blob: 098e0058e9d015b1b4d81617136649a482f5e81f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import logging
import shutil
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome
from autotest_lib.client.cros import touch_playback_test_base
class touch_MouseScroll(touch_playback_test_base.touch_playback_test_base):
"""Plays back mouse scrolls and checks for correct page movement."""
version = 1
_MOUSE_DESCRIPTION = 'amazon_mouse.prop'
_MOUSE_NAME = 'Amazon Test Mouse'
_EXPECTED_VALUE_1 = 16 # Expected value of one scroll wheel turn.
_EXPECTED_DIRECTION = {'down': 1, 'up': -1}
_TOLLERANCE = 4 # Fast scroll should go at least X times slow scroll.
def _get_scroll_delta(self, name, expected_direction):
"""Playback the given test and return the amount the page moved.
@param name: name of test filename.
@param expected_direction: an integer that is + for down and - for up.
@raise: TestFail if scrolling did not occur in expected direction.
self._playback(self._dut_paths[name], touch_type='mouse')
delta = self._get_scroll_position() - self._DEFAULT_SCROLL'Test %s: saw scroll delta of %d. Expected direction %d.',
name, delta, expected_direction)
if delta * expected_direction < 0:
raise error.TestFail('Scroll was in wrong direction! Delta '
'for %s was %d.' % (name, delta))
return delta
def _verify_single_tick(self, direction):
"""Verify that using the scroll wheel goes the right distance.
Expects a file named direction + '_1'.
name = direction + '_1'
expected_direction = self._EXPECTED_DIRECTION[direction]
expected_value = self._EXPECTED_VALUE_1 * expected_direction
delta = self._get_scroll_delta(name, expected_direction)
if delta != expected_value:
raise error.TestFail('One tick scroll was wrong size: actual=%d, '
'expected=%d.' % (delta, expected_value))
def _verify_fast_vs_slow(self, direction):
"""Verify that fast scrolling goes farther than slow scrolling.
Expects files named direction + '_slow' and direction + '_fast'.
slow = direction + '_slow'
fast = direction + '_fast'
expected = self._EXPECTED_DIRECTION[direction]
slow_delta = self._get_scroll_delta(slow, expected)
fast_delta = self._get_scroll_delta(fast, expected)
if abs(fast_delta) < self._TOLLERANCE * abs(slow_delta):
raise error.TestFail('Fast scroll should be much farther than '
'slow! (%s). %d vs. %d.' %
(direction, slow_delta, fast_delta))
def warmup(self):
# Copy device file to DUT, if available. Deleted during cleanup.
self._copied_files = []
self._mouse_file = os.path.join('/tmp', self._MOUSE_DESCRIPTION)
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.bindir, self._MOUSE_DESCRIPTION),
# Initiate super with property file for emulation.
super(touch_MouseScroll, self).warmup(
mouse_props=self._mouse_file, mouse_name=self._MOUSE_NAME)
def run_once(self):
"""Entry point of this test."""
# Raise error if no mouse detected.
if not self._has_mouse:
raise error.TestError('No USB mouse found on this device.')
# Copy playback files to DUT. Deleted during cleanup.
self._dut_paths = {}
gestures_dir = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'gestures')
for filename in os.listdir(gestures_dir):
dut_path = os.path.join('/tmp', filename)
host_path = os.path.join(gestures_dir, filename)
self._dut_paths[filename] = dut_path
shutil.copyfile(host_path, dut_path)
with chrome.Chrome() as cr:
# Open test page.
self._tab = cr.browser.tabs[0]
os.path.join(self.bindir, 'long_page.html')))
# Test
for direction in ['down', 'up']:
def cleanup(self):
# Call parent cleanup to close mouse emulation
super(touch_MouseScroll, self).cleanup()
# Remove files, if present.
for path in self._copied_files:
except OSError: