blob: a10a21f7efd0e583b976ebe122823971c1cc5404 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" Provides http access to biopic service. Biopic is used to compare
and detect any anomalies in any two images.
import base64
import os
import simplejson
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
class ComparisonType(object):
""" Underlying image comparison algorithm
PDIFF = "pdiff"
NOOPDIFF = "noopdiff"
SIMPLEDIFF = "simplediff"
class Error(Exception):
"""Error base class."""
class BiopicClientError(Error):
"""An error related to the BiopicClient."""
class BiopicClient(object):
"""This is a screen compare client that uses HTTP to create its data.
def __init__(self, dotted_project_name):
dotted_project_name: string, the project name, separated by '.'
characters to represent hierarchy.
for example: ""
Test runs will be attached to the place_mark_icon_test with the proper
project parent hierarchy.
This will create the appropriate hierarchy on the backend,
if each parent project(s) do not exist.
host_port: string, the hostname and the port of the backend service.
self.host_port = DEFAULT_BIOPIC_RPC_HOST
self.dotted_project_name = dotted_project_name
def _MakeRPCCall(self, function, params):
"""Helper routine to create the function call and POST it via http.
This uses simplejson to package up the parameters. This assumes the RPC
call also returns a function body that can be parsed with simplejson to
get the actual return value from the RPC all.
function: string, the RPC function name.
params: dictionary of arguments to the RPC function.
Whatever the RPC returns, in dictionary format, or None if the call does
not return anything. It also returns None on error.
BiopicClientError if there was an error fetching or parsing the result.
path = "r/" + function + "/"
url = urlparse.urlunparse(("http", self.host_port, path, "", "", ""))
payload = urllib.urlencode({"arg": simplejson.dumps(params)})
reply = urllib2.urlopen(url, payload).read()
except urllib2.URLError as e:
raise BiopicClientError(e)
# Some calls do not return any JSON at all.
if not reply:
return None
d = simplejson.loads(reply)
except ValueError as e:
# JSON did not parse correctly.
raise BiopicClientError(e)
return d
def EndTestRun(self, testrun_id):
"""Let the backend know that this test run is finished.
This is mainly so that the backend can start any post-processing it
might need to do.
@param testrun_id: The id of the test previously created that needs to
be ended.
params = {"testrun_id": testrun_id}
return self._MakeRPCCall("endtestrun", params)
def CreateTestRun(self, contact):
"""Create a test run on the backend.
@param contact: string (or list of strings), email address of person(s)
to contact about this run, possibly during comparison
errors, etc.
This is required.
A dictionary with the return contents from the RPC call, which contains
"testrun_id", "project_id", "testrun_url", "project_url".
if isinstance(contact, basestring):
contact = [contact]
params = {"project_name": self.dotted_project_name,
"contact": contact
return self._MakeRPCCall("createtestrun", params)
def UploadGoldenImage(self, testrun_id, image_path):
"""Upload a golden image, attached to the testrun's parent project.
@param testrun_id: integer, test run ID as returned by CreateTestRun()
@param image_path: path to the image file. This file will be read and
uploaded (unless upload_indirectly is True, in which
case only the path itself will be sent to the server.
The server will be responsible for reading it from
that path, so it must be world-readable).
A dictionary with the return contents from the RPC call, notably, the
"image_id" entry.
image_path_utf8 = image_path.decode("latin1").encode("utf8")
params = {"testrun_id": testrun_id,
"image_file_name": os.path.basename(image_path_utf8),
image_file = open(image_path, "rb")
encoded = base64.b64encode(
params["image_file_contents_b64"] = encoded
return self._MakeRPCCall("postgoldenimage", params)
def UploadRunImage(self, testrun_id, image_path):
"""Upload a run image, attached to the test run ID.
@param testrun_id: integer, test run ID, as returned by CreateTestRun()
@param image_path: path to the image file. This file will be read and
uploaded (unless upload_indirectly is True, in which
case only the path itself will be sent to the server.
The server will be responsible for reading it from
that path, so it must be world-readable).
A dictionary with the return contents from the RPC call, notably, the
"comparison_id" entry.
image_path_utf8 = image_path.decode("latin1").encode("utf8")
params = {"testrun_id": testrun_id,
"image_file_name": os.path.basename(image_path_utf8),
"comparison_type": ComparisonType.PDIFF}
image_file = open(image_path, "rb")
encoded = base64.b64encode(
params["image_file_contents_b64"] = encoded
return self._MakeRPCCall("postimage", params)