blob: 0e95b04bb7a777adc3774c3212435ab49f65bb92 [file] [log] [blame]
{% extends "tables/base.html" %}
{% comment %}
Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This template builds the kernel test summary as a single table for the
Test Dashboard.
The table includes a variable number of columns that reflects the test
netbooks used and a variable number of rows that represent builds.
The build cells are hyperlinks, the timing cells include popup text and
the status cells are hyperlinks to details pages.
{% endcomment %}
{% block title %}ChromeOS Kernel Test Dashboard{% endblock %}
{% block header_block %}
{% include 'tables/summary/kernel_header.html' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block html_block %}
{% comment %}
- A table of quick links to test pages. -
{% endcomment %}
<div class="div_statustitle"><b><a href="http://cautotest">CAutotest</a></b> Kernel Test Results</div>
<table class="standalone top">
<th class="roundedheader tableheader">Build</th>
{% for board, netbook in tpl_summary_data.platforms %}
<th class="roundedheader tableheader">
{{ board }}<br>
{{ netbook }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% for release in tpl_summary_data.releases %}
<td style="text-align:center;">{{ release }}</td>
{% for board, netbook in tpl_summary_data.platforms %}
<td style="text-align:center;">
{% if board in tpl_summary_data.irregular %}
<a class="info" href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}"
{% else %}
<a class="info" href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}-{{ release }}"
{% endif %}
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
{% if board in tpl_summary_data.irregular %}
<span style="width:300px">View test and performance results for {{ board }} on {{ netbook }}
{% else %}
<span style="width:300px">View test and performance results for {{ board }}-{{ release }} on {{ netbook }}
{% endif %}
{% if board in tpl_summary_data.irregular %}
<a class="info" href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/perf_index.html"
{% else %}
<a class="info" href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}-{{ release }}/perf_index.html"
{% endif %}
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
{% if board in tpl_summary_data.irregular %}
<span style="width:300px">View performance plots for {{ board }} on {{ netbook }}
{% else %}
<span style="width:300px">View performance plots for {{ board }}-{{ release }} on {{ netbook }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
- The waterfall-like table of Kernel test results. -
{% endcomment %}
<th class="roundedheader tableheader">Build</th>
<th class="roundedheader tableheader">Start Time</th>
{% for board, netbook in tpl_summary_data.platforms %}
<th class="roundedheader tableheader">
{{ board }}<br>
{{ netbook }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% for build, build_release, start_time, build_results in tpl_summary_data.results %}
<td onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)"
{% if tpl_summary_data.releases.0|slice:"1:" == build_release %}
class="build buildborder">
<a class="info" onclick="return false">
<span>This is a TOT build.</span>
{% else %}
{% if tpl_summary_data.releases.1|slice:"1:" == build_release %}
class="buildminusone buildborder">
{% else %}
class="buildminustwo buildborder">
{% endif %}
<a class="info" onclick="return false">
<span>This is a branch build.</span>
{% endif %}
{{ build }}
<td class="build buildborder">{{ start_time }}</td>
{% for board, pure_board, netbook, full_build, job_attempted, job_good, passed, total, xpassed, xtotal, kernel, failed_tests, crashes, crash_count, crash_cat in build_results %}
{% if job_attempted %}
{% ifequal total 0 %}
<td align="center" class="failure"">
<a class="info" target="_blank"
href="http://cautotest/new_tko/#tab_id=spreadsheet_view&row=job_name%252Ctest_name&column=platform%252Ckernel&condition=job_name+regexp+%2527{{ board }}-{{ build }}.*_kernel.*%2527"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
{{ passed }}/{{ total }}
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<br>({{ xpassed }}/{{ xtotal }})
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<td class="warning_summary">
<a class="info"
href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/{{ crash_cat }}.html">({{ crash_count }})
{% endif %}
<span style="width:300px">
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<div style="color:red;"><b>Experimental Failed Tests:</b> {{ failed_tests.1 }}.</div>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
View CAutotest job details for {{ build }} and {{ board }} on {{ netbook }}
{% if kernel %}
(Kernel: {{ kernel }})
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<div style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;">{{ crash_count }} Crashes.</div>
{% for test_name, crash_info in crashes %}
<b>{{ test_name }}:</b><br>
{% for one_crash in crash_info %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ one_crash }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% ifequal passed total%}
{% if job_good %}
<td align="center" class="success">
<a class="info" href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/kerneltest.html"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
{{ passed }}/{{ total }}
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<br>({{ xpassed }}/{{ xtotal }})
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<td class="warning_summary">
<a class="info"
href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/{{ crash_cat }}.html">({{ crash_count }})
{% endif %}
<span style="width:300px">
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<div style="color:red;"><b>Experimental Failed Tests:</b> {{ failed_tests.1 }}.</div>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
View kernel test results for {{ board }} on {{ netbook }}
{% if kernel %}
(Kernel: {{ kernel }})
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<div style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;">{{ crash_count }} Crashes.</div>
{% for test_name, crash_info in crashes %}
<b>{{ test_name }}:</b><br>
{% for one_crash in crash_info %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ one_crash }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td align="center" class="failure"">
<a class="info" target="_blank"
href="http://cautotest/new_tko/#tab_id=spreadsheet_view&row=job_name%252Ctest_name&column=platform%252Ckernel&condition=job_name+regexp+%2527{{ board }}-{{ build }}.*_kernel.*%2527"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
{{ passed }}/{{ total }}
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<br>({{ xpassed }}/{{ xtotal }})
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<td class="warning_summary">
<a class="info"
href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/{{ crash_cat }}.html">({{ crash_count }})
{% endif %}
<span style="width:300px">
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<div style="color:red;"><b>Experimental Failed Tests:</b> {{ failed_tests.1 }}.</div>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
View CAutotest job details for {{ build }} and {{ board }} on {{ netbook }}
{% if kernel %}
(Kernel: {{ kernel }})
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<div style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;">{{ crash_count }} Crashes.</div>
{% for test_name, crash_info in crashes %}
<b>{{ test_name }}:</b><br>
{% for one_crash in crash_info %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ one_crash }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td align="center" class="failure"">
<a class="info" href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/kerneltest.html"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
{{ passed }}/{{ total }}
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<br>({{ xpassed }}/{{ xtotal }})
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<td class="warning_summary">
<a class="info"
href="{{ netbook }}/{{ board }}/{{ crash_cat }}.html">({{ crash_count }})
{% endif %}
<span style="width:300px">
<div style="color:red;"><b>Failed Tests:</b> {{ failed_tests.0 }}.</div>
{% if xtotal %}
{% ifnotequal xpassed xtotal %}
<div style="color:red;"><b>Experimental Failed Tests:</b> {{ failed_tests.1 }}.</div>
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %}
View kernel test results for {{ board }} on {{ netbook }}
{% if kernel %}
(Kernel: {{ kernel }})
{% endif %}
{% if crash_count %}
<div style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;">{{ crash_count }} Crashes.</div>
{% for test_name, crash_info in crashes %}
<b>{{ test_name }}:</b><br>
{% for one_crash in crash_info %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ one_crash }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endifequal %}
{% endifequal %}
{% else %}
<td align="center">None</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}