blob: 80707144b1c7e53032131d42f432659a280f752a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This test run seeks to place the DUT in suspend-to-RAM for longer
# than the AP will wait for it, to see if/how the DUT notices that
# it's been disassociated.
# static key WEP-40
{ "name":"SuspendWEP",
"steps":[ # Channel [1,6,11]
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
# Connect the DUT to an AP
[ "config", { "channel":"2412", "mode":"11g",
"ssid_suffix": "t1",
# "authmode":"open", "wepmode":"on",
# 10 digits : 0123456789
"wep_key0": "0123456789",
"wep_key1": "89abcdef01",
"wep_key2": "9876543210",
"wep_key3": "fedcba9876",
"ap_max_inactivity" : '10'} ],
# key index 1, 40-bit WEP
[ "connect", { "security":"wep", "psk":"1:89abcdef01" } ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
# Put the system to sleep for 20 seconds
[ "client_suspend_bg", { "suspend_time": "20" } ],
# Wait for DUT to go to sleep
[ "sleep", { "time":"15" } ],
# Deauth the DUT while it sleeps
[ "client_deauth", { } ],
# Wait for DUT to wake up
[ "client_suspend_end", { } ],
# If the DUT realizes that it has been deauthed, then it should
# reassociate quickly and the ping below should succeeed.
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
# Pull some time differences out of the logs
[ "log_time_diff", { "from":"Low-level resume complete",
"to":"Reason: 7",
"perf":"deauth" } ],
[ "log_time_diff", { "from":"Low-level resume complete",
"to":": associated",
"perf":"reassociated" } ],
[ "log_time_diff", { "from":"Low-level resume complete",
"to":" -> COMPLETED",
"perf":"reconnect" } ],
[ "destroy" ],