blob: 4ca416f5d09b79c06d6c7d10c7415d31947bbcf7 [file] [log] [blame]
import cgi, os, sys, urllib2
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe.json_rpc import serviceHandler
_PAGE = """\
Status: 302 Found
Content-Type: text/plain
Location: %s\r\n\r
# Define function for retrieving logs
def _retrieve_logs_dummy(job_path):
site_retrieve_logs = utils.import_site_function(__file__,
"autotest_lib.tko.site_retrieve_logs", "site_retrieve_logs",
site_find_repository_host = utils.import_site_function(__file__,
"autotest_lib.tko.site_retrieve_logs", "site_find_repository_host",
form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)
# determine if this is a JSON-RPC request. we support both so that the new TKO
# client can use its RPC client code, but the old TKO can still use simple GET
# params.
_is_json_request = form.has_key('callback')
def _get_requested_path():
if _is_json_request:
request_data = form['request'].value
request = serviceHandler.ServiceHandler.translateRequest(request_data)
parameters = request['params'][0]
return parameters['path']
return form['job'].value
def find_repository_host(job_path):
"""Find the machine holding the given logs and return a URL to the logs"""
site_repo_info = site_find_repository_host(job_path)
if site_repo_info is not None:
return site_repo_info
config = global_config.global_config
drones = config.get_config_value('SCHEDULER', 'drones')
# TODO: This won't scale as we add more shards. Ideally the frontend would
# pipe the shard_hostname with the job_id but there are helper scripts like
# dut_history that hit the main cautotest frontend for logs. For these, it
# is easier to handle the shard translation internally just like we do with
# drones.
shards = config.get_config_value('SERVER', 'shards', default='')
results_host = config.get_config_value('SCHEDULER', 'results_host')
archive_host = config.get_config_value('SCHEDULER', 'archive_host',
results_repos = [results_host]
for host in drones.split(',') + shards.split(','):
host = host.strip()
if host and host not in results_repos:
if archive_host and archive_host not in results_repos:
for drone in results_repos:
if drone == 'localhost':
http_path = 'http://%s%s' % (drone, job_path)
# On Vms the shard name is set to the default gateway but the
# browser used to navigate frontends (that runs on the host of
# the vms) is immune to the same NAT routing the vms have, so we
# need to replace the gateway with 'localhost'.
if utils.DEFAULT_VM_GATEWAY in drone:
drone = drone.replace(utils.DEFAULT_VM_GATEWAY, 'localhost')
drone = utils.normalize_hostname(drone)
return 'http', drone, job_path
except urllib2.URLError:
# If the URL requested is a test result, it is now either on the local
# host or in Google Storage.
if job_path.startswith('/results/'):
# We only care about the path after '/results/'.
job_relative_path = job_path[9:]
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('/usr/local/autotest/results',
gsuri = utils.get_offload_gsuri().split('gs://')[1]
return ['https', GOOGLE_STORAGE_PATTERN, gsuri + job_relative_path]
def get_full_url(info, log_path):
if info is not None:
protocol, host, path = info
prefix = '%s://%s' % (protocol, host)
prefix = ''
path = log_path
if _is_json_request:
return '%s/tko/jsonp_fetcher.cgi?%s' % (prefix,
return prefix + path
log_path = _get_requested_path()
info = find_repository_host(log_path)
print _PAGE % get_full_url(info, log_path)