blob: 2091e47b4968b6848257f7f4d9631f568d0efd5c [file] [log] [blame]
__author__ = ", (Gwendal Grignou)"
import io
import mock
import six
import unittest
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
'Linux 3.8.11 (localhost) 02/19/19 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)\n'
'Device tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn\n'
'ALL 4.45 10.33 292.40 665582 188458\n'
class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test utils functions."""
# Test methods, disable missing-docstring
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
def setUp(self):
utils._open_file = self.fake_open
# Files opened with utils._open_file will contain this string.
self.fake_file_text = ''
def fake_open(self, path):
# Use BytesIO instead of StringIO to support with statements.
if six.PY2:
return io.BytesIO(bytes(self.fake_file_text))
return io.StringIO(self.fake_file_text)
def test_concat_partition(self):
self.assertEquals("nvme0n1p3", utils.concat_partition("nvme0n1", 3))
self.assertEquals("mmcblk1p3", utils.concat_partition("mmcblk1", 3))
self.assertEquals("sda3", utils.concat_partition("sda", 3))
# The columns in /proc/stat are:
# user nice system idle iowait irq softirq steal guest guest_nice
# Although older kernel versions might not contain all of them.
# Unit is 1/100ths of a second.
def test_get_cpu_usage(self):
self.fake_file_text = 'cpu 254544 9 254768 2859878 1 2 3 4 5 6\n'
usage = utils.get_cpu_usage()
'user': 254544,
'nice': 9,
'system': 254768,
'idle': 2859878,
'iowait': 1,
'irq': 2,
'softirq': 3,
'steal': 4,
'guest': 5,
'guest_nice': 6
}, usage)
def test_get_cpu_missing_columns(self):
self.fake_file_text = 'cpu 254544 9 254768 2859878\n'
usage = utils.get_cpu_usage()
'user': 254544,
'nice': 9,
'system': 254768,
'idle': 2859878,
'iowait': 0,
'irq': 0,
'softirq': 0,
'steal': 0,
'guest': 0,
'guest_nice': 0
}, usage)
def test_compute_active_cpu_time(self):
start_usage = {
'user': 900,
'nice': 10,
'system': 90,
'idle': 10000,
'iowait': 500,
'irq': 100,
'softirq': 50,
'steal': 150,
'guest': 170,
'guest_nice': 30
end_usage = {
'user': 1800,
'nice': 20,
'system': 180,
'idle': 13000,
'iowait': 2000,
'irq': 200,
'softirq': 100,
'steal': 300,
'guest': 340,
'guest_nice': 60
usage = utils.compute_active_cpu_time(start_usage, end_usage)
self.assertAlmostEqual(usage, 0.25)
def test_compute_active_cpu_time_idle(self):
start_usage = {
'user': 900,
'nice': 10,
'system': 90,
'idle': 10000,
'iowait': 500,
'irq': 100,
'softirq': 50,
'steal': 150,
'guest': 170,
end_usage = {
'user': 900,
'nice': 10,
'system': 90,
'idle': 11000,
'iowait': 1000,
'irq': 100,
'softirq': 50,
'steal': 150,
'guest': 170,
usage = utils.compute_active_cpu_time(start_usage, end_usage)
self.assertAlmostEqual(usage, 0)
def test_get_mem_total(self):
self.fake_file_text = ('MemTotal: 2048000 kB\n'
'MemFree: 307200 kB\n'
'Buffers: 102400 kB\n'
'Cached: 204800 kB\n')
self.assertAlmostEqual(utils.get_mem_total(), 2000)
def test_get_mem_free(self):
self.fake_file_text = ('MemTotal: 2048000 kB\n'
'MemFree: 307200 kB\n'
'Buffers: 102400 kB\n'
'Cached: 204800 kB\n')
self.assertAlmostEqual(utils.get_mem_free(), 300)
def test_get_mem_free_plus_buffers_and_cached(self):
self.fake_file_text = ('MemTotal: 2048000 kB\n'
'MemFree: 307200 kB\n'
'Buffers: 102400 kB\n'
'Cached: 204800 kB\n')
def test_get_meminfo(self):
self.fake_file_text = ('MemTotal: 2048000 kB\n'
'MemFree: 307200 kB\n'
'Buffers: 102400 kB\n'
'Cached: 204800 kB\n'
'Active(anon): 409600 kB')
meminfo = utils.get_meminfo()
self.assertEqual(meminfo.MemTotal, 2048000)
self.assertEqual(meminfo.Active_anon, 409600)
def test_get_num_allocated_file_handles(self):
self.fake_file_text = '123 0 456\n'
self.assertEqual(utils.get_num_allocated_file_handles(), 123)
def test_get_storage_statistics(self, system_output_mock):
system_output_mock.return_value = _IOSTAT_OUTPUT
statistics = utils.get_storage_statistics()
'read_kb': 665582.0,
'written_kb_per_s': 292.4,
'read_kb_per_s': 10.33,
'transfers_per_s': 4.45,
'written_kb': 188458.0,
}, statistics)
def test_base64_recursive_encode(self):
obj = {
'a': 10,
'b': 'hello',
'c': [100, 200, bytearray(b'\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4')],
'd': {
784: bytearray(b'@\x14\x01P'),
78.0: bytearray(b'\x10\x05\x0b\x10\xb2\x1b\x00')
if utils.is_python2():
expected_encoded_obj = {
'YQ==': 10,
'Yg==': 'aGVsbG8=',
'Yw==': [100, 200, '8PHy8/Q='],
'ZA==': {
784: 'QBQBUA==',
78.0: 'EAULELIbAA=='
expected_encoded_obj = {
'a': 10,
'b': 'hello',
'c': [100, 200, b'8PHy8/Q='],
'd': {
784: b'QBQBUA==',
78.0: b'EAULELIbAA=='
encoded_obj = utils.base64_recursive_encode(obj)
self.assertEqual(expected_encoded_obj, encoded_obj)
def test_base64_recursive_decode(self):
if utils.is_python2():
encoded_obj = {
'YQ==': 10,
'Yg==': 'aGVsbG8=',
'Yw==': [100, 200, '8PHy8/Q='],
'ZA==': {
784: 'QBQBUA==',
78.0: 'EAULELIbAA=='
encoded_obj = {
'a': 10,
'b': 'hello',
'c': [100, 200, b'8PHy8/Q='],
'd': {
784: b'QBQBUA==',
78.0: b'EAULELIbAA=='
expected_decoded_obj = {
'a': 10,
'b': 'hello',
'c': [100, 200, b'\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4'],
'd': {
784: b'@\x14\x01P',
78.0: b'\x10\x05\x0b\x10\xb2\x1b\x00'
decoded_obj = utils.base64_recursive_decode(encoded_obj)
self.assertEqual(expected_decoded_obj, decoded_obj)
def test_bytes_to_str_recursive(self):
obj = {
'a': 10,
'b': 'hello',
'c': b'b_hello',
'd': [100, 200, bytearray(b'\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4')],
'e': {
784: bytearray(b'@\x14\x01P'),
78.0: bytearray(b'\x10\x05\x0b\x10\xb2\x1b\x00')
if utils.is_python2():
self.assertEqual(b'foo', utils.bytes_to_str_recursive(b'foo'))
self.assertEqual('foo', utils.bytes_to_str_recursive('foo'))
self.assertEqual(obj, utils.bytes_to_str_recursive(obj))
self.assertEqual('foo', utils.bytes_to_str_recursive(b'foo'))
# self.assertEqual('\ufffdabc', utils.bytes_to_str_recursive(b'\x80abc'))
self.assertEqual('foo', utils.bytes_to_str_recursive('foo'))
expected_obj = {
'a': 10,
'b': 'hello',
'c': 'b_hello',
# u prefix: Python 2 interpreter friendly.
'd': [100, 200, u'\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0444'],
'e': {
784: '@\x14\x01P',
78.0: u'\x10\x05\x0b\x10\u00b2\x1b\x00'
self.assertEqual(expected_obj, utils.bytes_to_str_recursive(obj))