blob: 98c219e5357d09d918c561371132fb850d6273a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper
# to run this test manually on a test target
# ssh root@machine
# cd /usr/local/autotest/deps/glbench
# stop ui
# X :0 & sleep 1; DISPLAY=:0 ./windowmanagertest --screenshot1_sec 2 \
# --screenshot2_sec 1 --cooldown_sec 1 \
# --screenshot1_cmd "DISPLAY=:0 import -channel RGB -colorspace RGB \
# -depth 8 -window root screenshot1_generated.png" \
# --screenshot2_cmd "DISPLAY=:0 import -channel RGB -colorspace RGB \
# -depth 8 -window root screenshot2_generated.png"
# start ui
class graphics_Sanity(test.test):
This test is meant to be used as a quick sanity check for GL/GLES.
version = 1
# None-init vars used by cleanup() here, in case setup() fails
_services = None
def setup(self):
def initialize(self):
self._services = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(['ui'])
def cleanup(self):
if self._services:
def run_once(self):
Draws a texture with a soft ellipse twice and captures each image.
Compares the output fuzzily against reference images.
# TODO(ihf): Remove this once GLBench works on freon.
if utils.is_freon():
dep = 'glbench'
dep_dir = os.path.join(self.autodir, 'deps', dep)
self.job.install_pkg(dep, 'dep', dep_dir)
screenshot1_reference = os.path.join(self.bindir,
screenshot1_generated = os.path.join(self.resultsdir,
screenshot1_resized = os.path.join(self.resultsdir,
screenshot2_reference = os.path.join(self.bindir,
screenshot2_generated = os.path.join(self.resultsdir,
screenshot2_resized = os.path.join(self.resultsdir,
exefile = os.path.join(self.autodir, 'deps/glbench/windowmanagertest')
# Delay before screenshot: 1 second has caused failures.
options = ' --screenshot1_sec 2'
options += ' --screenshot2_sec 1'
options += ' --cooldown_sec 1'
# perceptualdiff can handle only 8 bit images.
options += ' --screenshot1_cmd "DISPLAY=:1 import -channel RGB'
options += ' -colorspace RGB -depth 8 -window root'
options += ' %s"' % screenshot1_generated
options += ' --screenshot2_cmd "DISPLAY=:1 import -channel RGB'
options += ' -colorspace RGB -depth 8 -window root'
options += ' %s"' % screenshot2_generated
cmd = "%s %s" % (exefile, options)
# Just sending SIGTERM to X is not enough; we must wait for it to
# really die before we start a new X server (ie start ui).
# The term_process function of /sbin/killers makes sure that all X
# process are really dead before returning; this is what stop ui uses.
kill_cmd = '. /sbin/killers; term_process "^X$"'
cmd = 'X :1 vt1 & sleep 1; chvt 1 && DISPLAY=:1 %s; %s' % (cmd,
# If UI is running, we must stop it and restore later.
# convert -resize -depth 8 does not work. But resize honors previously
# chosen bit depth.
utils.system("convert -resize '100x100!' %s %s" %
(screenshot1_generated, screenshot1_resized))
utils.system("convert -resize '100x100!' %s %s" %
(screenshot2_generated, screenshot2_resized))
utils.system("perceptualdiff -verbose %s %s"
% (screenshot1_reference, screenshot1_resized))
utils.system("perceptualdiff -verbose %s %s"
% (screenshot2_reference, screenshot2_resized))