blob: 9281ca7a1881440f92b8b180aa94232c4a75f6b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import shlex
import subprocess
from import cmd_utils
def _get_format_args(channels, bits, rate):
args = ['-c', str(channels)]
args += ['-f', 'S%d_LE' % bits]
args += ['-r', str(rate)]
return args
def _get_default_device():
return 'plughw:%d' % get_default_soundcard_id()
def playback(*args, **kargs):
'''A helper funciton to execute playback_cmd.'''
cmd_utils.execute(playback_cmd(*args, **kargs))
def playback_cmd(
input, duration=None, channels=2, bits=16, rate=48000, device=None):
'''Plays the given input audio by the ALSA utility: 'aplay'.
@param input: The input audio to be played.
@param duration: The length of the playback (in seconds).
@param channels: The number of channels of the input audio.
@param bits: The number of bits of each audio sample.
@param rate: The sampling rate.
@param device: The device to play the audio on.
args = [APLAY_PATH]
if duration is not None:
args += ['-d', str(duration)]
args += _get_format_args(channels, bits, rate)
if device is None:
device = _get_default_device()
args += ['-D', device]
args += [input]
return args
def record(*args, **kargs):
'''A helper function to execute record_cmd.'''
cmd_utils.execute(record_cmd(*args, **kargs))
def record_cmd(
output, duration=None, channels=1, bits=16, rate=48000, device=None):
'''Records the audio to the specified output by ALSA utility: 'arecord'.
@param output: The filename where the recorded audio will be stored to.
@param duration: The length of the recording (in seconds).
@param channels: The number of channels of the recorded audio.
@param bits: The number of bits of each audio sample.
@param rate: The sampling rate.
@param device: The device used to recorded the audio from.
if duration is not None:
args += ['-d', str(duration)]
args += _get_format_args(channels, bits, rate)
if device is None:
device = _get_default_device()
args += ['-D', device]
args += [output]
return args
_default_soundcard_id = -1
def get_default_soundcard_id():
'''Gets the ID of the default soundcard.
@raise RuntimeError: if it fails to find the default soundcard id.
global _default_soundcard_id
if _default_soundcard_id == -1:
_default_soundcard_id = _find_default_soundcard_id()
if _default_soundcard_id is None:
raise RuntimeError('no soundcard found')
return _default_soundcard_id
def _find_default_soundcard_id():
'''Finds the id of the default hardware soundcard.'''
# If there is only one card, choose it; otherwise,
# choose the first card with controls named 'Speaker'
cmd = 'amixer -c %d scontrols'
id = 0
while True:
p = cmd_utils.popen(shlex.split(cmd % id), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, _ = p.communicate()
if p.wait() != 0: # end of the card list
if 'speaker' in output.lower():
return id
id = id + 1
# If there is only one soundcard, return it, else return not found (None)
return 0 if id == 1 else None
def dump_control_contents(device=None):
if device is None:
device = 'hw:%d' % get_default_soundcard_id()
args = [AMIXER_PATH, '-D', device, 'contents']
return cmd_utils.execute(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)