blob: 3d8cb6f5276b4f5b8ed3782decf487fdf5bf4a38 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_socket
from autotest_lib.server.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_test
class bluetooth_Sanity_DefaultState(bluetooth_test.BluetoothTest):
Verify that the Bluetooth adapter has correct state.
version = 1
def _log_settings(self, msg, settings):
strs = []
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_POWERED:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_CONNECTABLE:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_FAST_CONNECTABLE:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_DISCOVERABLE:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_PAIRABLE:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_LINK_SECURITY:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_SSP:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_BREDR:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_HS:
if settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_LE:
logging.debug('msg: %s', " ".join(strs))
def run_once(self):
# Reset the adapter to the powered off state.
if not self.client.reset_off():
raise error.TestFail('DUT could not be reset to initial state')
# Read the initial state of the adapter. Verify that it is powered down.
( address, bluetooth_version, manufacturer_id,
supported_settings, current_settings, class_of_device,
name, short_name ) = self.client.read_info()
self._log_settings('Initial state', current_settings)
if current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_POWERED:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter is powered')
# The other kernel settings (connectable, pairable, etc.) reflect the
# initial state before the bluetooth daemon adjusts them - we're ok
# with them being on or off during that brief period.
# Except for discoverable - that one should be off.
if current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_DISCOVERABLE:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter would be discoverable '
'during power on')
# Verify that the Bluetooth Daemon sees that it is also powered down,
# non-discoverable and not discovering devices.
bluez_properties = self.client.get_adapter_properties()
if bluez_properties['Powered']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Powered property does not '
'match kernel while powered off')
if bluez_properties['Discoverable']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Discoverable property '
'does not match kernel while powered off')
if bluez_properties['Discovering']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon believes adapter is '
'discovering while powered off')
# Power on the adapter, then read the state again. Verify that it is
# powered up, connectable and pairable (accepting incoming connections)
# but not discoverable.
( address, bluetooth_version, manufacturer_id,
supported_settings, current_settings, class_of_device,
name, short_name ) = self.client.read_info()
self._log_settings("Powered up", current_settings)
if not current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_POWERED:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter is not powered')
if not current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_CONNECTABLE:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter is not connectable')
if not current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_PAIRABLE:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter is not pairable')
if current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_DISCOVERABLE:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter is discoverable')
# Verify that the Bluetooth Daemon sees the same state as the kernel
# and that it's not discovering.
bluez_properties = self.client.get_adapter_properties()
if not bluez_properties['Powered']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Powered property does not '
'match kernel while powered on')
if not bluez_properties['Pairable']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Pairable property does not '
'match kernel while powered on')
if bluez_properties['Discoverable']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Discoverable property '
'does not match kernel while powered on')
if bluez_properties['Discovering']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon believes adapter is '
'discovering while powered on')
# Finally power off the adapter again, and verify that the adapter has
# returned to powered down.
( address, bluetooth_version, manufacturer_id,
supported_settings, current_settings, class_of_device,
name, short_name ) = self.client.read_info()
self._log_settings("After power down", current_settings)
if current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_POWERED:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter is powered after power off')
if current_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_DISCOVERABLE:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth adapter would be discoverable '
'during next power on')
# Verify that the Bluetooth Daemon sees the same state as the kernel.
bluez_properties = self.client.get_adapter_properties()
if bluez_properties['Powered']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Powered property does not '
'match kernel after power off')
if bluez_properties['Discoverable']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon Discoverable property '
'does not match kernel after off')
if bluez_properties['Discovering']:
raise error.TestFail('Bluetooth daemon believes adapter is '
'discovering after power off')