blob: 948d8e1b4176afe42dadb5db70b9158702c41510 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* for RTLD_NEXT in dlfcn.h */
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <gudev/gudev.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* The purpose of this library is to override libgudev to return
* arbitrary results for selected devices, generally for the purposes
* of testing. Adding the library file to LD_PRELOAD is the general
* way to accomplish this. The arbitrary results to return are
* specified in the environment variable GUDEV_PRELOAD as follows:
* FAKEGUDEV_DEVICES=<name1>=value1:<property_name2>=<value2>::<name3>=<value3>
* Here, <name1> etc are the names of GUdevDevice properties, and <value1> etc
* are the associated values.
* - '::' is used the separate devices
* - ':' is used to separate properties of a device
* - <name> can not contain the special character ':'
* - <value> can contain ':', but it must be escaped with '\'
* - property_<name> are the special GUdevDevice properties that can be obtain
* with a call to g_udev_get_property
* e.g.
* FAKEGUDEV_DEVICES=device_file=/dev/pts/1:subsystem=tty:name=pts/1:\
* parent=/dev/pts:property_DEVICE_PROPERTY=123::device_file=/dev/pts/2:\
* subsystem=tty:sysfs_path=/sys/bus/usb/devices/1-2.0\:5
* The "parent" property on a device specifies a device path that will be looked
* up with g_udev_client_query_by_device_file() to find a parent device. This
* may be a real device that the real libgudev will return a device for, or it
* may be another fake device handled by this library.
* Unspecified properties/attributes will be returned as NULL.
* Setting the environment variable FAKEGUDEV_BLOCK_REAL causes this
* library to prevent real devices from being iterated over with
* g_udev_query_by_subsystem().
static const char *k_tmp_logging_file_full_path = "/tmp/fakegudev.dbg";
static FILE *debug_file;
#define fake_g_udev_debug_init() \
debug_file = fopen (k_tmp_logging_file_full_path, "w")
#define fake_g_udev_debug(...) \
do { \
if (debug_file) { \
fprintf (debug_file, __VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf (debug_file, "\n"); \
} \
} while (0)
#define fake_g_udev_debug_finish() \
do { \
if (debug_file) { \
fclose (debug_file); \
debug_file = NULL; \
} \
} while (0)
#else /* FAKE_G_UDEV_DEBUG */
#define fake_g_udev_debug_init()
#define fake_g_udev_debug(...)
#define fake_g_udev_debug_finish()
#endif /* FAKE_G_UDEV_DEBUG */
typedef struct _FakeGUdevDeviceClass FakeGUdevDeviceClass;
typedef struct _FakeGUdevDevice FakeGUdevDevice;
typedef struct _FakeGUdevDevicePrivate FakeGUdevDevicePrivate;
#define FAKE_G_UDEV_TYPE_DEVICE (fake_g_udev_device_get_type ())
#define FAKE_G_UDEV_DEVICE(obj) \
#define FAKE_G_UDEV_IS_DEVICE(obj) \
#define FAKE_G_UDEV_DEVICE_CLASS(klass) \
#define FAKE_G_UDEV_IS_DEVICE_CLASS(klass) \
struct _FakeGUdevDevice
GUdevDevice parent;
FakeGUdevDevicePrivate *priv;
struct _FakeGUdevDeviceClass
GUdevDeviceClass parent_class;
GType fake_g_udev_device_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
/* end header */
struct _FakeGUdevDevicePrivate
GHashTable *properties;
GUdevClient *client;
const gchar **propkeys;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (FakeGUdevDevice, fake_g_udev_device, G_UDEV_TYPE_DEVICE)
/* Map from device paths (/dev/pts/1) to FakeGUdevDevice objects */
static GHashTable *devices_by_path;
/* Map from sysfs paths (/sys/devices/blah) to FakeGUdevDevice objects */
static GHashTable *devices_by_syspath;
/* Map which acts as a set of FakeGUdevDevice objects */
static GHashTable *devices_by_ptr;
/* Prevent subsystem query from listing devices */
static gboolean block_real = FALSE;
static const char *k_env_devices = "FAKEGUDEV_DEVICES";
static const char *k_env_block_real = "FAKEGUDEV_BLOCK_REAL";
static const char *k_prop_device_file = "device_file";
static const char *k_prop_devtype = "devtype";
static const char *k_prop_driver = "driver";
static const char *k_prop_name = "name";
static const char *k_prop_parent = "parent";
static const char *k_prop_subsystem = "subsystem";
static const char *k_prop_sysfs_path = "sysfs_path";
static const char *k_property_prefix = "property_";
static const char *k_sysfs_attr_prefix = "sysfs_attr_";
static const char *k_func_q_device_file = "g_udev_client_query_by_device_file";
static const char *k_func_q_sysfs_path = "g_udev_client_query_by_sysfs_path";
static const char *k_func_q_by_subsystem = "g_udev_client_query_by_subsystem";
static const char *k_func_q_by_subsystem_and_name =
static const char *k_func_get_device_file = "g_udev_device_get_device_file";
static const char *k_func_get_devtype = "g_udev_device_get_devtype";
static const char *k_func_get_driver = "g_udev_device_get_driver";
static const char *k_func_get_name = "g_udev_device_get_name";
static const char *k_func_get_parent = "g_udev_device_get_parent";
static const char *k_func_get_property = "g_udev_device_get_property";
static const char *k_func_get_property_keys = "g_udev_device_get_property_keys";
static const char *k_func_get_subsystem = "g_udev_device_get_subsystem";
static const char *k_func_get_sysfs_path = "g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path";
static const char *k_func_get_sysfs_attr = "g_udev_device_get_sysfs_attr";
static void
abort_on_error (GError *error) {
if (!error)
fake_g_udev_debug ("Aborting on error: |%s|\n", error->message);
fake_g_udev_debug_finish ();
g_assert (0);
static void
parse_fake_devices (const char *orig_ev)
gchar **devices, **device_iter;
gchar *buf;
GRegex *device_delimiter, *property_delimiter, *key_value_delimiter;
GRegex *escaped_colon;
GError *error = NULL;
fake_g_udev_debug ("devices_string: |%s|\n", orig_ev);
device_delimiter = g_regex_new ("(?:([^\\\\])::)|(?:^::)", 0, 0, &error);
abort_on_error (error);
property_delimiter = g_regex_new ("(?:([^\\\\]):)|(?:^:)", 0, 0, &error);
abort_on_error (error);
key_value_delimiter = g_regex_new ("=", 0, 0, &error);
abort_on_error (error);
escaped_colon = g_regex_new ("(?:([^\\\\])(\\\\:))|(?:^\\\\:)", 0, 0, &error);
abort_on_error (error);
buf = g_regex_replace (device_delimiter, orig_ev, -1, 0, "\\1;", 0, &error);
abort_on_error (error);
devices = g_strsplit (buf, ";", 0);
g_free (buf);
for (device_iter = devices; *device_iter; ++device_iter) {
FakeGUdevDevice *fake_device;
gchar **properties, **properties_iter;
fake_g_udev_debug ("Parsing device: |%s|\n", *device_iter);
if (strlen (*device_iter) == 0)
fake_device = FAKE_G_UDEV_DEVICE (g_object_new (FAKE_G_UDEV_TYPE_DEVICE,
g_hash_table_insert (devices_by_ptr, g_object_ref (fake_device), NULL);
buf = g_regex_replace (property_delimiter, *device_iter, -1, 0, "\\1;", 0,
properties = g_strsplit (buf, ";", 0);
abort_on_error (error);
g_free (buf);
for (properties_iter = properties; *properties_iter; ++properties_iter) {
gchar **parts;
gchar *name, *value;
fake_g_udev_debug ("Parsing property: |%s|\n", *properties_iter);
if (strlen (*properties_iter) == 0)
parts = g_regex_split (key_value_delimiter, *properties_iter, 0);
if (g_strv_length (parts) != 2) {
fake_g_udev_debug ("Error parsing device.\n");
fake_g_udev_debug ("Failed to parse property: |%s|\n",
fake_g_udev_debug ("From the device: |%s|\n", *device_iter);
g_strfreev (parts);
name = parts[0];
/* Any ':' in |value| has to be escaped with a '\' to allow for ':' and
* '::' to act as delimiters.
* Clean away the '\' before storing the property.
value = g_regex_replace (escaped_colon, parts[1], -1, 0, "\\1:", 0,
abort_on_error (error);
fake_g_udev_debug ("Sanitized property: |%s|\n",
g_hash_table_insert (fake_device->priv->properties, g_strdup (name),
g_strdup (value));
if (g_strcmp0 (name, k_prop_device_file) == 0) {
g_hash_table_insert (devices_by_path,
g_strdup (value),
g_object_ref (fake_device));
if (g_strcmp0 (name, k_prop_sysfs_path) == 0) {
g_hash_table_insert (devices_by_syspath,
g_strdup (value),
g_object_ref (fake_device));
g_free (value);
g_strfreev (parts);
g_strfreev (properties);
g_strfreev (devices);
g_regex_unref (device_delimiter);
g_regex_unref (property_delimiter);
g_regex_unref (key_value_delimiter);
g_regex_unref (escaped_colon);
* Don't initialize the global data in this library using the library
* constructor. GLib may not be setup when this library is loaded.
static void
g_udev_preload_init (void)
const char *orig_ev;
/* global tables */
devices_by_path = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, g_object_unref);
devices_by_syspath = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, g_object_unref);
devices_by_ptr = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, g_object_unref, NULL);
orig_ev = getenv (k_env_devices);
if (orig_ev == NULL)
orig_ev = "";
parse_fake_devices (orig_ev);
if (getenv (k_env_block_real))
block_real = TRUE;
/* If |device| is a FakeGUdevDevice registered earlier with the libarary, cast
* |device| into a FakeGUdevDevice, otherwise return NULL
static FakeGUdevDevice *
get_fake_g_udev_device (GUdevDevice *device)
FakeGUdevDevice *fake_device;
if (devices_by_ptr == NULL)
g_udev_preload_init ();
if (!FAKE_G_UDEV_IS_DEVICE (device))
return NULL;
fake_device = FAKE_G_UDEV_DEVICE (device);
g_return_val_if_fail (
g_hash_table_lookup_extended (devices_by_ptr, fake_device, NULL, NULL),
return fake_device;
void __attribute__ ((constructor))
fake_g_udev_init (void)
fake_g_udev_debug_init ();
fake_g_udev_debug ("Initialized FakeGUdev library.\n");
void __attribute__ ((destructor))
fake_g_udev_fini (void)
if (devices_by_path)
g_hash_table_unref (devices_by_path);
if (devices_by_syspath)
g_hash_table_unref (devices_by_syspath);
if (devices_by_ptr)
g_hash_table_unref (devices_by_ptr);
fake_g_udev_debug ("Quit FakeGUdev library.\n");
fake_g_udev_debug_finish ();
GList *
g_udev_client_query_by_subsystem (GUdevClient *client, const gchar *subsystem)
static GList* (*realfunc)();
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
GList *list, *reallist;
if (devices_by_path == NULL)
g_udev_preload_init ();
list = NULL;
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, devices_by_path);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
FakeGUdevDevice *fake_device = value;
const gchar *dev_subsystem =
(const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (strcmp (subsystem, dev_subsystem) == 0)
list = g_list_append (list, G_UDEV_DEVICE (fake_device));
if (!block_real) {
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (GList *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_q_by_subsystem);
reallist = realfunc (client, subsystem);
list = g_list_concat (list, reallist);
return list;
* This is our hook. We look for a particular device path
* and return a special pointer.
GUdevDevice *
g_udev_client_query_by_device_file (GUdevClient *client,
const gchar *device_file)
static GUdevDevice* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice *fake_device;
if (devices_by_path == NULL)
g_udev_preload_init ();
if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (devices_by_path,
(gpointer *)&fake_device)) {
/* Stash the client pointer for later use in _get_parent() */
fake_device->priv->client = client;
return g_object_ref (G_UDEV_DEVICE (fake_device));
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (GUdevDevice *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_q_device_file);
return realfunc (client, device_file);
GUdevDevice *
g_udev_client_query_by_sysfs_path (GUdevClient *client,
const gchar *sysfs_path)
static GUdevDevice* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice *fake_device;
if (devices_by_path == NULL)
g_udev_preload_init ();
if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (devices_by_syspath, sysfs_path, NULL,
(gpointer *)&fake_device)) {
/* Stash the client pointer for later use in _get_parent() */
fake_device->priv->client = client;
return g_object_ref (G_UDEV_DEVICE (fake_device));
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (GUdevDevice *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_q_sysfs_path);
return realfunc (client, sysfs_path);
GUdevDevice *
g_udev_client_query_by_subsystem_and_name (GUdevClient *client,
const gchar *subsystem,
const gchar *name)
static GUdevDevice* (*realfunc)();
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
if (devices_by_path == NULL)
g_udev_preload_init ();
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, devices_by_path);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
FakeGUdevDevice *fake_device = value;
const gchar *dev_subsystem =
(const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
const gchar *dev_name =
(const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (dev_subsystem && dev_name &&
(strcmp (subsystem, dev_subsystem) == 0) &&
(strcmp (name, dev_name) == 0)) {
fake_device->priv->client = client;
return g_object_ref (G_UDEV_DEVICE (fake_device));
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (GUdevDevice *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT,
return realfunc (client, subsystem, name);
* Our device data is a glib hash table with string keys and values;
* the keys and values are owned by the hash table.
* For g_udev_device_*() functions, the general drill is to check if
* the device is "ours", and if not, delegate to the real library
* method.
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_device_file (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device)
return (const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_device_file);
return realfunc (device);
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_devtype (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device)
return (const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_devtype);
return realfunc (device);
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_driver (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device)
return (const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_driver);
return realfunc (device);
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_name (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device)
return (const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_name);
return realfunc (device);
GUdevDevice *
g_udev_device_get_parent (GUdevDevice *device)
static GUdevDevice* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device) {
const gchar *parent =
(const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (parent == NULL)
return NULL;
return g_udev_client_query_by_device_file (fake_device->priv->client,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (GUdevDevice *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_parent);
return realfunc (device);
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_property (GUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *key)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device) {
gchar *propkey = g_strconcat (k_property_prefix, key, NULL);
const gchar *result =
(const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
g_free (propkey);
return result;
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_property);
return realfunc (device, key);
* All of the g_udev_device_get_property_as_SOMETYPE () functions call
* g_udev_device_get_property() and then operate on the result, so we
* don't need to implement them ourselves, as the real udev will start by
* calling into our version of g_udev_device_get_property().
#if 0
g_udev_device_get_property_as_boolean (GUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *key);
g_udev_device_get_property_as_int (GUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *key);
guint64 g_udev_device_get_property_as_uint64 (FakeGUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *key);
gdouble g_udev_device_get_property_as_double (FakeGUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *key);
const gchar* const *g_udev_device_get_property_as_strv (FakeGUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *key);
const gchar * const *
g_udev_device_get_property_keys (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* const* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device) {
const gchar **keys;
if (fake_device->priv->propkeys)
return fake_device->priv->propkeys;
GList *keylist = g_hash_table_get_keys (fake_device->priv->properties);
GList *key, *prop, *proplist = NULL;
guint propcount = 0;
for (key = keylist; key != NULL; key = key->next) {
if (strncmp ((char *)key->data,
strlen (k_property_prefix)) == 0) {
proplist = g_list_prepend (proplist,
key->data + strlen (k_property_prefix));
keys = g_malloc ((propcount + 1) * sizeof(*keys));
keys[propcount] = NULL;
for (prop = proplist; prop != NULL; prop = prop->next)
keys[--propcount] = prop->data;
g_list_free (proplist);
fake_device->priv->propkeys = keys;
return keys;
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar * const*(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT,
return realfunc (device);
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_subsystem (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device)
return (const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_subsystem);
return realfunc (device);
* The get_sysfs_attr_as_SOMETYPE() functions are also handled magically, as are
* the get_property_as_SOMETYPE() functions described above.
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_sysfs_attr (GUdevDevice *device, const gchar *name)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device) {
gchar *attrkey = g_strconcat (k_sysfs_attr_prefix, name, NULL);
const gchar *result =
(const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
g_free (attrkey);
return result;
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_sysfs_attr);
return realfunc (device, name);
const gchar *
g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (GUdevDevice *device)
static const gchar* (*realfunc)();
FakeGUdevDevice * fake_device;
fake_device = get_fake_g_udev_device (device);
if (fake_device)
return (const gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup (fake_device->priv->properties,
if (realfunc == NULL)
realfunc = (const gchar *(*)()) dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, k_func_get_sysfs_path);
return realfunc (device);
#if 0
/* Not implemented yet */
const gchar *g_udev_device_get_number (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
const gchar *g_udev_device_get_action (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
guint64 g_udev_device_get_seqnum (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
FakeGUdevDeviceType g_udev_device_get_device_type (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
FakeGUdevDeviceNumber g_udev_device_get_device_number (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
const gchar * const *
g_udev_device_get_device_file_symlinks (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
FakeGUdevDevice *
g_udev_device_get_parent_with_subsystem (FakeGUdevDevice *device,
const gchar *subsystem,
const gchar *devtype);
const gchar * const *g_udev_device_get_tags (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
gboolean g_udev_device_get_is_initialized (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
guint64 g_udev_device_get_usec_since_initialized (FakeGUdevDevice *device);
gboolean g_udev_device_has_property (FakeGUdevDevice *device, const gchar *key);
static void
fake_g_udev_device_init (FakeGUdevDevice *device)
device->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (device,
device->priv->properties = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
device->priv->propkeys = NULL;
device->priv->client = NULL;
static void
fake_g_udev_device_finalize (GObject *object)
FakeGUdevDevice *device = FAKE_G_UDEV_DEVICE (object);
if (device->priv->client)
g_object_unref (device->priv->client);
g_free (device->priv->propkeys);
g_hash_table_unref (device->priv->properties);
static void
fake_g_udev_device_class_init (FakeGUdevDeviceClass *klass)
GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
gobject_class->finalize = fake_g_udev_device_finalize;
g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (FakeGUdevDevicePrivate));