blob: b4f79b0d53841e50dfe68af4b62439be3071ce27 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import dbus
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros.cros_disks import CrosDisksTester
class CrosDisksAPITester(CrosDisksTester):
def __init__(self, test):
super(CrosDisksAPITester, self).__init__(test)
def get_tests(self):
return [
def validate_disk_properties(self, disk):
# Disk properties provided by the API
disk_properties = (
('DeviceFile', dbus.String),
('DeviceIsDrive', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceIsMediaAvailable', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceIsOnBootDevice', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceIsVirtual', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceIsMounted', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceIsReadOnly', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceMediaType', dbus.UInt32),
('DeviceMountPaths', dbus.Array),
('DevicePresentationHide', dbus.Boolean),
('DeviceSize', dbus.UInt64),
('DriveIsRotational', dbus.Boolean),
('DriveModel', dbus.String),
('IdLabel', dbus.String),
('NativePath', dbus.String),
for (prop_name, prop_value_type) in disk_properties:
# Check if all disk properties are set.
if prop_name not in disk:
raise error.TestFail("disk.%s not found" % prop_name)
# Check if each disk property has the right data type.
prop_value = disk[prop_name]
if not isinstance(prop_value, prop_value_type):
raise error.TestFail(
"disk.%s is %s, but %s expected"
% (prop_name, type(prop_value), prop_value_type))
# Check if DeviceFile has a proper value.
if not disk['DeviceFile']:
raise error.TestFail(
"disk.DeviceFile should not be empty")
# Check if the values of DeviceIsMounted and DeviceMountPaths
# are consistent.
mount_paths = disk['DeviceMountPaths']
if disk['DeviceIsMounted']:
if len(mount_paths) == 0:
raise error.TestFail(
"disk.DeviceMountPaths should not be empty "
"if disk.DeviceIsMounted is true")
if len(mount_paths) != 0:
raise error.TestFail(
"disk.DeviceMountPaths should be empty "
"if disk.DeviceIsMounted is false")
if mount_paths.signature != dbus.Signature('s'):
raise error.TestFail(
"disk.DeviceMountPaths should contain only strings")
for mount_path in mount_paths:
if not mount_path:
raise error.TestFail(
"disk.DeviceMountPaths should not contain any "
"empty string")
def test_is_alive(self):
# Check if CrosDisks server is alive.
is_alive = self.cros_disks.is_alive()
if not is_alive:
raise error.TestFail("Unable to talk to the disk daemon")
def test_enumerate_devices(self):
# Check if EnumerateDevices method returns a list of devices.
devices = self.cros_disks.enumerate_devices()
for device in devices:
if not device or not isinstance(device, dbus.String):
raise error.TestFail(
"device returned by EnumerateDevices "
"should be a non-empty string")
def test_enumerate_auto_mountable_devices(self):
# Check if EnumerateAutoMountableDevices method returns a list
# of devices.
devices = self.cros_disks.enumerate_auto_mountable_devices()
for device in devices:
if not device or not isinstance(device, dbus.String):
raise error.TestFail(
"device returned by EnumerateAutoMountableDevices "
"should be a non-empty string")
def test_enumerate_auto_mountable_devices_are_not_on_boot_device(self):
# Make sure EnumerateAutoMountableDevices method does not return
# any device that is on the boot device.
devices = self.cros_disks.enumerate_auto_mountable_devices()
for device in devices:
properties = self.cros_disks.get_device_properties(device)
if properties['DeviceIsOnBootDevice']:
raise error.TestFail(
"device returned by EnumerateAutoMountableDevices "
"should not be on boot device")
def test_enumerate_auto_mountable_devices_are_not_virtual(self):
# Make sure EnumerateAutoMountableDevices method does not return
# any device that is virtual.
devices = self.cros_disks.enumerate_auto_mountable_devices()
for device in devices:
properties = self.cros_disks.get_device_properties(device)
if properties['DeviceIsVirtual']:
raise error.TestFail(
"device returned by EnumerateAutoMountableDevices "
"should not be virtual")
def test_get_device_properties(self):
# Check if GetDeviceProperties method returns valid properties.
devices = self.cros_disks.enumerate_devices()
for device in devices:
properties = self.cros_disks.get_device_properties(device)
def test_get_device_properties_of_nonexistent_device(self):
properties = self.cros_disks.get_device_properties('/nonexistent')
except dbus.DBusException:
raise error.TestFail(
"GetDeviceProperties of a nonexistent device should fail")
def test_mount_nonexistent_device(self):
self.cros_disks.mount('/dev/nonexistent', '', [])
'source_path': '/dev/nonexistent',
'mount_path': '',
def test_unmount_nonexistent_device(self):
self.cros_disks.unmount('/dev/nonexistent', [])
except dbus.DBusException:
raise error.TestFail("Unmounting a nonexistent device should fail")
class platform_CrosDisksDBus(test.test):
version = 1
def run_once(self, *args, **kwargs):
tester = CrosDisksAPITester(self)*args, **kwargs)