blob: 05f947f6053d07d0219b53797d0ade7f0b53bb2f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
AUTHOR = "Chrome OS Team"
NAME = "desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests"
PURPOSE = "PyAuto-based Chrome performance tests."
CRITERIA = "This test will fail if any of the invoked pyauto perf tests fails."
TEST_CATEGORY = "Benchmark"
TEST_CLASS = "desktopui"
TEST_TYPE = "client"
DOC = """
This is a wrapper test for Chrome pyauto-based performance tests.
Sample usage:
# Run all performance tests with the default set of arguments.
./ --remote=<DEVICE_IP> desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests
# Run a single performance test.
./ --remote=<DEVICE_IP> desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests \
-a 'perf.ScrollTest.testTextScroll'
# Run a single performance test for 2 iterations, rather than the default
# number of iterations (only applies to perf tests that run iteratively).
./ --remote=<DEVICE_IP> desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests \
-a 'perf.ScrollTest.testTextScroll --iterations=2'
# Run a different pyauto suite rather than the default "PERFORMANCE"
# (see the file "PYAUTO_TESTS" in the Chrome tree).
./ --remote=<DEVICE_IP> desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests \
-a '--suite=OTHER_SUITE_NAME'
# Pass arguments to the autotest via an autotest suite control file
# (use "args" for the key, and the argument string as the value).
('desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests', \
{'args': 'perf.ScrollTest.testTextScroll --iterations=10'})
# Run the PGO testsuite under PGO mode (--no-sandbox, --renderer-clean-exit,
# etc.)
./ --remote=<DEVICE_IP> desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests \
-a '--pgo --suite=PGO'
job.run_test('desktopui_PyAutoPerfTests', args=args)