blob: 8997f66b8b5917b51f9767d674fe183efaf55362 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Django chart models for a report listing all known automated tests.
Produce the data behind a google visualisation data table that can
be rendered into a chart.
Data entry points at this time include:
-GetRangedTestReportData(): produce a tests by #executed data table.
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import readonly_connection
import autotest_lib.frontend.croschart.chartmodels as chartmodels
from autotest_lib.frontend.croschart.charterrors import ChartDBError
from autotest_lib.frontend.croschart.charterrors import ChartInputError
import gviz_api
# Queries: These are designed as stateless functions with static relationships.
# e.g. GetBuildRangedChartQuery() depends on
# GetBasePerfQuery() for efficiency.
(SELECT name as test_name, test_class, test_type, path, author, test_category,
'' as platform, 0 as run_count, 0.0 as avg_test_time
FROM afe_autotests
SELECT test_name, '' as test_class, '' as test_type, '' as path, '' as author,
'' as test_category, platform, COUNT(*) as run_count,
ROUND(AVG(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(test_finished_time, test_started_time))))
as avg_test_time
FROM tko_test_view_2
AND NOT test_name REGEXP 'boot\.[0-9]'
AND NOT ISNULL(test_started_time)
AND NOT ISNULL(test_finished_time)
GROUP BY test_name, subdir, platform) AS q"""
def GetBaseTestQuery(request):
"""Test query is simple with no parameters."""
return query
# Models
def GetTestReportData(query):
"""Prepare and run the db query and massage the results."""
def AggregateTests(data_list):
"""Groups multiple row data by test name and platform."""
raw_dict = {}
test_attributes = set()
platform_attributes = set()
for (test_name, test_class, test_type, path, author, test_category,
platform, run_count, avg_test_time) in data_list:
if test_name.find(':') > -1:
test_dict = raw_dict.setdefault(test_name, {'test_name': test_name,
'run_count': 0})
for field_name, field in (('test_class', test_class),
('test_type', test_type),
('path', path),
('author', author),
('test_category', test_category)):
if field:
test_dict.setdefault(field_name, field)
if platform:
platform_name = platform[8:]
if run_count:
test_dict['run_count'] += int(run_count)
field_name = '%s-run_count' % platform_name
test_dict.setdefault(field_name, run_count)
if avg_test_time:
field_name = '%s-avg_test_time' % platform_name
test_dict.setdefault(field_name, avg_test_time)
if not raw_dict:
raise ChartDBError('No data returned')
return (raw_dict.values(),
sorted(list(test_attributes)) + sorted(list(platform_attributes)))
def ToGVizJsonTable(table_data, test_attributes):
"""Massage data into gviz data table in proper order."""
# Now format for gviz table.
description = {'test_name': ('string', 'Name'),
'run_count': ('number', '#Run')}
keys_in_order = ['test_name', 'run_count']
for a in test_attributes:
description[a] = ('string', a)
gviz_data_table = gviz_api.DataTable(description)
gviz_data_table = gviz_data_table.ToJSon(keys_in_order)
return gviz_data_table
cursor = readonly_connection.connection().cursor()
test_data, test_attributes = AggregateTests(cursor.fetchall())
gviz_data_table = ToGVizJsonTable(test_data, test_attributes)
return {'gviz_data_table': gviz_data_table}
def AddWhereClause(existing, new_clause):
"""Add a clause to a SQL WHERE."""
if not existing or not existing.strip():
return ' WHERE %s ' % new_clause
return existing + (' AND %s ' % new_clause)
def GetRangedTestReportData(request):
"""Prepare and run the db query and massage the results."""
ranged_queries = {'from_date': chartmodels.GetDateRangedChartQuery,
'interval': chartmodels.GetIntervalRangedChartQuery}
for range_key in ['from_date', 'interval', None]:
if request.GET.get(range_key, None):
if not range_key:
raise ChartInputError('One interval-type parameter must be supplied.')
query_parameters = {'afe_where': ' ',
'tko_where': ranged_queries[range_key](request)}
test_name = request.GET.get('test_name')
if test_name and test_name.strip():
query_parameters['afe_where'] = AddWhereClause(
query_parameters['afe_where'], "name = '%s'" % test_name.strip())
query_parameters['tko_where'] = AddWhereClause(
query_parameters['tko_where'], "test_name = '%s'" % test_name.strip())
query = GetBaseTestQuery(request) % query_parameters
if request.GET.get('query'):
raise ChartDBError(query)
data_dict = GetTestReportData(query)
return data_dict