add_argument('--csv-file', '-f', dest='csv_filename',
help='output filename of the CSV file '
'(default: %s)' % _DEFAULT_CSV_FILE)
parser.add_argument('--no-csv', action='store_false', dest='export_csv',
help='disable output of CSV file')
args = parser.parse_args()
data_list = CollectDataAndExportCSV(
args.data_path, args.csv_filename if args.export_csv else None)
if __name__ == '__main__':