blob: 8232de929ecc92f6fee1852df1ce6fc89a9971f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module provides the audio widgets used in audio tests."""
import abc
import copy
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon_port_finder
class AudioWidget(object):
This class abstracts an audio widget in audio test framework. A widget
is identified by its audio port. The handler passed in at __init__ will
handle action on the audio widget.
audio_port: The AudioPort this AudioWidget resides in.
handler: The handler that handles audio action on the widget. It is
actually a (Chameleon/Cros)(Input/Output)WidgetHandler object.
def __init__(self, audio_port, handler):
"""Initializes an AudioWidget on a AudioPort.
@param audio_port: An AudioPort object.
@param handler: A WidgetHandler object which handles action on the widget.
self.audio_port = audio_port
self.handler = handler
def port_id(self):
"""Port id of this audio widget.
@returns: A string. The port id defined in chameleon_audio_ids for this
audio widget.
return self.audio_port.port_id
class AudioInputWidget(AudioWidget):
This class abstracts an audio input widget. This class provides the audio
action that is available on an input audio port.
_rec_binary: The recorded binary data.
_rec_format: The recorded data format. A dict containing
file_type: 'raw' or 'wav'.
sample_format: 'S32_LE' for 32-bit signed integer in
little-endian. Refer to aplay manpage for
other formats.
channel: channel number.
rate: sampling rate.
_channel_map: A list containing current channel map. Checks docstring
of channel_map method for details.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initializes an AudioInputWidget."""
super(AudioInputWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._rec_binary = None
self._rec_format = None
self._channel_map = None
def start_recording(self):
"""Starts recording."""
self._rec_binary = None
self._rec_format = None
def stop_recording(self):
"""Stops recording."""
self._rec_binary, self._rec_format = self.handler.stop_recording()
def save_file(self, file_path):
"""Saves recorded data to a file.
@param file_path: The path to save the file.
with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
logging.debug('Saving recorded raw file to %s', file_path)
def get_binary(self):
"""Gets recorded binary data.
@returns: The recorded binary data.
return self._rec_binary
def data_format(self):
"""The recorded data format.
@returns: The recorded data format.
return self._rec_format
def channel_map(self):
"""The recorded data channel map.
@returns: The recorded channel map. A list containing channel mapping.
E.g. [1, 0, None, None, None, None, None, None] means
channel 0 of recorded data should be mapped to channel 1 of
data played to the recorder. Channel 1 of recorded data should
be mapped to channel 0 of data played to recorder.
Channel 2 to 7 of recorded data should be ignored.
return self._channel_map
def channel_map(self, new_channel_map):
"""Sets channel map.
@param new_channel_map: A list containing new channel map.
self._channel_map = copy.deepcopy(new_channel_map)
class AudioOutputWidget(AudioWidget):
This class abstracts an audio output widget. This class provides the audio
action that is available on an output audio port.
def start_playback(self, file_path, blocking=False):
"""Starts playing audio.
@param file_path: Path to the file to play.
@param blocking: Blocks this call until playback finishes.
self.handler.start_playback(file_path, blocking)
def stop_playback(self):
"""Stops playing audio."""
class WidgetHandler(object):
"""This class abstracts handler for basic actions on widget."""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def plug(self):
"""Plug this widget."""
def unplug(self):
"""Unplug this widget."""
class ChameleonWidgetHandler(WidgetHandler):
This class abstracts a Chameleon audio widget handler.
interface: A string that represents the interface name on
Chameleon, e.g. 'HDMI', 'LineIn', 'LineOut'.
_chameleon_board: A ChameleonBoard object to control Chameleon.
_port: A ChameleonPort object to control port on Chameleon.
def __init__(self, chameleon_board, interface):
"""Initializes a ChameleonWidgetHandler.
@param chameleon_board: A ChameleonBoard object.
@param interface: A string that represents the interface name on
Chameleon, e.g. 'HDMI', 'LineIn', 'LineOut'.
self.interface = interface
self._chameleon_board = chameleon_board
self._port = self._find_port(interface)
def _find_port(self, interface):
"""Finds the port by interface."""
def plug(self):
"""Plugs this widget."""
def unplug(self):
"""Unplugs this widget."""
class ChameleonInputWidgetHandler(ChameleonWidgetHandler):
This class abstracts a Chameleon audio input widget handler.
def start_recording(self):
"""Starts recording."""
def stop_recording(self):
"""Stops recording.
@returns: A tuple (data_binary, data_format) for recorded data.
Refer to stop_capturing_audio call of ChameleonAudioInput.
return self._port.stop_capturing_audio()
def _find_port(self, interface):
"""Finds a Chameleon audio port by interface(port name).
@param interface: string, the interface. e.g: HDMI.
@returns: A ChameleonPort object.
@raises: ValueError if port is not connected.
finder = chameleon_port_finder.ChameleonAudioInputFinder(
chameleon_port = finder.find_port(interface)
if not chameleon_port:
raise ValueError(
'Port %s is not connected to Chameleon' % interface)
return chameleon_port
class ChameleonOutputWidgetHandler(ChameleonWidgetHandler):
This class abstracts a Chameleon audio output widget handler.
# TODO(cychiang): Add Chameleon audio output port.
def start_playback(self, file_path, blocking=False):
"""Starts playback.
@param file_path: Path to the file to play.
@param blocking: Blocks this call until playback finishes.
raise NotImplementedError
def stop_playback(self):
"""Stops playback."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _find_port(self, interface):
"""Finds a Chameleon audio port by interface(port name).
@param interface: string, the interface. e.g: LineOut.
@returns: A ChameleonPort object.
@raises: ValueError if port is not connected.
raise NotImplementedError
class CrosWidgetHandler(WidgetHandler):
This class abstracts a Cros device audio widget handler.
_audio_facade: An AudioFacadeRemoteAdapter to access Cros device
audio functionality.
def __init__(self, audio_facade):
"""Initializes a CrosWidgetHandler.
@param audio_facade: An AudioFacadeRemoteAdapter to access Cros device
audio functionality.
self._audio_facade = audio_facade
def plug(self):
"""Plugs this widget."""
# TODO(cychiang): Implement plug control. This class
# will need access to ChameleonBoard and interface name.
# For widget on 3.5mm jack(Headphone and External Mic), we need to
# plug/unplug 3.5mm jack by fixture controlled by Chameleon.
def unplug(self):
"""Unplugs this widget."""
# TODO(cychiang): Similar to plug().
class CrosInputWidgetHandler(CrosWidgetHandler):
This class abstracts a Cros device audio input widget handler.
def start_recording(self):
"""Starts recording audio."""
raise NotImplementedError
def stop_recording(self):
"""Stops recording audio."""
raise NotImplementedError
class CrosOutputWidgetHandler(CrosWidgetHandler):
This class abstracts a Cros device audio output widget handler.
def start_playback(self, file_path, blocking=False):
"""Starts playing audio.
@param file_path: Path to the file to play.
@param blocking: Blocks this call until playback finishes.
return self._audio_facade.playback(file_path, blocking)
def stop_playback(self):
"""Stops playing audio."""
raise NotImplementedError
class PeripheralWidgetHandler(object):
This class abstracts an action handler on peripheral.
Currently, as there is no action to take on the peripheral speaker and mic,
this class serves as a place-holder.