blob: 53f9f1e38d152c7e946ffaa83faaec50069910c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import dpkt
import fake_host
import socket
import zeroconf
FAKE_HOSTNAME = 'fakehost1'
class TestZeroconfDaemon(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test class for ZeroconfDaemon."""
def setUp(self):
self._host = fake_host.FakeHost(FAKE_IPADDR)
self._zero = zeroconf.ZeroconfDaemon(self._host, FAKE_HOSTNAME)
def _query_A(self, name):
"""Returns the list of A records matching the given name.
@param name: A domain name.
@return a list of dpkt.dns.DNS.RR objects, one for each matching record.
q = dpkt.dns.DNS.Q(name=name, type=dpkt.dns.DNS_A)
return self._zero._process_A(q)
def testProperties(self):
"""Test the initial properties set by the constructor."""
self.assertEqual(, self._host)
self.assertEqual(self._zero.hostname, FAKE_HOSTNAME)
self.assertEqual(self._zero.domain, 'local') # Default domain
self.assertEqual(self._zero.full_hostname, FAKE_HOSTNAME + '.local')
def testSocketInit(self):
"""Test that the constructor listens for mDNS traffic."""
# Should create an UDP socket and bind it to the mDNS address and port.
self.assertEqual(len(self._host._sockets), 1)
sock = self._host._sockets[0]
self.assertEqual(sock._family, socket.AF_INET) # IPv4
self.assertEqual(sock._sock_type, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
# Check it is listening for UDP packets on the mDNS address and port.
self.assertEqual(sock._bind_ip_addr, '') # mDNS address
self.assertEqual(sock._bind_port, 5353) # mDNS port
def testRecordsInit(self):
"""Test the A record of the host is registered."""
host_A = self._query_A(self._zero.full_hostname)
self.assertGreater(len(host_A), 0)
record = host_A[0]
# Check the hostname and the packed IP address.
self.assertEqual(, self._zero.full_hostname)
self.assertEqual(record.ip, socket.inet_aton(self._host.ip_addr))
def testDoubleTXTProcessing(self):
"""Test when more than one TXT record is present in a packet.
A mDNS packet can include several answer records for several domains and
record type. A corner case found on the field presents a mDNS packet
with two TXT records for the same domain name on the same packet on its
authoritative answers section while the packet itself is a query.
# Build the mDNS packet with two TXT records.
domain_name = 'other_host.local'
answers = [
type = dpkt.dns.DNS_TXT,
cls = dpkt.dns.DNS_IN,
ttl = 120,
name = domain_name,
text = ['one', 'two']),
type = dpkt.dns.DNS_TXT,
cls = dpkt.dns.DNS_IN,
ttl = 120,
name = domain_name,
text = ['two'])]
# The packet is a query packet, with extra answers on the autoritative
# section.
mdns = dpkt.dns.DNS(
op = dpkt.dns.DNS_QUERY, # Standard query
rcode = dpkt.dns.DNS_RCODE_NOERR,
q = [],
an = [],
ns = answers)
# Record the new answers received on the answer_calls list.
answer_calls = []
self._zero.add_answer_observer(lambda args: answer_calls.extend(args))
# Send the packet to the registered callback.
sock = self._host._sockets[0]
cbk = sock._bind_recv_callback
cbk(str(mdns), '1234', 5353)
# Check that the answers callback is called with all the answers in the
# received order.
self.assertEqual(len(answer_calls), 2)
ans1, ans2 = answer_calls # Each ans is a (rrtype, rrname, data)
self.assertEqual(ans1[2], ('one', 'two'))
self.assertEqual(ans2[2], ('two',))
# Check that the two records were cached.
records = self._zero.cached_results(domain_name, dpkt.dns.DNS_TXT)
self.assertEqual(len(records), 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':