blob: 4865e093b431679665ec645bde7bdfc04d8c0d09 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import grp
import httplib
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import time
import urllib2
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import base_utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import host_queue_entry_states
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import job_status
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
except ImportError:
logging.warn('Unable to import chromite.')
# Init the module variable to None. Access to this module can check if it
# is not None before making calls.
cros_build_lib = None
_SHERIFF_JS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'NOTIFICATIONS', 'sheriffs', default='')
_LAB_SHERIFF_JS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'NOTIFICATIONS', 'lab_sheriffs', default='')
_CHROMIUM_BUILD_URL = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'NOTIFICATIONS', 'chromium_build_url', default='')
LAB_GOOD_STATES = ('open', 'throttled')
class TestLabException(Exception):
"""Exception raised when the Test Lab blocks a test or suite."""
class ParseBuildNameException(Exception):
"""Raised when ParseBuildName() cannot parse a build name."""
class Singleton(type):
"""Enforce that only one client class is instantiated per process."""
_instances = {}
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Fetch the instance of a class to use for subsequent calls."""
if cls not in cls._instances:
cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(
*args, **kwargs)
return cls._instances[cls]
def ParseBuildName(name):
"""Format a build name, given board, type, milestone, and manifest num.
@param name: a build name, e.g. 'x86-alex-release/R20-2015.0.0' or a
relative build name, e.g. 'x86-alex-release/LATEST'
@return board: board the manifest is for, e.g. x86-alex.
@return type: one of 'release', 'factory', or 'firmware'
@return milestone: (numeric) milestone the manifest was associated with.
Will be None for relative build names.
@return manifest: manifest number, e.g. '2015.0.0'.
Will be None for relative build names.
match = re.match(r'(trybot-)?(?P<board>[\w-]+)-(?P<type>\w+)/'
if match and len(match.groups()) >= 5:
return ('board'),'type'),'milestone'),'manifest'))
raise ParseBuildNameException('%s is a malformed build name.' % name)
def get_labels_from_afe(hostname, label_prefix, afe):
"""Retrieve a host's specific labels from the AFE.
Looks for the host labels that have the form <label_prefix>:<value>
and returns the "<value>" part of the label. None is returned
if there is not a label matching the pattern
@param hostname: hostname of given DUT.
@param label_prefix: prefix of label to be matched, e.g., |board:|
@param afe: afe instance.
@returns A list of labels that match the prefix or 'None'
labels = afe.get_labels(name__startswith=label_prefix,
if labels:
return [, 1)[1] for l in labels]
def get_label_from_afe(hostname, label_prefix, afe):
"""Retrieve a host's specific label from the AFE.
Looks for a host label that has the form <label_prefix>:<value>
and returns the "<value>" part of the label. None is returned
if there is not a label matching the pattern
@param hostname: hostname of given DUT.
@param label_prefix: prefix of label to be matched, e.g., |board:|
@param afe: afe instance.
@returns the label that matches the prefix or 'None'
labels = get_labels_from_afe(hostname, label_prefix, afe)
if labels and len(labels) == 1:
return labels[0]
def get_board_from_afe(hostname, afe):
"""Retrieve given host's board from its labels in the AFE.
Looks for a host label of the form "board:<board>", and
returns the "<board>" part of the label. `None` is returned
if there is not a single, unique label matching the pattern.
@param hostname: hostname of given DUT.
@param afe: afe instance.
@returns board from label, or `None`.
return get_label_from_afe(hostname, constants.BOARD_PREFIX, afe)
def get_build_from_afe(hostname, afe):
"""Retrieve the current build for given host from the AFE.
Looks through the host's labels in the AFE to determine its build.
@param hostname: hostname of given DUT.
@param afe: afe instance.
@returns The current build or None if it could not find it or if there
were multiple build labels assigned to this host.
return get_label_from_afe(hostname, constants.VERSION_PREFIX, afe)
def get_sheriffs(lab_only=False):
Polls the javascript file that holds the identity of the sheriff and
parses it's output to return a list of chromium sheriff email addresses.
The javascript file can contain the ldap of more than one sheriff, eg:
document.write('sheriff_one, sheriff_two').
@param lab_only: if True, only pulls lab sheriff.
@return: A list of sheriff email addresses to cc on the bug.
An empty list if failed to parse the javascript.
sheriff_ids = []
sheriff_js_list = _LAB_SHERIFF_JS.split(',')
if not lab_only:
for sheriff_js in sheriff_js_list:
url_content = base_utils.urlopen('%s%s'% (
_CHROMIUM_BUILD_URL, sheriff_js)).read()
except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
logging.warning('could not parse sheriff from url %s%s: %s',
_CHROMIUM_BUILD_URL, sheriff_js, str(e))
except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException) as e:
logging.warning('unexpected error reading from url "%s%s": %s',
_CHROMIUM_BUILD_URL, sheriff_js, str(e))
ldaps ="document.write\('(.*)'\)", url_content)
if not ldaps:
logging.warning('Could not retrieve sheriff ldaps for: %s',
sheriff_ids += ['' % alias.replace(' ', '')
for alias in',')]
return sheriff_ids
def remote_wget(source_url, dest_path, ssh_cmd):
"""wget source_url from localhost to dest_path on remote host using ssh.
@param source_url: The complete url of the source of the package to send.
@param dest_path: The path on the remote host's file system where we would
like to store the package.
@param ssh_cmd: The ssh command to use in performing the remote wget.
wget_cmd = ("wget -O - %s | %s 'cat >%s'" %
(source_url, ssh_cmd, dest_path))
def _get_lab_status(status_url):
"""Grabs the current lab status and message.
@returns The JSON object obtained from the given URL.
retry_waittime = 1
for _ in range(_MAX_LAB_STATUS_ATTEMPTS):
response = urllib2.urlopen(status_url)
except IOError as e:
logging.debug('Error occurred when grabbing the lab status: %s.',
# Check for successful response code.
if response.getcode() == 200:
return json.load(response)
return None
def _decode_lab_status(lab_status, build):
"""Decode lab status, and report exceptions as needed.
Take a deserialized JSON object from the lab status page, and
interpret it to determine the actual lab status. Raise
exceptions as required to report when the lab is down.
@param build: build name that we want to check the status of.
@raises TestLabException Raised if a request to test for the given
status and build should be blocked.
# First check if the lab is up.
if not lab_status['general_state'] in LAB_GOOD_STATES:
raise TestLabException('Chromium OS Test Lab is closed: '
'%s.' % lab_status['message'])
# Check if the build we wish to use is disabled.
# Lab messages should be in the format of:
# Lab is 'status' [regex ...] (comment)
# If the build name matches any regex, it will be blocked.
build_exceptions ='\[(.*)\]', lab_status['message'])
if not build_exceptions or not build:
for build_pattern in
if re.match(build_pattern, build):
raise TestLabException('Chromium OS Test Lab is closed: '
'%s matches %s.' % (
build, build_pattern))
def is_in_lab():
"""Check if current Autotest instance is in lab
@return: True if the Autotest instance is in lab.
test_server_name = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'SERVER', 'hostname')
return test_server_name.startswith('cautotest')
def check_lab_status(build):
"""Check if the lab status allows us to schedule for a build.
Checks if the lab is down, or if testing for the requested build
should be blocked.
@param build: Name of the build to be scheduled for testing.
@raises TestLabException Raised if a request to test for the given
status and build should be blocked.
# Ensure we are trying to schedule on the actual lab.
if not is_in_lab():
# Download the lab status from its home on the web.
status_url = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'CROS', 'lab_status_url')
json_status = _get_lab_status(status_url)
if json_status is None:
# We go ahead and say the lab is open if we can't get the status.
logging.warning('Could not get a status from %s', status_url)
_decode_lab_status(json_status, build)
def lock_host_with_labels(afe, lock_manager, labels):
"""Lookup and lock one host that matches the list of input labels.
@param afe: An instance of the afe class, as defined in server.frontend.
@param lock_manager: A lock manager capable of locking hosts, eg the
one defined in server.cros.host_lock_manager.
@param labels: A list of labels to look for on hosts.
@return: The hostname of a host matching all labels, and locked through the
lock_manager. The hostname will be as specified in the database the afe
object is associated with, i.e if it exists in afe_hosts with a .cros
suffix, the hostname returned will contain a .cros suffix.
@raises: error.NoEligibleHostException: If no hosts matching the list of
input labels are available.
@raises: error.TestError: If unable to lock a host matching the labels.
potential_hosts = afe.get_hosts(multiple_labels=labels)
if not potential_hosts:
raise error.NoEligibleHostException(
'No devices found with labels %s.' % labels)
# This prevents errors where a fault might seem repeatable
# because we lock, say, the same packet capturer for each test run.
for host in potential_hosts:
if lock_manager.lock([host.hostname]):'Locked device %s with labels %s.',
host.hostname, labels)
return host.hostname
else:'Unable to lock device %s with labels %s.',
host.hostname, labels)
raise error.TestError('Could not lock a device with labels %s' % labels)
def get_test_views_from_tko(suite_job_id, tko):
"""Get test name and result for given suite job ID.
@param suite_job_id: ID of suite job.
@param tko: an instance of TKO as defined in server/
@return: A dictionary of test status keyed by test name, e.g.,
{'dummy_Fail.Error': 'ERROR', 'dummy_Fail.NAError': 'TEST_NA'}
@raise: Exception when there is no test view found.
views ='get_detailed_test_views', afe_job_id=suite_job_id)
relevant_views = filter(job_status.view_is_relevant, views)
if not relevant_views:
raise Exception('Failed to retrieve job results.')
test_views = {}
for view in relevant_views:
test_views[view['test_name']] = view['status']
return test_views
def get_data_key(prefix, suite, build, board):
Constructs a key string from parameters.
@param prefix: Prefix for the generating key.
@param suite: a suite name. e.g., bvt-cq, bvt-inline, dummy
@param build: The build string. This string should have a consistent
format eg: x86-mario-release/R26-3570.0.0. If the format of this
string changes such that we can't determine build_type or branch
we give up and use the parametes we're sure of instead (suite,
board). eg:
1. build = x86-alex-pgo-release/R26-3570.0.0
branch = 26
build_type = pgo-release
2. build = lumpy-paladin/R28-3993.0.0-rc5
branch = 28
build_type = paladin
@param board: The board that this suite ran on.
@return: The key string used for a dictionary.
_board, build_type, branch = ParseBuildName(build)[:3]
except ParseBuildNameException as e:
branch = 'Unknown'
build_type = 'Unknown'
embedded_str ='x86-\w+-(.*)', _board)
if embedded_str:
build_type = + '-' + build_type
data_key_dict = {
'prefix': prefix,
'board': board,
'branch': branch,
'build_type': build_type,
'suite': suite,
return ('%(prefix)s.%(board)s.%(build_type)s.%(branch)s.%(suite)s'
% data_key_dict)
def setup_logging(logfile=None, prefix=False):
"""Setup basic logging with all logging info stripped.
Calls to logging will only show the message. No severity is logged.
@param logfile: If specified dump output to a file as well.
@param prefix: Flag for log prefix. Set to True to add prefix to log
entries to include timestamp and log level. Default is False.
# Remove all existing handlers. client/common_lib/logging_config adds
# a StreamHandler to logger when modules are imported, e.g.,
# autotest_lib.client.bin.utils. A new StreamHandler will be added here to
# log only messages, not severity.
logging.getLogger().handlers = []
if prefix:
log_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s| %(message)s'
log_format = '%(message)s'
screen_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if logfile:
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
def is_shard():
"""Determines if this instance is running as a shard.
Reads the global_config value shard_hostname in the section SHARD.
@return True, if shard_hostname is set, False otherwise.
hostname = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'SHARD', 'shard_hostname', default=None)
return bool(hostname)
def get_global_afe_hostname():
"""Read the hostname of the global AFE from the global configuration."""
return global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'SERVER', 'global_afe_hostname')
def is_restricted_user(username):
"""Determines if a user is in a restricted group.
User in restricted group only have access to master.
@param username: A string, representing a username.
@returns: True if the user is in a restricted group.
if not username:
return False
restricted_groups = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'restricted_groups', default='').split(',')
for group in restricted_groups:
if group and username in grp.getgrnam(group).gr_mem:
return True
except KeyError as e:
logging.debug("%s is not a valid group.", group)
return False
def get_special_task_status(is_complete, success, is_active):
"""Get the status of a special task.
Emulate a host queue entry status for a special task
Although SpecialTasks are not HostQueueEntries, it is helpful to
the user to present similar statuses.
@param is_complete Boolean if the task is completed.
@param success Boolean if the task succeeded.
@param is_active Boolean if the task is active.
@return The status of a special task.
if is_complete:
if success:
return host_queue_entry_states.Status.COMPLETED
return host_queue_entry_states.Status.FAILED
if is_active:
return host_queue_entry_states.Status.RUNNING
return host_queue_entry_states.Status.QUEUED
def get_special_task_exec_path(hostname, task_id, task_name, time_requested):
"""Get the execution path of the SpecialTask.
This method returns different paths depending on where a
the task ran:
* Master: hosts/hostname/task_id-task_type
* Shard: Master_path/time_created
This is to work around the fact that a shard can fail independent
of the master, and be replaced by another shard that has the same
hosts. Without the time_created stamp the logs of the tasks running
on the second shard will clobber the logs from the first in google
storage, because task ids are not globally unique.
@param hostname Hostname
@param task_id Special task id
@param task_name Special task name (e.g., Verify, Repair, etc)
@param time_requested Special task requested time.
@return An execution path for the task.
results_path = 'hosts/%s/%s-%s' % (hostname, task_id, task_name.lower())
# If we do this on the master it will break backward compatibility,
# as there are tasks that currently don't have timestamps. If a host
# or job has been sent to a shard, the rpc for that host/job will
# be redirected to the shard, so this global_config check will happen
# on the shard the logs are on.
if not is_shard():
return results_path
# Generate a uid to disambiguate special task result directories
# in case this shard fails. The simplest uid is the job_id, however
# in rare cases tasks do not have jobs associated with them (eg:
# frontend verify), so just use the creation timestamp. The clocks
# between a shard and master should always be in sync. Any discrepancies
# will be brought to our attention in the form of job timeouts.
uid = time_requested.strftime('%Y%d%m%H%M%S')
# TODO: This is a hack, however it is the easiest way to achieve
# correctness. There is currently some debate over the future of
# tasks in our infrastructure and refactoring everything right
# now isn't worth the time.
return '%s/%s' % (results_path, uid)
def get_job_tag(id, owner):
"""Returns a string tag for a job.
@param id Job id
@param owner Job owner
return '%s-%s' % (id, owner)
def get_hqe_exec_path(tag, execution_subdir):
"""Returns a execution path to a HQE's results.
@param tag Tag string for a job associated with a HQE.
@param execution_subdir Execution sub-directory string of a HQE.
return os.path.join(tag, execution_subdir)
def is_inside_chroot():
"""Check if the process is running inside chroot.
This is a wrapper around chromite.lib.cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot(). The
method checks if cros_build_lib can be imported first.
@return: True if the process is running inside chroot or cros_build_lib
cannot be imported.
return not cros_build_lib or cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot()
def parse_job_name(name):
"""Parse job name to get information including build, board and suite etc.
Suite job created by run_suite follows the naming convention of:
For example: lumpy-release/R46-7272.0.0-test_suites/control.bvt
The naming convention is defined in site_rpc_interface.create_suite_job.
Test job created by suite job follows the naming convention of:
[build]/[suite]/[test name]
For example: lumpy-release/R46-7272.0.0/bvt/login_LoginSuccess
The naming convention is defined in
Note that pgo and chrome-perf builds will fail the method. Since lab does
not run test for these builds, they can be ignored.
@param name: Name of the job.
@return: A dictionary containing the test information. The keyvals include:
build: Name of the build, e.g., lumpy-release/R46-7272.0.0
build_version: The version of the build, e.g., R46-7272.0.0
board: Name of the board, e.g., lumpy
suite: Name of the test suite, e.g., bvt
info = {}
suite_job_regex = '([^/]*/[^/]*)-test_suites/control\.(.*)'
test_job_regex = '([^/]*/[^/]*)/([^/]+)/.*'
match = re.match(suite_job_regex, name)
if not match:
match = re.match(test_job_regex, name)
if match:
info['build'] = match.groups()[0]
info['suite'] = match.groups()[1]
info['build_version'] = info['build'].split('/')[1]
info['board'], _, _, _ = ParseBuildName(info['build'])
except ParseBuildNameException:
return info
def add_label_detector(label_function_list, label_list=None, label=None):
"""Decorator used to group functions together into the provided list.
This is a helper function to automatically add label functions that have
the label decorator. This is to help populate the class list of label
functions to be retrieved by the get_labels class method.
@param label_function_list: List of label detecting functions to add
decorated function to.
@param label_list: List of detectable labels to add detectable labels to.
(Default: None)
@param label: Label string that is detectable by this detection function
(Default: None)
def add_func(func):
@param func: The function to be added as a detector.
if label and label_list is not None:
return func
return add_func
def verify_not_root_user():
"""Simple function to error out if running with uid == 0"""
if os.getuid() == 0:
raise error.IllegalUser('This script can not be ran as root.')
def get_hostname_from_machine(machine):
"""Lookup hostname from a machine string or dict.
@returns: Machine hostname in string format.
hostname, _ = get_host_info_from_machine(machine)
return hostname
def get_host_info_from_machine(machine):
"""Lookup host information from a machine string or dict.
@returns: Tuple of (hostname, host_attributes)
if isinstance(machine, dict):
return (machine['hostname'], machine['host_attributes'])
return (machine, {})
def get_creds_abspath(creds_file):
"""Returns the abspath of the credentials file.
If creds_file is already an absolute path, just return it.
Otherwise, assume it is located in the creds directory
specified in global_config and return the absolute path.
@param: creds_path, a path to the credentials.
@return: An absolute path to the credentials file.
if not creds_file:
return None
if os.path.isabs(creds_file):
return creds_file
creds_dir = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'SERVER', 'creds_dir', default='')
if not creds_dir or not os.path.exists(creds_dir):
creds_dir = common.autotest_dir
return os.path.join(creds_dir, creds_file)
def machine_is_testbed(machine):
"""Checks if the machine is a testbed.
The signal we use to determine if the machine is a testbed
is if the host attributes contain more than 1 serial.
@param machine: is a list of dicts
@return: True if the machine is a testbed, False otherwise.
_, attributes = get_host_info_from_machine(machine)
if len(attributes.get('serials', '').split(',')) > 1:
return True
return False